Thread: rain coming
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Old 07-12-10, 12:02
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Max Hedges Max Hedges is offline
Join Date: Apr 2003
Location: Yass, Australia
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We've been off line for a few weeks as the computer is out of action and now we are borrowing Emma's. We sure had some rain here as well, one advantage of this hilly country we can't get flooded out only the poor people down stream in the flatter country cop all the water and flooding, we went for a drive to Gundagai and saw the water, there sure is a lot there spread out right across the flats under the bridge. We were flatout making hay before the rain came and now we're at a stand still as the paddocks are too boggy to get the machinery onto, now they are predicting more rain in the next couple of days maybe another couple of inches.Hope everyone is OK and not affected by the flooding too much.

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