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Robin Craig 25-04-13 00:05

3rd May 2013 Ottawa Tulip Festival Parade
Dear All,

Any and all persons in Allied vehicles or aged cars (like last year) are invited to participate, see details below.

A couple of "notes".

1 Don't blame myself or the Festival for the late invite, there is a negligent 3rd party who will remain nameless.

2 Any queries either post them into this thread or email me directly. Dont PM me.

3 I will be handing out forms for tax receipts for participants on site.

Commemorative Cavalcade of Classics

May 3rd, 11am - 1pm

Vintage cars get the 18-day Canadian Tulip Festival moving with an eye-catching sojourn from Dows Lake to Tulip Plaza at Ottawa City Hall, in the spirit of the celebrations in the streets of the capital that greeted the end of the Second World War and set the stage for the Canadian Tulip Festival 60 years ago. Once at City Hall, swing will be in the air at Tulip Plaza, courtesy of veteran local jazzers The Jivewires. Dignitaries and local celebrities will be on board some vehicles to greet onlookers. Complimentary bar and food for participating vehicle drivers,


11:00hrs Vintage vehicles congregate into formation at HMCS Carleton at Dow's Lake, military vehicles in front.

11:30hrs Cavalcade departs HMCS Carleton with police escort up Queen Elisabeth Drive to arrive at Festival Plaza, City Hall, for noon, vehicles remain on display during opening ceremony.

12:00hrs Opening ceremony including the Dutch Ambassador, the Mayor, Minister of Veterans Affairs, & Ministers from the Ontario government.

13:00hrs Vehicles depart individually on their own time


chris vickery 25-04-13 00:29

Hi Robin

The theme of late notification seems to be habit once again this year. IIRC, it was the same last year. :p

Robin Craig 25-04-13 01:17


Don't remind me. Once again here I am with shovel in hand cleaning up road apples dropped by others.

Will you be coming Chris for a gentile day trip?


chris vickery 25-04-13 01:22

Hi Robin

I would love to be there except I have other commitments that day.
A little advance planning next year as I would love to visit Ottawa for the tulip fest.
My most recent encounter with Ottawa is tomorrow to pickup the young lad from his last day at college for this year.

Robin Craig 25-04-13 12:44

So far 4 vehicles from Kingston are going up by trailer.


Robin Craig 26-04-13 12:45

And now 5 if we can get another driver.


Robin Craig 29-04-13 05:07

Stuart and all,

Thanks for the support.

David Luxton and his crew is doing all he can with what little he has, and is even running his own business as he fulfills his role with the Festival.

Putting on such an event these days is a smoke and mirrors game and what the public sees does not reveal the duct tape and bubble gum that holds any of these event crews together behind the scenes.

Gone are the days of fat cat NCC budgets and labour resources.

Yes all vehicles all eras are welcome, my fault in not making that clear, no appointment required, pitch up on the day at the appointed time if you can make it.

Mark Paine, the area OMVA rep has been contacted and was supposed to have put out an email to all souls. Either you didnt make his email list or he didnt do as he was going to. I will ping him again, thanks for the heads up.

FYI Eric is the OMVA editor only as far as I know.



Robin Craig 30-04-13 23:23

So far:-

Another M38, (I think that is what it is)
An Iltis
A Land Rover 101FC
A Supacat Mk3 ATMP

I have a vehicle for someone to drive if the right person steps up to the plate, which will depend on what runs and your skills.


Robin Craig 01-05-13 13:32

That driving opportunity is now taken.

I have a genuine Cloggie taking the wheel.


maple_leaf_eh 01-05-13 17:08

spare driver
Stuart, et al:

I am in Ottawa and should be avail to drive (or co-drive) barring unexpected developments.


Robin Craig 01-05-13 23:12

Wooah pony, woaaaaah pony!

We have VIPs that will if space allows be going in the vehicles.

I have the route and some very subtle details about the end part that will be issued to drivers on Friday.

Parking has been cleared at the form up point by the organisers and I have signage for those towing vehicles staying behind.

Terry, If you come along we will find you a place somewhere, most likely steerage not First class.


Robin Craig 05-05-13 00:43

2 Attachment(s)
Thank you to all who took part or came out to support us from their busy :yappy: government jobs.

Thanks especially to Tom Lodge and David Moore who also made the trip from Kingston with jeeps on trailers.

It was the first outing for a co load of the Land Rover 101FC and the Supcat Mk2A on the same trailer since we upgraded.

The 5500 has plenty of horsepower for bigger loads now and with the bigger capacity trailer we may even move something heavier come early June westwards down the 401

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