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Old 16-05-13, 04:16
Bob Carriere Bob Carriere is offline
Join Date: Mar 2003
Location: Hammond, Ontario
Posts: 5,213
Default The time consuming details....

Hi Alex

I will share my experience based on the C15a which has some application...others can chip in with more C* specific experience.

-The front section of brake line is probably about the same for all Chev CMPs. Is this section of brake line only held by the two clips just under the radiator?

**** Your set up on the dront corss memebr is correct and probably the only section simialr to a C15a

-The holes in the side of the frame where the above brake line meets the brake hoses....were these holes originally fitted with grommets?

****On the the early C15a the steel line stops at the hole in the frame. That hole is filled by the end of the flexible brake line and held in place by a U shape spring clip. The steel brake line is flared and screws in to the end of the flex line. On the outside of the frame, the flex line goes directly to the wheel cylinder..... that means finding a rubber flex line about 18 inches long.... Wagner/Raybestos still makes them and I can dig up the number for you.

-The rear brake line going from the master cylinder to the right rear section of the frame.

*** correct brake lines and wiring are all on the RH side. The line should go to the rear frame and stop about even with the rear axle. The end of the line connects to a strap steel bracket coming form the frake and extending about 8 inches towards the gear housing of the rear axle. To that bracket a simialr but shorter flex line is held in place with a U shape clip. So the steel flared line screws into the end of the rubber line and the flex line reaches down to a 3 way block on the rear axle....brass block usually held in place by a bolt for the rear axle cover. The you have solid steel lines snaking on top of the axle housing to each wheel cylinders.

Now for the clipping or wiring and lines. Phil Waterman will chip in here with his near fire due to loose wiring.

Regardless pf where or how many clips they had to hold the wiring and brake lines in place ***** make sure you instal as many as is requried on your truck to keep everything from rubbing, wearing and potentially start a fire or cause you to loose all braking capacity.

On the C15a the brake lines are runned inside and through cross members and is it, to me anyways, impossible to run one solid line from the master cylinder to the rear axle... you need to have a union joint mid way. I was able to obtain NOS felt gromlets from Brian Ashbury.... my stainless steel brake lines have rubber hose cladding over any area that might rub on a cross member. Now is the time to fiddle with these parts...once the body goes down it becomes a nightmare.

My brake line was cut just behind the cab and one clip remained, which is positioned on the inside of the rear cab support (see picture). Does anyone have a pic of the original rooting of this section of brake line? Is it just a straight line from this clip to just in front of the rear shock absorber...than curving to the bracket which secures it to the rear brake hose....all without clips?.... Yes I think so but we nwo better now!!!

Hope you are still enjoying your project.


PS looking for some pictures for you
Bob Carriere....B.T.B
C15a Cab 11
Hammond, Ontario
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