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Old 02-04-12, 01:30
Keith Webb's Avatar
Keith Webb Keith Webb is offline
Film maker, CMP addict
Join Date: Feb 2003
Posts: 8,218
Default Accommodation stories

A lot of us travel around for work and CMP purposes. In my case I can sometimes mix business with visiting my MLU friends driving around Australia (and the rest of the world).
Sometimes I have had the pleasure of staying with people, and on Saturday I was fortunate to share a meal with carrier collector Ric Malaspina in Casula near Sydney (thanks, Ric).
I had planned to stay with my daughter in Balmain, but weariness dictated I find a motel, and I found a beauty!
It looked OK from the outside, but I should have heeded the warning signs when the reception door was unbolted (at least 3 locks) by someone looking like the type who rides threatening motorcycles wearing death head jackets.
I paid, and was told to park next to the red Camry, the only other car there.
When I opened the graffiti door this was the sight that greeted me:

And looking back the other way:

Clearly this was going to be an interesting stay.

So after emptying anything of value from the car, I slept with one eye open on the bed built of concrete and chipboard with a 2" foam mattress.

The ceiling in the bathroom was collapsing and lots of healthy mould was growing there.

About 3 something woke me (probably the effects of passive smoking from the carpets and drapes) and this was on the bathroom window:

Other enterprising spiders had colonised the spare rolls of toilet paper, fortunately there was just enough left for me to safely use.

In the morning I thought I'd watch the news on the 1970s TV:

And this was on the inside of the wardrobe:

It was nice to see someone creative had been there in the past.

There was a jug for boiling water but someone had stolen the crockery, fridge and also the remote for the air conditioner. They had also taken the towel rails and most other more portable items. I contemplated vandalising the TV to get into the swing of things but remembering the check-in guy I thought better of it.

I was surprised and relieved to find my car still there in the morning without smashed windows.

But something was missing... and as I loaded the car I heard a screaming match between a man and woman somewhere in another room. My satisfaction was then complete. It was the best $80 I had spent in a long time.
Film maker

42 FGT No8 (Aust) remains
42 FGT No9 (Aust)
42 F15
Keith Webb
Macleod, Victoria Australia
Also Canadian Military Pattern Vehicles group on Facebook
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