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Old 04-04-11, 21:41
Doug Lavoie Doug Lavoie is offline
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Join Date: Dec 2005
Location: Beaumont, Alberta
Posts: 206
Default My computer e mail list

To the folks on this site that I have had personal e mails sent and received. Early this morning I started getting calls about me being in Spain and needing money. That is not true. My e mail list has been hijacked. I have been working with the RCMP fraud on this. I will let everyone know on a safe e-mail. I cannot access my account right now so am trying my best to get the word out you you.

I am truly sorry for any inconvenience this has and may cause you folks. I have tried to keep my system clean of any virus my best etc., but some where it did not work. What a hell of a world! I truly am sorry.

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