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Old 25-04-04, 08:12
Richard Notton
Posts: n/a
Default Re: Re: Re: One more for the pot

Originally posted by Geoff Winnington-Ball
HAHA, fat chance you bloody Victorian Imperialist Leftover! Us Colonial Upstarts will have you yet, nay, provide you with Sanctuary against the Great EU Uprising! Recognize your Betters!
Hmmmmm, I shall have to have another ciggy and tea whilst cogitating how to contain the over-revving Ball-Spinny.

Now if you'd been really cute you could have said " Victorian Imperialist Leftover Empireist", handily shortened to V.I.L.E.

Tis a fact too that there is already quite an exodus of people that can from this over-regulated isle to places warmer and more laid back.

Not to worry because they are being replaced by floods of economic refugee holidaymakers who we really need according to the Govt here that has conveniently massaged/lied about the figures to the tune of 100,000 according to one now broken whistle-blower who has fallen foul of every aspect of The Official Secrets Act but whose integrity has been sheepishly confirmed by the ruling powers.

I can only presume the "need" must be to give govt support to the hotel trade here and to reduce the social security cash mountain that obviously exists.

Perhaps its time to treat the Euro drain pipe, which others know as the Channel Tunnel, to the same action as Mr Shickelgruber's V3 HDP in Marquise-Mimoyecques.

The last time we were overtly invaded was 1066, I don't see why we should change now; seems to me this little island has served us well for the last 938 years.

Maybe I need more tea and a ciggy. . . . . .

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