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Old 17-09-13, 17:34
Alex van de Wetering Alex van de Wetering is offline
Join Date: Mar 2003
Location: Hoofddorp, The Netherlands
Posts: 2,676
Default WS19 guide for dummies?


Is there something like a WS19 guide for dummies?

Like how do you tell a mk2 from a Mk3 on the outside (apart from the data plate)?...Are replacement decals/plates available if you want to restore the front panel?...Is there any way to trace when a set was roughly made and by who? Italian sets......only a matter of fixing the internals, fitting a Volt meter and replacing decals/plates????

I intend to fit a Canadian ws19 to my C8 in due time, and I am trying to get a little education on what to look for. Having no experience or knowledge on wireless sets, the available info on the web is sometimes hard to follow .....for me the inside only looks like Spaghetti with a few bulbs thrown in....

Chevrolet C8 cab 11 FFW
BSA Folding Bicycle

Last edited by Alex van de Wetering; 17-09-13 at 17:53.
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