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Old 20-04-11, 14:54
Hanno Spoelstra's Avatar
Hanno Spoelstra Hanno Spoelstra is offline
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Join Date: Feb 2003
Location: The Netherlands
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Originally Posted by Alex Blair View Post
I always pay cash...
Can We send Sean cash by mail here in Canada..??It is a lot cheaper to pay Sean here in Canada..
Or do we have to pay you ..??
I will send this duplicate posting to you by e-mail.
Further why not have European and British MLU'ers pay you...Canadian's and Americans pay Sean and Anzacs pay Keith..
Saves a hell of a lot of exchange expenses..You three should have identical access to the account to pay bills or account for the cash to each other and to the members..and it gives credence to honesty on the site that there would never be any question of "Getting Ripped off" by MLUers or administration..

Have replied to your e-mail, we will work something out for you as a long serving member and supporter.

But PayPal is a global platform, so one does not need to have local representatives in each country to go around the membership with a tin money box - dude, it's all about electronics these days!

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