Thread: O/T Catch 22
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Old 12-10-10, 04:10
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RHClarke RHClarke is offline
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Default Driver?

Originally Posted by Alex Blair View Post
Well I'll vote for you two as long as you have Boobee Carrier as your Chauffeur..c/w peaked drivers hat with up to date union pin on side leather jacket..3/4 length and jack boots..pants ..optional ,and Jif "Peanut butter balls" W-B as your bat man..
Bob will be my coordinator of official language (note the singular use). Unions will be banned (less those for strippers and ladies of the night). As for Jif as my batman, I say no. However, there will be an opening for an overseer for any province that may wish to leave the Dominion...
Why is it that when you have the $$, you don't have the time, and when you have the time you don't have the $$?
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