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Hendrik van Oorspronk 28-03-07 22:08

The Deelen Dump in Holland
1 Attachment(s)
Herewith a picture of "Dump Deelen" I think it was the biggest CMP vehicle park after WWII in Europe I was told the only way you could steel the Jeeps was in lots of 5, this were the lots they were sold, so you could them drive out threw the Gate.

Green Greetings Hendrik :cheers:

Bob Moseley (RIP) 28-03-07 23:38

Dump Deelan
Hello Hendrik
Lovely picture although it reminds me of a typical Corowa parade.
:D Bob

Rolf S. Ask 28-03-07 23:44

O'boy O'boy
C8A's as far as I can see....


Les Freathy 29-03-07 18:39

I have been fascinated ever since Barts article in wheels and tracks. are there more photos around on the Dutch dumps

Bill Miller 29-03-07 20:35

Kangaroo truck!?
1 Attachment(s)

What is the source of this photo? Is it possible to get a larger/clearer copy of it? It could be my eyes playing tricks on me, but I think the Chev, second from the right is from the 1CACR RHQ, the markings look to be about right?

Always on the lookout for "kangaroo" photos...


Brian Gough 29-03-07 21:56

Hendrik, that's a great photo, thanks for posting.

Did you notice the horseshoe on the radiator screen of the first HUP?

Bill, this photo was previously posted last year by Hanno in this thread: As good as new...

and he did quote a source.


Hendrik van Oorspronk 29-03-07 23:10

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:) One photo more, some wreckers.

Hendrik :cheers:

Steve Guthrie 31-03-07 04:17

MIAI Wreckers!
Hi there.

Wow, great shot!

Apparently the M1A1 was only issued to the RCE Railway operating group and there were very few actually used.

Well, there's THREE of them, I wonder how many there were in total?


Hanno Spoelstra 31-03-07 22:25

Re: Kangaroo truck!?

Originally posted by Bill Miller
It could be my eyes playing tricks on me, but I think the Chev, second from the right is from the 1CACR RHQ, the markings look to be about right?
Bill, well spotted, I think you are right!
As Brian noted, I posted this picture earlier on. I found it on the national press agency's website. Will see if I can get a better scan/print of it without having to shell out the regular price for a copy. Stay tuned.


wim sikkelbein 01-04-07 14:03

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check out

this photo from the above mentioned website:

Les Freathy 01-04-07 17:00

Sorry Wim i cant read Dutch, would you be kind enough to explain the system on the site

wim sikkelbein 02-04-07 18:14

Les to clarify things:

Enter your search word in the box next to the word "zoek" for a quick search.
If you want a more specific search click on "uitgebreid zoeken"
It shows:

Beschrijving description
Dag maand jaar day month year
Periode vanaf tot en met periods from until (4 digit years)
Trefwoord entry

And the list goes on.....

Just typing from until 1945 got me 9534 hits on 477 pages

But as you already mentioned all is in Dutch :confused

Hanno Spoelstra 01-12-07 21:34

Re: Kangaroo truck!?

Originally posted by Bill Miller
Is it possible to get a larger/clearer copy of it? It could be my eyes playing tricks on me, but I think the Chev, second from the right is from the 1CACR RHQ, the markings look to be about right?
When I last met Bill, he showed me a larger print of this photo which he managed to get hold of. As he suspected, this HUP indeed sports the markings of the 1CACR!


Bill Miller 01-12-07 22:20

Eagle eyes!
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Here is the close up.

Hanno Spoelstra 01-12-07 22:37

Re: Eagle eyes!

Originally posted by Bill Miller
Eagle eyes!
Four eyes, wasn't it? :D

But very well spotted!

welbike 03-07-09 12:13

The Deelen Dump in Holland
Hi All, went to a very interesting presentation about the "Deelen Dump" last night, where at one time about 35.000 mostly canadian (used) Vehicles were amassed.

This took place at the Aircrash museum, adjacent to Deelen airfield, where the vehicle dump was located from 1945 to 1947. there were lots of very rare pictures and a 10 minute film, about the vehicles, the presentation went about the background of the various deals going on, and the incredible stealing and pilfering that went on during the 2,5 years of operation of the dump, with and without knowledge of the people who ran the camp, and even after a 1000volt electrified fence was put up!!

Also a former workman spoke briefly about his time there, and how parts were smuggled out under the guards noses, and sometimes up to 5 whole trucks at the time!!

Also stories, which I had heard before from ex workmen there, years ago, resurfaced, and went from crushing HD WLC's with a sherman tank, to riding WLC's into a bomb crater, and jumping of at the last moment, and see who got his furthest into the hole!!!

There was also a big insight about the financial picture, and how much the vehicles cost at the time, and how they were evaluated etc. etc. all this info is owned by the museum.

Many items that were dugup on the site are also on display, but most is left on site, as who wanted hundreds of Canadian built lathes, which filled up one bomb crater???

If anyone is interested in this, I highly recommend to visit the museum, when in the neighborhood, they show the little film there aswell, alas not for sale.

here a link to the museum, could not find an english language button?


Lex Schmidt

servicepub (RIP) 15-09-13 20:00

Deleen dump
I am looking for one good photo of CMPs at the Deleen dump. However, I need this in hi-res so screen-grabs won't work.

Alex van de Wetering 16-09-13 01:34


I presume you need the picture for publication, so I don't know if pics from the National archive are suitable. However the Dutch National Archives have some awesome pictures of CMPs at the Deelen dump.


servicepub (RIP) 16-09-13 02:19

Thanks Alex. I will see about getting one of these photos.

Phil Waterman 16-09-13 17:53

Great Photo Source
Hi Alex

Thanks for bring another of the great photo archives sites back to the forefront.

Do we have an open thread on photo archive sites? As was pointed out in another thread last week many of the Archive Sites like AWM are making more stuff available all the time so just because we have looked through a site once something new may show up making returned visits worth while.

Hi Clive

If you are looking for new HI RES photos does that mean you have another project in the works?

Cheers Phil

servicepub (RIP) 16-09-13 18:29


Originally Posted by Phil Waterman (Post 185638)
Hi Clive

If you are looking for new HI RES photos does that mean you have another project in the works?

Cheers Phil

Not a new project. I discuss the disposal of CMPs in "Drive to Victory" and needed a good photo to illustrate the Deleen vehicle park.


Alex van de Wetering 16-09-13 19:56

@ Clive, no problem. They should have a few more, but I can't find them at the moment. Sadly they are not all described very well, which makes searchin by keyword difficult.

@ Phil. Here is the Archive thread:
I looked through a few of them searching for pictures of Chrysler Canada a few weeks ago (trying to find pics of C60X machinery truck bodies), but sadly some links/archives don't exist the archives Normandy website. They had tons of pictures; some seem to have been transferred to Flickr, but not all....

Looking forward to the book Clive! Hopefully lots of full-page pictures (?)


David Dunlop 09-11-13 22:45

Deelen Dump, Holland
This location has become famous for Canadian Military Vehicle buffs because of the presence at the end of the war of the large vehicle depot established there. Can anyone provide some background history of the location?

Over the years I have seen it referred to as a large piece of farm property, government land, and an airfield. If it was an airfield, was it a prewar Dutch air base, or was it an air field built by the Germans during the war? It is hard to tell from most photos of the vehicles in storage there, that it might have been an airfield. Always seems to be lots of trees and rolling ground in the photos.


Hanno Spoelstra 09-11-13 22:57


See for a short history of the airfield. It is still in use as an airbase, albeit not a very important / active one.


Alex van de Wetering 02-12-15 22:15

3 Attachment(s)
Canadian Army Newsreel, No. 105 (1945)

Does he say "Arnhem airport" (=Deelen) at 6:54?

Some lovely footage of CMP's, Diamond T's, Scout cars and armoured cars being demobbed.

DEMOB news item starts at 6:26. At least one Monkey face at 7:18.


David Dunlop 07-12-15 04:18

I wonder what the soil would be like there, if it would be friendly to anything buried there for so long?

Also wonder if the ground water has suffered any effects from all the vehicular fluids dumped there and items buried whole?


welbike 07-12-15 14:41

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David, the soil there is loose sand, no clay or anything, so anything found nowadays is beyond using I would say, have various parts that came from there 20 years ago, mostly motorcycle blackout masks etc. and they were only just salvageable, but also not from Deelen, but Oosterbeek, a part for a 75mm Pack Howitzer, that a friend dug up, and is cast steel, and very usable!! is on one of my Pack Howitzers right now!

PS, better not talk about the environmental issues, someone might want to clean it all up, but the costs would not be justifyable.....

Attachment 77957 Attachment 77958 Attachment 77959



Neilie 07-12-15 15:19

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At the risk of being chided for displaying models on this forum, I thought some may be interested in my scratch-built 1/76 scale Ward Lafrance M1A1 Heavy Wrecker of the 1st Railway Operating Coy RCE similar to the one in the photo a few posts up.



Ron Notenboom 10-03-16 06:19

I don't know where this post belongs, but thinking about it, I should mention that at the end of the war, my Grandfather worked in assets disposal.
He is one of the ones responsible for so much of the Canadian equipment and vehicles left behind in Holland.
Funny how life comes around full circle.

Hanno Spoelstra 14-03-16 12:05


Originally Posted by Ron Notenboom (Post 221765)
I don't know where this post belongs, but thinking about it, I should mention that at the end of the war, my Grandfather worked in assets disposal.
He is one of the ones responsible for so much of the Canadian equipment and vehicles left behind in Holland.
Funny how life comes around full circle.


I moved your message to this thread, as I understand your grandfather worked at the Deelen dump (or one of the other dumps).

Any stories you can share?


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