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Old 05-12-13, 19:46
Bruce MacMillan Bruce MacMillan is offline
a Canuck/Brit in Blighty
Join Date: Jul 2004
Location: Hell Fire Corner, Kent UK
Posts: 705

Hi Don,

Here's a paragraph from the "History of the Royal Canadian Corps of Signals" about Canadian comms in Korea.

"Wireless sets most commonly used had been British, U.S. and Canadian origin. For normal brigade communications the workhorse radio of the Second World War, the No. 19 set, had been found reliable as ever, and a No. 52 set link had kept the brigade in touch with the Canadian base in Hiro, Japan. The infantry had found the No. 88 set reliable up to one mile and the American SCR-300 had a maximum range of 10 miles, although both had their individual peculiarities and limitations in hilly country. "C" Squadron, Lord Strathcona's Horse, had found it expedient to exchange the equipment in their American tanks for the No. 19 sets."

Also in that conflict RC Sigs used #1 sets and WS62.
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