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Old 18-10-10, 04:50
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RHClarke RHClarke is offline
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Default PC Ottawa

Originally Posted by maple_leaf_eh View Post
Before I have to argue with a raccoon for drivers' seat privileges, any suggestions on how to 'deal' with them? A fresh pan of anti-freeze and a half-dozen apples? A few bricks of mouse or rat poison?
Don't call the city's pest control organization (easily found by calling the number in the city directory and being transferred at least seven times). Some politically correct dingbat will inform you that you will have to "humanely" trap the offending beast(s) and transport them one kilometer away from your home where they should be released. Now, if you live in a built up area, the release point for pepe lepew will be in someone's neighbourhood...When I trapped a racoon, I called the animal control knobs and spoke with a pablum-puking save-the-whale type. She gave me firm directions as mentioned above. I indicated that I would only be transporting the critter to someone else's yard, and that made no sense. It replied (in a snotty, talking down to an idiot voice): "Sir! They were here first." I replied that I didn't think the racoon was 50 years old, but who am I to argue with an "expert". After some polite thank yous, Jesse and I loaded the less-than-pleased racoon into the trunk of the car and headed out of town. I looked for the first liberal election campaign sign and released the racoon in their yard.

Now I have a skunk residing under my shed. The next trick is to get the bastard out without getting sprayed, and keeping him out. Can't poision him, can't shoot him, don't want to transport a stinking skunk in the car, so I will have to wait until he comes out at night and seal off his front door. Hopefully the neighbours won't call the tactical squad out while I tackle the lil runt...
Why is it that when you have the $$, you don't have the time, and when you have the time you don't have the $$?
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