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Old 05-02-12, 13:21
Dianaa Dianaa is offline
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Originally Posted by RHClarke View Post

Very interesting. I served my country for over 20 years and I can state that my mates and I saw our flag as inseparable from our country. Our flag represents more than a geographical location - it represents our way of life, our families, our friends and our ideals.

I can't see how you can separate the flag from the country. Then again, I am not a liberal so these fancy notions escape me.

Is your point based on something you read, or did you serve or are you serving in the military? On what do you base your hypothesis?
Interestingly it seems my opinion is only valuable if I wore a military uniform, well no I didn't, but that is not the point is it, I wore a uniform in civilian services for more than 35 years and had my country needed my nursing services in a battle zone overseas I would have signed up in a second. Many of my generation were too late for Vietnam and even though many joined the military very few actually served anywhere but Australia, so what does their practicing to defend the Country make their service any more valuable than my service in the front line of trauma and emergency saving the lives of Australians. And if you would like to know I represented the people of Australia working for the United Nations but no I never faced any bullets.

My hypothesis is not that the National Flag is not a symbol worthy of honour, but IMHO like Canada I feel we deserve a flag which identifies an independant Australia, not something that has the Union Flag (its not a jack unless its on a ship) occupying the most important 25%.
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