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-   -   Canadian Tulip Festival: Ottawa, Canada May 2015 (

Stuart Fedak 14-10-14 17:36

Text removed as information is no longer current
Text removed as information is no longer current

Robin Craig 19-03-15 12:48

I have just been told that we are participating


Robin Craig 20-03-15 00:35


Those of us at the sharp end in my shop are confused as to what MV event is going on on what day.

The parade as such is short and awkward for those of us with floats and trucks.

We are developing our own staging point plans and drive in to town scheme.

I know another area collection is working with us but I cant speak for them.

It will be interesting to track down their plans. Things look a bit spartan but just like a scorpion the sting can in the tail. Time will tell as to what rolls from our shop and theirs. There is always a chance of a really good soaking at this time of year.

I know for most people the Friday kills the participation from the MV owners side and reduces spectators and adds rush hour traffic issues.

Jeff has engaged with me and with others, awaiting more info at this time.


Eric B 09-04-15 20:44

Ottawa Parade Friday 08 May

If you go to the web page there is a Waiver form to complete if you are interested in Participating in any of the weekend Tulip Festival events.

If you are just interested in participating in the Parade, then there is a Registration form to be completed, which i hope i have attached. If not it is available on the events web page.

Only one of these forms are required to be submitted to be part of the parade.

Briefly (tentatively)
8:00- 9:00 form up somewhere near Ottawa City Hall
Vehicles not licensed and insured for the road require to be floated to the staging area.

10:00 March off to the National War Memorial.

11:00 Official Ceremony at the National War Memorial.

12:00 Possible march/drive past Dias.
Drop off Vets at City Hall and return to Queen Julianna Park under police escort (except those requiring a float).

No live, replica or deactivated weapons,(Unless part of the vehicle) no current issue uniforms unless currently serving. See web page for more details.

Re-enactors will be walking with the MV's (riding if space available) and assisting with the Vets.


Robin Craig 10-04-15 01:29


no the form did not come through and no it isnt on the veterans tribute webpage either.

Will call you at home and send an email to Jeff M

FYI the Tulip Festival webpage has a different timing for the parade from what I can see


Eric B 10-04-15 15:53

parade registration form
1 Attachment(s)
Hello Robin and All

I guess i can't download word files so will now try a PDF.

I am only involved in helping to organize the Parade.

The info i have posted is tentative and is based on previous similar events, such as the Ceremony around the National War Memorial when it poured with rain 5 years ago.

When i receive final confirmation of times, locations etc i will post an update.


Eric B 16-04-15 01:22

Update to 08 May ceremony

I hope to have a final draft of plans tomorrow.

As a heads up... this is NOT a parade. This is a ceremony enhanced by the addition of vintage military vehicles and re-enactors.

As it is a weekday there will be no full street closures.

As a result there are some restrictions and limitations, which i hope to be able to advise by tomorrow evening.

We will need to know who is participating by the end of next week.
We also need to know the approximate length of the vehicle in meters and how many places are available for Veterans.


Eric B 16-04-15 20:03

Ottawa Ceremony 08 April 2015 registration deadline

I made an error yesterday. This Friday 17 April is the cut off date for registering for any of the Ottawa Tulip Festival events, including the Ceremony at the National War Memorial.

Due to space limitations around the National War Memorial, we will not be permitting anything towed, i.e. trailers, guns etc.

Only vehicles bearing valid license plates will be permitted.

We are also looking at limiting the number of participants.

Fore those already registered I have lengths estimated and am assigning two Veterans per vehicle other than MC's, Mules and only one Veteran in any closed cab.


Michael R. 19-04-15 04:56

This is not a parade? Huh?

The logistics of this event must be somewhat frustrating for the organizers. It certainly has been disappointing for our small local group of universal carrier owners from a few hundred miles outside the immediate Ottawa area as we spent time and money towards preparing to attend what was originally envisoned, in part, to be an anniversary liberation parade.

From my viewpoint it appears the will does not exist in Ottawa to support the dedicated efforts of the event organizers. This apparent lack of support by those Canadians in both an administrative and political position to enable and enhance the event is in stark contrast to how the Dutch in the Netherlands behave in similar circumstances. Of course the Dutch knew and still remember the human costs of having been an occupied country. Shame on those Canadians who may have participated in putting up artifical barriers to a memorial parade that could (in my self serving, narrow, one sided view) have also included in a small part, the iconic tracked armour and supporting equipment that is correct to the period.

My best wishes that the event exceeds expectations and does justice to the memory of not only our Allied and Canadian veterans, but also that of the Dutch people who lost so much and have been ever appreciative of the Allied effort, and in particular the Canadians during the liberation of the Netherlands.

Bob Carriere 19-04-15 07:20

You are so eloquent.......
Do you think they limit participants for the Gay Pride Parade........

I feel bad for the volunteers that have worked so hard only to be jerk around by Pubic servants who will not have the parade/ceremony on a Saturday because of the over time.

What a crock!!!!!!

chris vickery 19-04-15 12:45

I understand the critism here of our Canadian government but if you refer to the post regarding the Toronto parade, it seems as if there is little support by the Dutch government as well.

Michael R. 19-04-15 16:10

Not a parade
Under ideal circumstances I would have appreciated knowing in October, 2014 that we are excluded from participating in a liberation ceremony with tracked armour. My best wishes that the Festival continues to be the success it has become.

Eric B 30-04-15 19:33


Thank you Stuart

As stated earlier this is NOT A PARADE.

This is a National Commemoration Service organized by DND and Veterans Affairs Canada at the National War Memorial.

The Ottawa Tulip Festival (Who is their own entity and is not the Canadian Government) invited the re-enactor world and MV owners to participate in their events. A Military encampment/ battle etc was envisioned including a PARADE. Some of the re-enactors and MV owners volunteered to help.

When the Tulip Festival organizers eventually started to seriously look at a parade, they discovered that VAC and DND had already booked a date and submitted a permit for a a result they offered the MV’s for the event, not knowing the difference between a Parade and a Ceremony. (Sometimes both are put together)

When i was approached to assist with the PARADE it took me a while to eventually hook up with my old contacts to get the answers that i needed. Thus i discovered that this is NOT A PARADE and could not be made into one due to the restrictions already in place.

This event is on a weekday; therefore roads in the vicinity cannot be closed for any significant period of time. Only rolling closures will take place to get the Ceremony participants from a - b. Only one lane will be closed nearest to the NWM on the east and west side during the service.

There is only room for the MV's to park on the west side. Thus restricting space, which is why no trailers, towed guns etc will be permitted.

There is no available space available to unload un-plated vehicles and then to park the tow vehicle with trailer. As a result we have to limit participants to those that can get to the staging area under their own power legally.

The Dutch Government is not involved in any of the planning.

This is not what any of us had envisioned when we heard about a PARADE being planned but it is the best we can come up with under the circumstances.

As Stuart indicated all vehicles are still welcome to participate in the Tulip
Festival Events.



Robin Craig 07-05-15 04:53

Sorry to report but we are not going.

I'm farming and the push is getting seed in the ground.

Have fun the rest of you.


maple_leaf_eh 08-05-15 05:07

The M151A2 is insured and tagged, the gas tank is back in and both batteries are holding their charge. I found my olive green combats and cap. Ready for the road.

maple_leaf_eh 10-05-15 15:37

The Ottawa Police Service had Elgin Street closed for our procession of mostly Jeeps with vet's on board enroute to services at the National War Memorial. Eric did a good job shepherding the cats in the marshalling area and then on the road. The TV news (rightfully) concentrated on the marching troops and veterans, and the local paper had a great photo on an MB with uniformed WW2 reenactors.

Saturday the HMV crowd and reenactors formed up at Queen Juiliana Park as part of the Canadian Tulip Festival celebrations. The south end of the park was taken over for their encampment, marquis tents and wall tents, and wartime Allied and German vehicles. The central "half" of the park was the reenacting field. The north end was for the (sad face) post war vehicles. Nevertheless, my M151A2, an M38A1, the Iltis crowd from Trois Rivieres, and Mike Calnan's tan M35 truck were eye candy to entice more visitors. It is amazing how similar personalities gravitate to our hobby. I have a brother from a French Canadian family! Bienvenue Bill!

Gene tasked us a perimeter guards to direct pedestrians, dog walkers, moms and dads (and cranky people whose walking routines were being interrupted). We were relieved by some juice-monkey bodybuilder security guards who arrived before the scripted smoke, explosives and blanks. Mike gave an animated commentary for the reenacting, although even from a distance I heard a few historic exaggerations.

Many interested visitors and curious "car guys" passed through. I was late getting home for Mother's Day supper arrangements because a father and son were so interested in mine that I just couldn't abandon them. The son has a Jeep Commando and was immediately drawn to the military design elements that carried over to his vehicle.

I have family and house duties on Sunday

Ed Storey 10-05-15 18:30

Was the location really that good? I was there at 1630Hrs and the Tulip Festival was still full of people were as the re-enactment site was nearly empty.

maple_leaf_eh 10-05-15 21:09

Ed, are you volunteering to help promote next year's?

I had to spin out shortly after the reenacted battle because of Mother's Day arrangements. But the others on my end of the field were staying the night.

The reenacting was part of the official program and on the event map. It is well displayed on the website and program of activities. Not much more to be done except maybe march a few platoons line-abreast through the tulip display areas herding tourists in front of them towards the other side.

Ed Storey 10-05-15 21:29

Site Observations
If those of you who were at the site, thought that it was what you wanted, and it met your needs and expected public attendance, then fine, stick with it.

If the intent was to bring public awareness to the 70th Anniversary and to the military enthusiast hobby in general, then what I am suggesting that perhaps you may wish to reconsider the location.

Either way, this should be something that your organizers look at and discuss with the Tulip Festival.

chris vickery 11-05-15 00:04

Well the next biggie (75th) isn't for another 5 years so plenty of time for organizers to figure things out.
Hopefully, they can have a parade and will be better organized in advance for hobbyists and collectors next time around.

M38CDNBill 11-05-15 01:29


Originally Posted by maple_leaf_eh (Post 209225)
...I have a brother from a French Canadian family! Bienvenue Bill!...

Salut Terry,

It was a real pleasure to meet you and my colleagues were also happy to share this weekend in your company. Next time we'll be in Ottawa, I will be with my M151A2 in solidarity with you :thup2:



maple_leaf_eh 11-05-15 16:26


Originally Posted by M38CDNBill (Post 209249)
Salut Terry,

It was a real pleasure to meet you and my colleagues were also happy to share this weekend in your company. Next time we'll be in Ottawa, I will be with my M151A2 in solidarity with you :thup2:




Est ce que l'indicatif d'appelle un deux alpha dit quelle que chose?

M38CDNBill 11-05-15 19:32


Originally Posted by maple_leaf_eh (Post 209269)
Est ce que l'indicatif d'appelle un deux alpha dit quelle que chose?

Salut Terry,

The call sign 12A is one of the A Squadron of the Three Rivers Regiment. I found few years ago a picture where we saw a M151A2 who served in that regiment with this call sign. I painted that same call sign on mine because I live in the same city as this regiment.


david moore 12-05-15 03:46

Thanks to all for a great event
Just want to say a big thanks to Eric, Jeff, Morley, Mike, Gene, Stuart and all those who worked damned hard for this event - it was very enjoyable to participate in. Very appreciative to Dow Honda also for providing great off-site parking in an "impossible-to-park-in" city!
OK, it would have been great to repeat the 2005 parade but Eric has explained how that wasn't to be.
Well done those men!
Look forward to 2016

P.S. See you in Odessa near Kingston for Bivouac 2015 August 14-16

Robert Bergeron 14-05-15 01:49

Stuart and friends, Many cuddoes, it sure looks like it was a marvelous success. Congratulations ! Robert :thup2: :thup2:

maple_leaf_eh 14-05-15 16:30

1 Attachment(s)
The Friday VE Day ride from City Hall to the National War Memorial is up on the DND home page. I've already sent a correction to Public Affairs because they have misidentified Gene Michaud and a Jeep-full of Polish WW2 vets as costumed military members.

The link might not work for everyone.

Robert Bergeron 14-05-15 17:35

mistaken identity

The caption might misidentify the paticipants but the old guys sitting in the Jeep look like they are having the time of their lives.

Thanks to all for HMV owners for caring and taking the time to honour all Veterans.


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