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Old 14-07-04, 15:43
Hanno Spoelstra's Avatar
Hanno Spoelstra Hanno Spoelstra is offline
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Default Re: Hanno/David/Nuyt/Cliff/Stellan

Bill, good to hear you have set up high-speed internet access! I too have my ADSL modem set up and running, albeit not yet in the wireless mode.

Originally posted by Bill Murray
In theory this will allow me to access all the loose photos of which I have rather a lot, most unpublished, the books, most of which are long out of print and other goodies such as catalogs etc. and be able to scan them and get them into play here.
I'm sure Hanno/David/Nuyt/Cliff/Stellan will be drooling over it, but I'd like to point out the fact that we will be using a lot of server space. Nothing wrong with that, except for the fact that Geoff is paying the bills. So, I'm asking you (not on Geoff's behalf ) to consider making a donation towards Keeping Maple Leaf Up! if you plan on continuing to "soil" this great forum with non-CMP stuff.

Hanno: I have discovered quite a lot of photos and articles on the C15TA armoured cars in use in many countries. Is this of continuing interest to you?
It most certainly is - please consider to e-mail me any pictures instead of posting them here (in view of the above), and I'll make sure they will be published on the internet.

Oh, and good luck!
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