Thread: It's on!
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Old 29-07-10, 03:43
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Derek Heuring
Join Date: Oct 2004
Location: Corinth, Texas
Posts: 2,018
Default Latest on Alcan Convoy

Here's the latest on the convoy:

U.S. convoy participants are to gather in Great Falls, Montana and then drive to Edmonton to meet any Canadian counterparts, then all will convoy to Dawson Creek with an arrival date of August 1, 2012. We'll be spending three days in Dawson Creek to allow all participants time to arrive, check in, check their vehicles, and get their packet orders. August 4th, the convoy leaves and will tentatively be taking an "S" shaped loop through B.C., Yukon, and Alaska eventually ending up in Anchorage. From Anchorage the convoy then leaves for Fairbanks and then a straight run back down the Alcan Highway to Dawson Creek. The only timing set as of this point is the August 1st arrival in Dawson Creek and the departure on the 4th.
As all can well imagine, there is much to do between now and then. The MVPA HQ is allowing some of their staff to help the organizers of the convoy, although the response from the Board of Directors at the annual meeting in Topeka was underwhelming to say the least. As related to me, the majority of the B.O.D.s own trailer queens...some of which don't even have oil in their engines so as to not leave a drip which might lose them a trophy. So, the bulk of the work to organize this event will fall upon Terry and Dennis' shoulders, with a few others helping and there will be little or no financial aid from the MVPA so if you come, plan on being self-sufficient. If anyone knows of any company or person willing to donate fuel or services, please let me know.
I've talked to Terry and Dennis about setting up a registry to match foreign participants to spaces on convoy vehicles and this idea was received warmly so expect to hear more on that. Terry has suggested a set fee to help defray vehicle costs to the owner but I'm going to suggest that that should be negotiated between the vehicle owner and participants as some are more expensive to run and maintain than others. As I said before, there is a lot to work out.
So, currently, all we have is the two dates in Dawson Creek, B.C. August 1st is B.C. day, so that should be a bit of a celebration. I'll post more as I hear it but look for more info coming via the MVPA in the future.

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