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Old 14-12-13, 00:17
Chris Suslowicz Chris Suslowicz is offline
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Originally Posted by kevin powles View Post
Hi johnny, that info is great!, I have seen the spacer available but I guess the metal bracket would be difficult to get, has anyone got a drawing of it, looks easy to make.

Regards Kevin.
As Johnny (Geoff?) said, you need items 2, 27 and 28 (plus Aerial Feeder No.7).

Item 2 is the bracket that bolts to the carrier hull and supports everything.
Item 27 is the "Piece, Packing" and is just a spacer between the curve of the variometer and the flat mounting surface of the bracket.
Item 28 is the critical part: "Plate, Seating" - it's a stretched hexagon matching the outline of item 27 and has a row of pressed-in countersunk holes for the three variometer fixing screws, plus two spot-welded metal strips (it's too thin, otherwise) with a pair of tapped holes in each to fit it to the bracket (Item 2).

I suspect the assembly sequence is:

First, fit the aerial feeder cable to the plate and fit that to the variometer.
Next, assemble items 27 and 28 and fix them to the "barrel" of the variometer with 3 screws provided.
Then fix the whole assembly to item 2 with the four screws provided.
Finally, fit item 2 to the vehicle hull.

(Trying to do it any other way, e.g: fitting the hull bracket first, will be very difficult because you won't get a screwdriver under the bracket even if you have eyes in your fingertips.)

Once that's all done you can feed the aerial cable through the aerial mounting (don't forget the rubber sleeve), attach the connector plate to the cable and position it on the top of the mounting (rubber gaskets as desired), then screw the pigtail lead into the underside of the aerial base, connect the pigtail to the connector plate (centre contact - ring terminal and very fiddly screw), then fix the whole lot to the aerial mounting plate with the six bolts.

After all that, a cup of tea (or something stronger) is definitely recommended.

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