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Old 06-05-04, 08:24
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Tony Smith Tony Smith is offline
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Default Gearbox numbers

The numbers for bearings and seals for the Ford gearbox I know to be correct, as I have rebuilt 2 of these using NTN roller bearings and BCA needle rollers, they fit , they're correct! Same applies to spigot and clutch throwout bearings, good numbers there!

Talking of Chicago Rawhide and Ford gearboxes, why don't they make their incredibly useful Speedi-Sleeves in a size to suit the Ford output flange - 2.112in? Surely Ford truck 4-speed gearboxes have been around long enough (1932-1955) and in such numbers that an american company like CR would have bits for them? The flange on one of my gearboxes has a wear groove on it that I'm just going to have to see how it goes. Options like machining down the diameter to the next available seal / sleeve size were considered too much trouble for now.

Incidentally, the part numbers for Ford gearboxes and wheel bearings/seals will also fit Aussie carriers, who knows about Canadian/ Brit carriers?
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