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Old 12-03-03, 05:45
Posts: n/a

It appears as though someone is using
my yahoo email address (I live alone, this
is coming from online) Anyways...I've sent in
a report to yahoo about this (this is DIFFERENT from the problem of the `intercepting url with the blank page' Because its been a hassle to get my problem re the url/blank window resolved/fixed...I decided to try `directly confronting/assking the sender' with a return address within the headers. Mailer Daemon sent it back saying the address was shut down due to forgery or fraud... ( using someone elses identity???) Am waiting on a reply from yahoo to see how this resolves. Meanwhile....

GEOFF/MARK/ART ... In case you want to email me off this site, I will private message you my email address that came with my server (and never use because I can't always afford internet, therefore, have the yahoo one so people can reach me even when I don't have internet. I use cybercafes and library in that case) The private messaging in here works great tho unless you want to send me something.

I'm so %@#$^&^***
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