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Old 07-03-13, 13:15
jack neville jack neville is offline
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Default 39 update

Bob and Bob,

The cabin is pretty straight forward actually now that I have salvaged all the bits required. Much of the work is working out what to cut from one and scrap from the other. Once it is sandblasted it just has to be reassembled. I had a practice run a few years ago when I did the Marmon Herrington. Although it is a 41 model cab, the rear extension is the same. I did intend to 'steel' the 39 out instead of replacing the timber but when looking at it, it is easier to replace the timber. There is only about a dozen pieces that need to be made.

The gauges in the original cabin are pretty stuffed Bob, but I do have some others. I might bring them to Corowa for you to have a look at.
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