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Old 15-06-10, 19:32
Stuart Fedak Stuart Fedak is offline
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Default The father of invention

Originally Posted by RHClarke View Post
Bob is at it again. This time his challenge was to figure a way to move his 20ft sea can around the yard. It was suggested that he weld some wheels onto the box, but he came up with a better idea. The following photos show his creativity. A sea can wide square tube axle is slipped into one of the forklift slots. The end assemblys are then attached to the tube and secured in place by some long pins. The front end of the box will be lifted by the tractor and the sea can will be moved like a rather large trailer.

The really interesting thing about the end assemblies is that they can be used for moving other items - such as CMPs that are missing wheels or have "frozen" wheels.

Good job in my opinion.
Good work! Better get the Canadian patent in place, then sell the manufacture rights to Princess Auto....... In fact those look like Princess auto hubs............

While on the topic of Princess Auto, did you see the "English Wheel" that they are now carrying.
That would make an excellent addition to your metal works shop. Wonderful for making up all sorts of curved pieces for CMP.

One other new addition is a shop gantry, for those of us without double I beams in the work shop. Only rated for 1 ton, but suitable for those of us working on Iltis.....

Deep in the Cold War Bunker of Doom
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