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Old 20-07-04, 00:51
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Mark W. Tonner Mark W. Tonner is offline
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Default Re: MLU Forum History: What/Who brought you here?

Originally posted by V_D

I'm "Vets_Dottir" (I LOVE this handle best!)
aka "V_D"
aka "Karmen my original name"
aka "Little Miss Yappy etc"
aka "Pixie Witch"
aka (etc)
aka "Monkey Butt"
aka "Little Miss Yappy The Warrior Princess"
aka "Yapster"

Now back to the topic, What brought me here? That's a good question Karmen, and to tell you the truth, I really can't remember.

I used to post on the 'old' MLU Forum when there was a topic I knew about, but I wasn't a member. But when the format changed to the one we have today on the Forum, I became a member and have enjoyed every minute of 'posting' on both.

The thing I really like, is that, the members are from around the world and everyone brings something to the table relating to the topic at hand, even if its a small detail, but that small detail, is another piece of the puzzle or a small piece of information that another person involved in the discussion didn't have before.

Amongst the members here, there really is a vast amount of information and knowledge to be had. Even for those who don't know a 'Bren Gun' from a 'CMP' or, has Clive said once, a "Stuart Mk V from another hunk of metal", or something along those lines.

Everyone here contributes freely and willingly, no questions asked. When a question is raised, it never takes to long before there is an answer to it posted, or directions given where one might find the answer or further information on the subject in question.

The Forum today, even has its comedy, no names mentioned, which is great comic relief in itself. A certain someone being both the 'Star Attraction and Target' (Oh!, Did I say that ).

I agree with 'herr-parr', we all owe Geoff a debt of gratitude for providing us with this outstanding means of both sharing and learning.

It's a sad fact, that here in Canada, not to many know anything about the 'Canadian Military' or it's history, or of what they've done since the country came to be, whether it be here at home or around the world. Through this Forum though, for anyone that's interested in Canada's Military past, they can come here and surely learn something at least. 'Case in Point', even 'Little Miss Yappy' knows what a 'Salute' is now, and how to execute it, I think?

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