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Old 18-07-11, 02:46
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Robin Craig Robin Craig is offline
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Join Date: Jan 2006
Location: Near Kingston, ON, Canada
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I guess I could state once more that there are many old pilots and many bold pilots but very few old and bold pilots.

I am human as is everyone else here. We all make mistakes. Those of us who are lucky get to learn a lesson and our friends are not hurt. Others are not so lucky.

I have had some accidents which were CAUSED by errors I made, they did not just "happen".

Steel tracks on a steel deck nearly cost a friend his life during load up. I had experienced the same a few years before and offered snow mobile tracks for grip. . . . .

Sadly, those of us who have grey hair are not always listened to by others.

That child driving the APC is negligence, period.

Should not have happened.

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