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Old 11-03-03, 20:10
Posts: n/a
Smile Nice to `meet' you Regina

REGINA: Thanks a lot for the post and jumping
in here and adding some more details and history!!! I should just drwmyself a little map or diagram to list who was who and where on what days
(can't write much by hand (notetaking, at all (arthritis) but I can manage more than I used to.-typing is easy for me) Gee...a secretary would be good!

Tis interesting about the location of the
the memorial? Hmmm.

I'm VERY impressed with this MLU Site.
It has to rate an A+ with all the good people, the info input, and how well thought out and `user-friendly' it all is!!!! It's a great `school' all round

I look forward, everyday, to seeing the new posts!
and learning more

Take care.
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