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Old 15-07-04, 16:41
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Hanno Spoelstra Hanno Spoelstra is offline
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Default Re: lend-lease

Nuyt, yep, I was typing up my message while you posted yours.

Originally posted by ericnuyt
Hanno, that's not strange since it lists all deliveries under Lend-lease which does not include all other deliveries and purchases to the private sector. So, if something does not show up on the lend-lease list it does not mean it was never delivered.
I know, but wouldn't you agree the "37mm, AT, w/limbers" were probably those National Forge & Ordnance Co. guns? Possibly they made an accounting error: while the listing for the item says 6, the total of 58 37-mm guns could indicate actually 8 were delivered, corresponding to those 8 guns plus limbers captured by the Japanese as Stellan noted.
As for the M-H's guns, please read Heesakkers stories in Twenot's De Tank. There is an interesting account of these automatic guns.
Will do and get back to you on it.

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