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Old 17-12-08, 03:15
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KiwiKev KiwiKev is offline
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Join Date: Jun 2005
Location: Auckland, New Zealand
Posts: 44

The Tank is owned by Peter Jackson, The Director of Lord of the Rings etc.
It's a replica to go with his collection of WWI Aircraft and was built about 4 years ago.
The kicker is its made of WOOD, the only way to tell is actually touch it, it has fake rust and all.
It moves and sounds like it should and the various Guns even fire blanks, which manage to scare the brown stuff out of those that get to close.
It was built by the team at Weta Workshops, who where also responsible for the LoR and King Kong special effects.
It looks and sounds amazing...

Best wishes to all and your families over the Xmas Period

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