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Old 08-10-10, 21:28
Bob Carriere Bob Carriere is offline
Join Date: Mar 2003
Location: Hammond, Ontario
Posts: 5,213
Default My poor putty cats....

.....cats are effective to some extent but have limitations.....

They tend to mark their territory like CMPs...... not noticeable at -40 degrees but come Spring and warm sunshine....phew.

We had a really bad smell coming from my 3 level big red tool box on wheels a few months ago..... narrowed it down to the bottom drawer where I store delicate things like air oilers/dryer, pressure gauges, paint gun filters
and my 3M paint mask.

Well I found a nest of small mice..... who had obviously been abandonned after mother became a meal to the cats..... they had turned to jelly and maggots...... and they had nested in the inside cup of my mask...... yeck!!

So I bought a new one......geez!!!

Bob Carriere....B.T.B
C15a Cab 11
Hammond, Ontario
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