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Old 20-07-04, 08:51
Vets Dottir
Posts: n/a

Originally posted by herr-pear
I'm a Yank and I live in Las Vegas (Michigan born and raised) and hope no one will hold any of that against me

This is an outstanding forum and Geoff has my deepest gratitude for providing it.

Herr-Pear (An old Army nickname)
Roger Hull
Herr-Pear ... if I come visiting will you take me to BINGO? The pots must be REALLY BIG there!

We have quite a few YANKS in here I think ... my kids father is a Yank, even wore a Uniform for the Korean War but served in an office at home ... going blind (almost there now) He was born Dallas, Texas, currently resides SF and Oakland. I know nothing of who he served with and actually don't know much American Military History either, I've never lived States Side.... tho I've conversed with many Vets ... Marines etc. Its time for me to learn a little about my Southern friends Mil History. I feel so sad for all the soldiers now who seem to be dieing daily. My heart goes out to their loved ones ... and to all the soldiers. War is hell no matter what side.

I love seeing all the people from all over the world in here ... we meet here. Learn from each other.

Now .... sleep calls me. I need my energy to deal with Marko. (I can hardly wait to read new posts in here tomorrow!)

nite ...Karmen
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