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chris vickery 04-12-07 00:19

Operation Sunray
Well fellas, another year has has come and almost gone with 2008 on the horizon.

I thought it might be time to see if I could start the largest MLU post yet, with my invitation for all the MLU community to chime in during the Christmas and New Years season and especially extend Thanks and Best Wishes towards our Moderator , GWB.

Consider this as an on forum Christmas card if you will;

As all of you are aware, Geoff spends a great deal of money and time to make our community possible. We all enjoy each others wealth of knowledge, good hearted jabs, jokes and other shinanigans...

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Geoff from the MLU family!

:thup2: :salute: :cheers: :drunk: :yappy: :note:

cliff 04-12-07 00:23

Christmas Greetings from sunny Queensland to all members of MLU and their families.

A special thanks especially to those who went above and beyond the call of duty to supply me with information to build my models.

Cliff :drunk:

RHClarke 04-12-07 00:33

Merry Christmas!
From Jessie, Brigitte and all of the girls of Gracies over the past year! They missed your charm, wit and odd hat.

All the best from the Hammond Trio:

Bob (The Duke of Hammond) Carriere,

Grant (The human CMP Encyclopaedia), and

Rob (HUP Meister wannabe) Clarke.

Here's to continued success with MLU in the New Year!

Ryan 04-12-07 01:48

Merry christmas to all
To all a happy and safe festive season. May Santa bring you all something you desire.

Special thanks to all who have helped me with answers, information and good cheer. I hope I can repay the same in good time.

Big thanks to Sunray and co for all their efforts, MLU has me hooked.

Well done Chris, great thread.

:) :cheers: :salute:

PS: we need a Santa emoticon.;)

Geoff Winnington-Ball (RIP) 04-12-07 03:02

Dammit you assholes! Haven't you figured out yet it ain't me, it's all of YOU!! :bang:


Alex Blair (RIP) 04-12-07 03:53


Originally posted by Geoff Winnington-Ball
Dammit you assholes! Haven't you figured out yet it ain't me, it's all of YOU!! :bang:


Merry Christmas,you humble old fool..
Your batman...
Ottawa Al

:coffee :drunk: :remember :support :salute:

servicepub (RIP) 04-12-07 04:30

My custom Christmas card to all, but especially "Niner" jeep2.jpg

cliff 04-12-07 05:15


Originally posted by Geoff Winnington-Ball
Dammit you assholes! Haven't you figured out yet it ain't me, it's all of YOU!! :bang:


We luv ya too boss :D

Vets Dottir 2nd 04-12-07 05:22

Well, definately a big warm appreciation for you and MLU and wishes for a super Christmas for you, MASTER SUNRAY and MLU, from me. :cheers: :cheers: :cheers: ... Karmen PW :witch

And warm-fuzzies and Happy Christmas thoughts and wishes going out to all of the rest of you from me, Karmen Ma Yappy


Ken Hughes 04-12-07 08:07

seasons greetings
merry christmass everyone,and a happy new year.
good on ya Jiff for making all this possible.

David Ellery 04-12-07 08:59

Merry Christmas Jif and MLUs', Thanks for a wonderful web site, I look forward to MLU 2008 .
All the best :cheers: David.....

wim sikkelbein 04-12-07 09:48

Master sunray

prettige kerstdagen en een gelukkig nieuwjaar.


ps: a new challenge for 2008, learn the dutch language :yappy: :yappy: :note: :giveup

On a more serious note, I would like to thank you and everyone on this forum for sharing thoughts and knowledge and being willing to help each other.

Ian Pullen 04-12-07 10:11

A very happy Bah Humbug day to you all.

hrpearce 04-12-07 11:23

1 Attachment(s)
To Jif and all at MLU a Merry Christmas and a Happy new Year from the Pearce's. Thank you Jif for MLU, Howard for pointing me in the right direction, Keith & Max for all your help and the rest for your comments and encouragement I have had a great year with MLU. :thup2: :cheers:
Jif I have attached something to keep you warm in the snow :D

Geoff Winnington-Ball (RIP) 04-12-07 11:56

Robert, you the man! You're the first one who's said anything that makes sense in this thread... now where can I pick up my prezzie? :D


To the rest of you: Merry Christmas to you too! I'd call you all on Christmas morning, but thanks to our good mate Robert, I'm afraid I may be a trifle.. er... distracted... :D


PPS 04-12-07 12:09

Operation Sunray
‘Twas not that long ago
Just a matter of months you know
That nought I knew of you
Or of this thing called MLU!

Then one day
When helping a friend
I chanced upon this site Canuck
And thought “With this I’ll have some truck”

Little I thought when I broke the seal
Of the wonders it would reveal
Trucks and tanks, all manner of things
And the memories it all brings

When I'm feeling sad and down
Sitting here all afrown
I give this mouse a little wiggle
And sure enough I’ll find a giggle

Not here is there web decorum
Just an extremely cheerful Forum
No subject seems taboo
And most spammers don’t get through

Looking further, on inspection
It seems no subject deems rejection
Everyone works to a common end
In support, research, and help to mend

To bring a final sadder note
And no poet will I quote
Let us remember those before
For whom Christmas is no more

So to all of you in this MLU
May it see more years through?
To all of you, too many to mention
Wishing you well is my intention

Merry Christmas and a Happy New year to one and all


Vets Dottir 2nd 04-12-07 12:29

WOW Paul ... what a wonderful MLU poem that says it all and so much more!!! I'm totally impressed at how greatly you expressed yourself about it all, and in a poem too! Once again WOW :thup2:

I do find myself thinking lots lately about one of us missing ... our Art Johnson. Who loves you baby ... Merry Christmas Art, you're still with us in MLU ... :salute: :cheers:

Bill Mulholland 04-12-07 15:03

Merry Christmas
To All; Merry Christmas to all our members, and especially our esteemed leader Geoff for making this possible. Thank you all very much for the vast amount of sharing information that is posted daily. Again THANK YOU ALL, and be safe.

Cheers, Bill

Keith Webb 04-12-07 19:50

Excellent poem, Paul!
Here's a fractured tune for a MLU sing-along - I think you'll guess the melody:

You Are Our Sunray
Our only Sunray.
You make us happy
When skies are grey.
You'll never know, mate,
How much we love you (in a platonic way).
Please don't take our Sunray away

And since that nite, mate,
As I was browsing
I saw this website called MLU.
So full of good stuff,
I read and read
And kept on browsing 'till the break of day.

You Are Our Sunray
Our only Sunray.
You make us happy
When skies are grey.
You'll never know, mate,
How much we owe you.
Please don't take our Sunray away

Some call them Blitzes,
Or Puddle Jumpers
But to our troops mate,
They were their friends,
You'll never know mate, how much we owe them
They kept on going and still they save the day.

So keep it up, Jif
Our only sunray.
You keep us going
Keeping spammers at bay,
You'll never know, mate,
How much we respect you,
And never take our MLU away.:thup2:

Alex Blair (RIP) 04-12-07 20:38

I'm Ill.....
I'm ill...
Couldn't you just say thanks...???
Your singing is akin to gagging sounds on a CMP gas siphoning expedition...

But I guess its the thought that counts..Any more to the tune of "Waltzing Matilda" would be more appropriate..
Merry Christmas..
:drunk: :remember :support :kangaroo :sheep:

Keith Webb 04-12-07 20:46

Re: I'm Ill.....
Hah! Bet you tried to sing it in your own head substituting my voice. No wonder you feel ill. ;)


Originally posted by Alex Blair
I'm ill...
Couldn't you just say thanks...???
Your singing is akin to gagging sounds on a CMP gas siphoning expedition...

But I guess its the thought that counts..Any more to the tune of "Waltzing Matilda" would be more appropriate..
Merry Christmas..
:drunk: :remember :support :kangaroo :sheep:

PPS 04-12-07 20:55

And for all those of the multifarious nationalities who are daft enough to frquent these pages (Only joking - I would not want the OC sending out a snatch party, or worse)



Max Hedges 04-12-07 21:17

from Yass
Merry christmas to all from the Hedges family also Taz, Ollie , Major and Happy (for all those that miiss her)we hope all your wishes come true.

The way things are going here we may have a green Christmas, having had 5 inches of rain during November and more since, with the chance of more to come.

We have our turkey from Bairnsdale ready to be baked, they are highly recommended but you have to put your order in well in advance.

We'll be heading to my sisters for Christmas dinner this year.

Howard 04-12-07 21:24

The Holgates would like to wish all MLU'ers all the best for Christmas. Have quality time with your families and stay safe!
Let's use this thread to post photos of our place on Christmas morning... I bet no two are the same around this globe of ours!

Alex Blair (RIP) 04-12-07 21:28

When you said...

We have our turkey from Bairnsdale ready to be baked, they are highly recommended but you have to put your order in well in advance.

Reminds me of the time I decided I would cook up a sandhill crane I shot,for Christmas..
And I ,like you,started my cooking on that old crane ,about this far in advance of Christmas too...
Come Christmas that old crane was still so tough I threw him out and ate the pot for Christmas dinner..

Hope your turkey is tender enough to eat by Christmas...If not ,run over it a few times with the CMP and then try it...
Merry Christmas to you and yours..

:kangaroo :drunk: :remember :support :sheep:

Max Hedges 04-12-07 21:37

Max is getting that way he has to put his glasses on to see what he's eating and as he is missing a few teeth I hope the turkey is tender as he won't be able to chew the pot, his hearing seems to be going and his back is gone, besides all his normal complaints would anyone like to take him to their place for respite care so his family can have a break for a while and recover. :cheers:

His Family :D

Alex Blair (RIP) 04-12-07 21:40

Re: Max

Originally posted by Max Hedges
Max is getting that way he has to put his glasses on to see what he's eating and as he is missing a few teeth I hope the turkey is tender as he won't be ab;e to chew the pot, his hearing seems to be going and his back is gone, besides all his normal complaints would anyone like to take him to their place for respite care so his fammily can have a break for a while and recover. :cheers:
His Family :D

No.....don't want him ..but would you like a bunch more just like him to move in to keep him company...??
There's lots of us just like you described...
Isn't that normal..??
:sheep: :drunk: :thup: :remember :support :sheep:

Max Hedges 04-12-07 21:48

Re: Re: Max
[QUOTE]Originally posted by Alex Blair
[..but would you like a bunch more just like him to move in to keep him company...??

NOOOOOOOOO one at a time is definitely enough and it must be an afflicition that goes with this interest as other people I know aren't like this at all. I asked the local nursing home where his father is and they said no as one Hedges at a time was enough, it must be getting close as Max and his cousin were asked to stay for lunch the other day, so maybe sometime soon they will take him for sure.

His Family

Jon Skagfeld 04-12-07 21:59

Huge thank you
Sunray...with this MLU Forum, you've come a long way since "Bridge Class 5". :salute:

Thanks Geoff for helping me plan my day so that I reserve time to browse, frown, laugh, get educated and, perhaps, help another member gain knowledge.

To all the rest of the MLU gang...Merry Christmas and sod the buggers who want to call it Seasons Greetings!


PPS 05-12-07 01:17


To all the rest of the MLU gang...Merry Christmas and sod the buggers who want to call it Seasons Greetings!
Now that is a man after my own heart - totally PC :D :D


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