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Old 15-03-04, 15:02
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Default Re: braat's on ford/marmon herrington chassis?

Originally posted by ericnuyt
Anyway, also on the US mission list there is a reference to 45 medium tractors Ford/MH, intended for hauling field guns and bridging equipment. Now I was initially thinking about tracked tractors, but of course these could have been wheeled ones just as well. What vehicle could this have been?
Might these have been Ford CEO converted by MH to fwd? Vanderveen pp 347: Ford 09W/MH MM5COE for instance, used in a wide variety of functions?
The US Army mission report lists Light, Medium and Heavy Marmon Herrington Tractors - these are tracked ones, not wheeled.

As for COE Fords, attached goes a picture of the JJSCOE-4 Ford/Marmon-Herrington 1½-ton COE truck with 134" wheelbase. From 1941 onwards the depicted COE model came in 101, 134 and 158" wheelbase. Even though the KNIL ordered hundreds of Ford/Marmon-Herrington trucks, I cannot find references to COE trucks/chassis being delivered.
I believe the Overvalwagens were all based on CKD*) Chevrolet chassis assembled at General Motor's plant in Tandjong Priok, NEI. As far as I know Ford did not have such facilities in NEI, so they could not deliver at the rate GM could.


*) CKD: 'completely knocked down' - restricted to destinations where the manufacturers had proper assembly plants. CKD entailed the supply of parts which could not - or not economically - be produced locally, supplemented by parts which could.
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