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Norm Cromie (RIP) 06-03-05 21:09


This is my second request on the formula for this weird product. Do they roast it, fry it or boil it. or eat it on a stick like a popcicle? I sure hope those Chappies down under will excuse me not knowing the right culinary use of this weird food stuff. Do they fish for it,shoot it or harvest it or use it as a hardner for cement.

:confused: :confused: :confused:

sapper740 06-03-05 23:26

Yum Vegemite!
Hey Norm, vegemite is nothing more than spent yeast from beer brewing! I've only had the opportunity to try it once in....of all places....the Middle East. While on leave from peace keeping duties I travelled to Petra in the south of Jordan and happened to bump into a couple from Aus. During our chat I mentioned that I had never tried vegemite and lo and behold, she had brought a jar with her. (Never leave home without it!) Anyway, I tried some and actually quite liked it! They use it like a spread on crackers or bread. I've been looking for a supplier here in Tx. but no luck so far. Just as an aside, I've got a couple of haggis's?....haggi?....what is the plural for haggis anyway? in my freezer from my last trip to Canada. Now theres a treat! But thats a topic for another thread. Any other haggis lovers out there?


Vets Dottir 06-03-05 23:27

Re: vegimite

Originally posted by Norm Cromie

This is my second request on the formula for this weird product. Do they roast it, fry it or boil it. or eat it on a stick like a popcicle? I sure hope those Chappies down under will excuse me not knowing the right culinary use of this weird food stuff. Do they fish for it,shoot it or harvest it or use it as a hardner for cement.

:confused: :confused: :confused:

Hi Norm ... well, I'm surprized these Vegemite lovers haven't spotted and replied to your post to promote their VEGEMITE!

Keefy and all you other Oz-manian :devil: 's c'mon ... I want to hear the answers to Norm's questions too ... :)

:cheers: :smoker:

Vets Dottir 06-03-05 23:33

Re: Yum Vegemite!

Originally posted by sapper740
[B I've been looking for a supplier here in Tx. but no luck so far.

Just as an aside, I've got a couple of haggis's?....haggi?....what is the plural for haggis anyway? in my freezer from my last trip to Canada. Now theres a treat! But thats a topic for another thread. Any other haggis lovers out there?

Cheemo!:cheers: [/B]
Hi Sapper :)

I'm sure you'll be enlightened on where to get a supply of the VEGEMITE in Texas.

I'm also interested in hearing where to get HAGGIS!

ALSO ... TEXAS: got any ideas where to find sweet-pickled-pork for my black-eyed peas??? :D


chris vickery 06-03-05 23:36

Never leave home without it. I think that Vegemite is one of those universal products, like Duct tape, Crazy glue, J-B Weld etc that fixes everything from a leaky exhaust to a broken high heeled shoe. That and the fact that it is also edible (?) and used as an emergency food suppliment...:devil:

sapper740 06-03-05 23:56

Sorry, I'm not a native Texan, I've only been here 3 years...sweet pickled pork...sounds good, what is it!? lol

As for the haggis, when I'm back in Vancouver visiting family and friends I get my haggis from a little British food store thats on the main street in Steveston, B.C. Its the best haggis around in North America! We just recently celebrated Robbie Burns day and couldn't do without the great"chieftain o' the puddin' race!" We have a couple of large Celtic festivals here in Tx. so I'm hoping someone puts me on to a supply, how about some Vegemite!


Vets Dottir 07-03-05 00:15

Re: Haggis!

Originally posted by sapper740
Sorry, I'm not a native Texan, I've only been here 3 years...sweet pickled pork...sounds good, what is it!? lol

As for the haggis, when I'm back in Vancouver visiting family and friends I get my haggis from a little British food store thats on the main street in Steveston, B.C. Its the best haggis around in North America! We just recently celebrated Robbie Burns day and couldn't do without the great"chieftain o' the puddin' race!" We have a couple of large Celtic festivals here in Tx. so I'm hoping someone puts me on to a supply, how about some Vegemite!


Sweet-pickled-pork in black-eyed-peas is a must as a soul-food dinner.

NOW ... back to VEGEMITE and NORM's questions about the Vegemite ... hmmmm ... other than on toast, how DO you-all use the Vegemite and when???

Garry Shipton (RIP) 07-03-05 00:18

If you want to order the best haggis in the east,do a search for Muir's Bakery in Maxville,Ontario,just south of Ottawa.Maxville is also home on the first weekend of August to North America's largest HEEland Games.I competed there five times meself.Our band finished third in Grade 4 competition.By the way,Muirs make a great beefsteak & kidney pie.Now I'm salivating!!

Bob Moseley (RIP) 07-03-05 09:59

Re. Vegemite
Hi all you converts to Vegemite,
Probably the best way to eat this food of the gods is to toast a couple of crumpets, spread them with nice thick butter and a thin layer of Vegemite on top. Then after devouring these you can lick your hands and arms and get the rest of the Vegemite and butter that soaked through the crumpets. And don't forget a large mug of Billy Tea. Of course on cold mornings its brewed coffee sugared with Captain Morgans Rum.
Hooroo (Oz for goodbye) I'm off to the kitchen. I just made myself hungry again.

Garry Shipton (RIP) 07-03-05 23:31

Vegemite in Canada-To all Canadians
This vegemite thread is killing my curiosity.Do Loblaw's here in Canada sell it??OR do I have to contact the local Auzzie counsellor office here in Montreal,to find out where this stuff can be had!!

Richard Notton 07-03-05 23:44

Re: Yum Vegemite!

Originally posted by sapper740
what is the plural for haggis anyway?
Ah, apply the same rules as for the plurals of:


Richard Notton 07-03-05 23:52

Re: Re. Vegemite

Originally posted by Bob Moseley
Hi all you converts to Vegemite,
Probably the best way to eat this food of the gods is to toast a couple of crumpets,

Ah. . . . . . . . . . .I know what you mean exactly, but most likely the whole N. American continent doesn't. That is, if the example of the "English Muffin" so regularly offered for breakfast over there is anything to go by.

I'm English and them things aint muffins.



sapper740 08-03-05 00:04

Re: Re. Vegemite

Originally posted by Bob Moseley
Hi all you converts to Vegemite,
Probably the best way to eat this food of the gods is to toast a couple of crumpets, spread them with nice thick butter and a thin layer of Vegemite on top. Then after devouring these you can lick your hands and arms and get the rest of the Vegemite and butter that soaked through the crumpets. And don't forget a large mug of Billy Tea. Of course on cold mornings its brewed coffee sugared with Captain Morgans Rum.
Hooroo (Oz for goodbye) I'm off to the kitchen. I just made myself hungry again.

Here's an idea, why don't you some jars of vegemite on ebay in a dutch auction and email us the auction number, or better yet, let me know how much to ship a jar to Tx. and I'll send you the money! Deal?

Richard Notton 08-03-05 00:34

Re: Re: Re. Vegemite

Originally posted by sapper740
ship a jar to Tx. . . . . . . .
Are you very friendly with your FDA, or just trying to get closer to them?


Geoff Winnington-Ball (RIP) 08-03-05 00:58

Re: Vegemite in Canada-To all Canadians

Originally posted by Garry Shipton
This vegemite thread is killing my curiosity.Do Loblaw's here in Canada sell it??OR do I have to contact the local Auzzie counsellor office here in Montreal,to find out where this stuff can be had!!
Hey Garry, it's easy!

Cut your grass, sweep up the cuttings, grind them into paste (while still fresh), then grind up a couple of june bugs for colour and flavour. Spread on toast.

Just ensure that the following warning applies:


Vets Dottir 08-03-05 01:19

Oz Vegemite in Canader
The Loblaws here in Toronto sells it ... they get it from Australia but just put a new (Canadian?) label on it... just try peel off the label if you want to see if your have a rel product from Oz

Geez you guys ... poor Master Norm-man can't get a word in edgewise with all you yappers and can't get any simple answers to his simple questions ... (see what VEGEMITE does to people Norm? )

As regards Master Sunray ... just ignore him ... he doesn't know just how often he gets Vegemite and doesn't even know it. just thinks I'm a great cook :D

Tony Smith 08-03-05 01:40

Aussie nectar of the gods
1 Attachment(s)
Why go for the civvy Vegemite in jars, when you could get Milspec Vegemite in tubes?

sapper740 08-03-05 03:32

Re: Re: Re: Re. Vegemite

Originally posted by FV623
Are you very friendly with your FDA, or just trying to get closer to them?


FDA or EPA?!! lol! Just so long as dropping a jar doesn't cause a HazMat response team to show up at my house, after all, I'm still just a guest in this country. Wouldn't want to cause an international incident or anything

sapper740 08-03-05 03:35

Re: Aussie nectar of the gods

Originally posted by Tony Smith
Why go for the civvy Vegemite in jars, when you could get Milspec Vegemite in tubes?
Tony, I gotta have one of those tubes! I've eaten a gutfull of M.R.E.'s and I.M.P's and most times gotten very bunged up. A tube of Vegemite would be just what the doctor ordered while out on exercise!

Jon Skagfeld 08-03-05 05:16

Re: Re: Yum Vegemite!

Originally posted by FV623
Ah, apply the same rules as for the plurals of:



Vets Dottir 08-03-05 07:52

Re: Haggis!

Originally posted by sapper740
Sorry, I'm not a native Texan, I've only been here 3 years...sweet pickled pork...sounds good, what is it!? lol
Well ... here's a recipe to make sweet pickled pork ... have fun making it. Good menu is sweet-pickled pork cooked in/with black-eyed peas, fried chicken, cornpone ... beer goes great with it as a beverage to wash it all down. Do NOT use Vegemite in this recipe ... keep it soul-food-ful and get soused too ..... pay attention now ... :teach:


Souse Or Pickled Belly Pork
Yield: 3 Lb


3 lb piece of pork belly
12 oz sea salt
1 oz saltpetre
1 ts black peppercorns
1 ts allspice berries
4 oz light brown sugar [opt'l]


Historically sousing went hand in hand with the autumn slaughter.
When the hams and bacons were started smoking the trotters, ears,
cheeks and other bits went into a brine barrel. Richer farmers used
verjuice, spiced wine or spiced ale.

Use a clean earthen ware crock or a plastic bucket. Clean all your
equipment with a washing soda sdolution befere starting. Make the
brine by heating the salt and saltpetre in 4 pints of water in a
large pan. Add the peppercorns and allspice in a muslim bag; if you
want sweet pickled pork add the sugar also. Boil for 10 min; then let
the brine cool and strain it through a muslim cloth into the pickling
crock. When the brine is cold add the pork, and keep it submerged
with a piece of clean boiled wood. Stir the brine ocassionally with a
clean wooden spoon and turn the meat with cleaned wooden tongs. The
meat will be ready in about 3 days depending on the thickness of the
meat. Remove with tongs and cook; serve with BLACK EYED PEAS.
MA :yappy: :note: :cheers:

Vets Dottir 08-03-05 07:56

Re: Re: Vegemite in Canada-To all Canadians

Originally posted by Geoff Winnington-Ball
Hey Garry, it's easy!

Cut your grass, sweep up the cuttings, grind them into paste (while still fresh), then grind up a couple of june bugs for colour and flavour. Spread on toast.

Just ensure that the following warning applies:


Tsk tsk tsk ... ya eat it like ya can't get enuf of it (even tho ya don't know you're gettin' it) and act like ya don't by trying to throw your friends off the truth??? What up with that Oh Master Sinning-Lieing Sunray? :D:devil:

Vets Dottir 08-03-05 07:59

Re: Aussie nectar of the gods

Originally posted by Tony Smith
Why go for the civvy Vegemite in jars, when you could get Milspec Vegemite in tubes?
Just make some labels that say BEER EXTRACT and stick it over the Vegemite label on the tube and rebellious beer loving sorts will never know they're loving Vegemite and not beer ... It tastes the same as concentrated beer :D:D:D

Rod Diery 09-03-05 13:05

Re: Aussie nectar of the gods

Originally posted by Tony Smith
Why go for the civvy Vegemite in jars, when you could get Milspec Vegemite in tubes?
Vegemite from sob!!!!!!!! :bang: bloody NEW ZEALAND?????????????

What is the world coming to? Civilization as we know it is doomed!


Tony Smith 09-03-05 14:56

Re: Re: Aussie nectar of the gods

Originally posted by Rod Diery
Vegemite from sob!!!!!!!! :bang: bloody NEW ZEALAND?????????????

What is the world coming to? Civilization as we know it is doomed!


Sad to say, since around 1998 almost ALL the contents of the Aussie Rat Packs are sourced from New Zealand! Something to do with the CER or Anzac Alliance?

Mary King 11-03-05 10:39

Norm. Have a look at

We can buy Vegemite in our local supermarket but I much prefer MARMITE!!:devil:

Rod Diery 11-03-05 11:47


Originally posted by Mary King

We can buy Vegemite in our local supermarket but I much prefer MARMITE!!:devil:

MARMITE!!!!!! Now that is proven to be very old axle grease!

Norm Cromie (RIP) 11-03-05 20:00

Karman, Karman
Please tell me how in the hell we ever got tangled up in this web of vegemite? Were you the instigator? If so why could you not have simplified things and stuck to good old bully beef? The things that our army cooks could create with this gourmet delight would boggle the mind, and also the stomach. Please stop antagonizing those chaps down under.

Geoff Winnington-Ball (RIP) 11-03-05 20:35

Re: vegimite

Originally posted by Norm Cromie
Karman, Karman
Please tell me how in the hell we ever got tangled up in this web of vegemite? Were you the instigator? If so why could you not have simplified things and stuck to good old bully beef? The things that our army cooks could create with this gourmet delight would boggle the mind, and also the stomach. Please stop antagonizing those chaps down under.

Simple, Norm... Karmen's a Pixie Witch Shite-Disturber (PWSD).

Tell you what... why don't you start a thread on WW2-era army cooking? God knows, you know more about THAT than anyone else here... I know I'll have something to say.... :)

PS: In her defense, I have to say that antagonizing Aussies is great sport! :D

Vets Dottir 11-03-05 20:55

Re: vegimite

Originally posted by Norm Cromie
Karman, Karman
Please tell me how in the hell we ever got tangled up in this web of vegemite? Were you the instigator? If so why could you not have simplified things and stuck to good old bully beef? The things that our army cooks could create with this gourmet delight would boggle the mind, and also the stomach. Please stop antagonizing those chaps down under.

Sorry, can't give those Oz-manian :devil: 's a break by putting my frying pans away just yet ... not until they stop antagonizing me :D :p

My Dearest Master Norm, Norm ... :teach: please scroll to the top of this thread and you will see EXACTLY who instigated THIS particular VEGEMITE web :p:p:p
:note: Ma :yappy:

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