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Old 20-10-09, 11:17
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Max Hedges Max Hedges is offline
Join Date: Apr 2003
Location: Yass, Australia
Posts: 1,557
Default Ganmain Tony is back

Tony arrived back at Yass on Friday in time to help out at the Murrumbateman Field Days. For a start he was walking around for about four hours with an open mouth staring at all the old machinery. Not to mention the Carrier, the Studebaker the Wiles mobile cooker of Ashley's (in which Brenda Gruber & Stacey Collins did fantastic scones) the Blitz's (of course!) and jeeps and landrovers (if youre into that sort of thing).

Tony's most outstanding quality was multi tasking. I was amazed at his ability to cook steaks & sausages at the fire brigade tent and be able to stick two or three snags and steaks down his own throat at the same time.

After the weekend Tony has had a good snoop around the sheds and found some treasures (to be revealed on another thread). Hes also an expert in hydraulics after fitting an automatic chain oiling system to a round baler.

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