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Old 28-04-04, 18:55
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Mike Kelly Mike Kelly is offline
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We are currently having the BBC series on Lawrence who among other things was noted for writing ' THE SEVEN PILLOCKS OF WISDOM '.

The doco goes into how the arabs were totally shafted by the brits and french . The deal was promised thus , autonomy / independance for the arabs in exchange for chucking the turks out of the Middle East .

What happened ? A secret deal was done by the Brits and French who, after the battles had been fought and won , litterally carved up the ME between themselves . The French jumped up and down and wanted a bit of the pie , they were allowed to have Syria , the Brits got Mesopitamea ( now IRAQ ) and Palestine .

Somebody had spotted the fact that black gooey stuff abounds in Mesopitamea .

Wonder why the arab world has a deep distrust of the west .

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