Thread: Canvas doors
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Old 27-02-14, 16:08
Hanno Spoelstra's Avatar
Hanno Spoelstra Hanno Spoelstra is offline
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Originally Posted by Mike Cecil View Post
To clarify Ian's comments, the RAAF vehicle registers were originally located at RAAF Support Command, Logistics Management Unit, St Kilda Road, Melbourne. They were relocated to the RAAF Museum in the mid-1990s, but were recalled by the Support Command in the late 1990s, against the wishes of the RAAF Museum staff. Soon after, they went missing and have not been seen since. The RAAF Museum librarian was extremely upset by their loss. As far as I am aware from speaking with her, there is no record of them having been 'lent' to anyone, and this is the first I've heard of that: the more likely scenario is they were 'round filed' during a clean-up/move: the unit certainly didn't appreciate what they were holding when I accessed them in the late 1980s and early 1990s, until I informed them of their historical value.

In the mid-1990s, I was instrumental in having them moved to the RAAF Museum (I actually recommended they be forwarded to the AWM, to be held along with the Army registers). I still have the correspondence.

Fortunately, I made copious notes from the registers when I had access. Those records were then transcribed to my registrations database: a HUGE and time-consuming job!
Same sort of thing happened here in Holland, where vehicle registration cards were taken from the Army's archives and were going to be disposed of. Two acquaintances of mine asked if they could have the cards as they were collecting vehicle registration numbers and details. The answer was no, they were to be destroyed.
But they were allowed to copy details. This was in the pre-digital camera days, so they had to sit down and take notes. Sadly, time was lacking to record all vehicle histories.....

My experience with serving military is that anything struck off charge is of no value to them, except when it can be used as a range target

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