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Vets Dottir 30-01-06 00:21

Guess What?
Well folks, practical realities regards serious health and important practical matters have come together to make me have to head west of Ontario and Manitoba … permanently. Neither Province is good for my health which has deteriorated much in the Eastern winters especially … which means heading farther west. But … every chance I get, though they may be few, I’ll come back visiting this neck of the woods, even if only to :fry: Sunray because I miss doing that ( or HE misses that!!! :D ) and you other MLU-ers within reach of my :fry: … Hairy Beast has got off of feeling the swing of my frying pan THIS TIME when I met him … but may not be so fortunate next time :eek:

This also means that I’ll be able to see my daughters and grandkids fairly often, which is wonderful because I miss them to pieces. We’ve never been so far apart that a year and more go by between visits and my youngest daughter and I especially have a hard time not having time together!

I most wish that I’d been able to get out more and meet more of you local area MLU-ers and seen more Military history places, things, and people … or even Toronto itself. Such is life, opportunity knocked but circumstances wouldn’t allow me to go for them. I regret not meeting more of you in person.

Life in TO has been an amazing experience and I’ll be taking a lot of great memories with me … and I’ll just have to keep in touch through MLU and online now. Who knows, Me and my frying pan may be back for visits when possible.

When am I leaving? This coming Thursday. I’ll be flying to Calgary and going to my daughters, for starters. I’ll only be able to access internet sporadically for a while, perhaps a month or two, but will check in when/as I can until I’m re-settled and hooked up to the net again.

So … that’s the big news from Ma Yappy … so wish me well as I do, very much so, especially to Sunray, cats and raccoons, and all the rest of you!


Karmen aka Ma Yappy

PS: Just because I’m heading westerly again, does not make me a HIPPY, … how many hippies do you know who vote Conservative??? :p and nope, am NOT heading back to Nelson. (Been there done that, hospital services cut, too small and isolated a community and so forth)

Hanno Spoelstra 30-01-06 00:34

Miss Yappy, have a good trip back West!

We'll see you hanging somewhere around here, eh? ;)



Mark W. Tonner 30-01-06 00:37


or did Harper make you an offer you can't refuse....... :p

Alberta Bound, Alberta Bound... :rolleyes: ..... I can't remember the rest of the words .......

KEEP IN TOUCH LITTLE MISS or I'll smack you with one of your own...... ;)

Vets Dottir 30-01-06 01:30


Originally posted by Hanno Spoelstra
Miss Yappy, have a good trip back West!

We'll see you hanging somewhere around here, eh? ;)



Thanks a lot Hanno :)

Definately ... am not leaving, just moving, so as soon as I'm resettled and hooked up to internet, I'll still be here to participate in this great community ... it's kinda like my 2nd home no matter where I am, by now, eh? :smoker:


Miss Yappy

Vets Dottir 30-01-06 01:32


Originally posted by Mark W. Tonner

KEEP IN TOUCH LITTLE MISS or I'll smack you with one of your own...... ;)

I'm too quick for the like's O' you Master Marko-Oh .... I'd get the first hit in and that would surely disable you from hitting me back :p

Mark W. Tonner 30-01-06 01:52


Originally posted by Vets Dottir
I'm too quick for the like's O' you Master Marko-Oh .... I'd get the first hit in and that would surely disable you from hitting me back :p
What the hell are you smoking your dreams maybe.... YOU OLD BAT!!!!.... you couldn't hit the broadside of a barn even if you where touching it with your nose to begin with...... :p

cliff 30-01-06 01:56

have a safe trip back west my dear.

Take care

Max Hedges 30-01-06 02:26

So your moving, my guess is that you are hooked on tim tams and you need to get closer to supplies. That means you and your fry pan are getting closer to the land of Oz also. Have a safe trip and keep in touch.
Max, Kathy and Em

Keith Webb 30-01-06 02:39

Safe travel
You take care, dear 'ol Yappy and make sure you take every opportunity to be here among friends as soon as you can. :salute:

Alex Blair (RIP) 30-01-06 02:47

Moving back to God's Country...
Remember us poor fools in the land of ice and snow when you get to sunny Alberta..Here is a pix to store in your memory when you think you might like to come back...think summer..!!
Have a great trip..God speed!

Maybe this guy looks familiar...

Max Hedges 30-01-06 02:50

Keith, Karmen wouldn't be trying to sneak down under to surprise us would she?

Art Johnson 30-01-06 03:36

That place
Hi Karmen sorry we were not able to make it this weekend but the kids came over and my daughter in law and I spent a good bit of time down in the laundry trying to find some of Catherines missing clothes.
All the best to you in your return to the West and who knows we may get together for that dinner yet.


Art J.

Vets Dottir 30-01-06 04:58


Originally posted by Mark W. Tonner
What the hell are you smoking your dreams maybe.... YOU OLD BAT!!!!.... you couldn't hit the broadside of a barn even if you where touching it with your nose to begin with...... :p
Master Mark-Oh-Grampy ... at core, I am a nice and caring individual who likes to please ... and because of that, sir, I surely would NEVER deprive you of me wee bittie self as a verra valued scapegoat for your bratty Old Fart cheeky shenanigans ... so ... :devil: ... I'll be here!!! And besides, I always respect my elders ... especially Grandpas such as your likes :p

Vets Dottir 30-01-06 05:02


Originally posted by cliff
have a safe trip back west my dear.

Take care

Thanks Cliff,

At the moment my youngest daughter and I are most excited about laying a hug on each other and having a little time together, not having seen each other since Christams 2004! Truth be known, I've felt quite lost being so far from my kids ;)

PS: I hate flying!!! Well ..... the taking off and the landing parts. Oh, and the air pockets, and when engine sounds mysteriously change for no apparent reason I can tell ... :eek: ...

Vets Dottir 30-01-06 05:05

Re: moving

Originally posted by Max Hedges
So your moving, my guess is that you are hooked on tim tams and you need to get closer to supplies. That means you and your fry pan are getting closer to the land of Oz also. Have a safe trip and keep in touch.
Max, Kathy and Em

Thanks to you Max, Kathy, and Em ... however did you guess my hidden agenda for moving ... closer to Tim tams ... :D ... you never know, perhaps one day this Little Miss Ma Yappy will come knock-knock-knockin' at your door ...

Vets Dottir 30-01-06 05:08

Re: Safe travel

Originally posted by Keith Webb
You take care, dear 'ol Yappy and make sure you take every opportunity to be here among friends as soon as you can. :salute:
Ab-so-lutely ;)

Vets Dottir 30-01-06 05:13

Re: Moving back to God's Country...

Originally posted by Alex Blair
Remember us poor fools in the land of ice and snow when you get to sunny ............

Well, I'm heading to milder winters and more sun than what there could be at the west Coast ... I actually DO really love the definate seasonal changes (although no province seems to be normal these days, huh? :confused: ... and will have some of that where I end up ... but milder and and sunnier.

I loved the snow pic ... :D

Vets Dottir 30-01-06 05:23

Re: That place

Originally posted by Art Johnson
Hi Karmen sorry we were not able to make it this weekend but the kids came over and my daughter in law and I spent a good bit of time down in the laundry trying to find some of Catherines missing clothes.
All the best to you in your return to the West and who knows we may get together for that dinner yet.


Art J.

I hope you folks found some of Catherine's missing clothes :D

I've been really busy but should have all my packing done tonight, and taping/labelling done tomorrow ... and I'll surely be suffering too much to tackle much more than popping pills for pain tomorrow and taping boxes shut ... they're being picked up Tuesday.

But ..... Tuesday evening and all Wenesday day and evening we'll be free ... though Geoff will be working and not home til 5:00 p.m. or so probably ... and I have to leave for the airport at about 5 a.m. Thursday morning. If you want to and are able to squeeze in an hour or so at that "place" Tues. or Wed. evening ... just say the word ... and Geoff and I will be sure to get together with you. If not possible ... well ... we'll hope for a future opportunity to sip some Drambuie or something, with you. Give us a call anytime day, when I'll be home, or eveing, if you'd like to arrange something ;)



sapper740 30-01-06 15:15

Re: Guess What?

Originally posted by Vets Dottir
PS: Just because I’m heading westerly again, does not make me a HIPPY, … how many hippies do you know who vote Conservative??? :p and nope, am NOT heading back to Nelson. (Been there done that, hospital services cut, too small and isolated a community and so forth)
Good luck Ma! Maybe we'll bump into one another during one of my trips back to Lotus Land.
Remember, as Jim Morrison sang in his song, The End: "The West is the best!"

Garry Shipton (RIP) 30-01-06 17:45

Bye Ma Yapster
I don't know which is more shocking!!The Conservative win or your leaving us!!Take care,safe trip and enjoy your family.Don't forget to report in or else


Garry and the Shadster :salute:

Geoff Winnington-Ball (RIP) 30-01-06 19:38

Ma Yappy and I remain the best and closest of friends, and she will remain in our inner circle here as soon as she gets herself set up out west. As some of you have found out personally, she's a fine lady it's been our privilege to know, and I hope she will continue her association with us for many years to come.

I, on the other hand, remain the same asshole I've been since my youth, so you're stuck with me... :D

PS: Karmen's daughter is a darling, and my only regret is that I couldn't afford to reunite them more than once in the last 13 months.


Mark W. Tonner 30-01-06 19:50


Originally posted by Vets Dottir
I hate flying!!!

... I thought flying was second nature for a Pixie......but I guess a little wee one like yourself must really get banged around by the winds and all that.......

P.S. ..... may I make a suggestion......take a plane, that way you won't wear out your wee itty bitty Pixie wings......... :p

P.P.S. ....don't forget to wave when you fly over London, or there abouts.....

Vets Dottir 30-01-06 20:11


Originally posted by Geoff Winnington-Ball

I, on the other hand, remain the same asshole I've been since my youth, so you're stuck with me... :D



PS: Karmen's daughter is a darling, and my only regret is that I couldn't afford to reunite them more than once in the last 13 months.

Yes ... your 2004 surprize of a Christmas present of bringing Elysia here for that Christmas was a very happy thing for us to spend that together ... we hadn't seen each other for a year :eek: Holiday fares are outrageous tho!!! Insane!

Vets Dottir 30-01-06 20:19


Originally posted by Mark W. Tonner
P.P.S. ....don't forget to wave when you fly over London, or there abouts.....

I'll wave AND drop a frying pan on your head :fry: as I fly over ... howz zat? :p :D

GARRY and SHADSTER ... oh, parting is such sweet sorrow ... but since we haven't met in person yet, the sorrow will be short-lived ... as I'll be online to continue my woof-n-arf-ing with my beloved Shadster as soon as is possible ...

ALTHO currently I don't have a working computer though and am panicking ... Geoff trying to round one up as the one he gave me is non-functional/toast ... we've been trying to format and reinstall everything on his old computer but it just won't happen as its old and done-for :( My old 16mg with Win95 etc beasty was toast ... and no longer exists. Sigh.

Ma Yappy

Alex Blair (RIP) 30-01-06 20:19


Originally posted by Geoff Winnington-Ball
Ma Yappy and I remain the best and closest of friends, and she will remain in our inner circle here as soon as she gets herself set up out west. As some of you have found out personally, she's a fine lady it's been our privilege to know, and I hope she will continue her association with us for many years to come.

I, on the other hand, remain the same asshole I've been since my youth, so you're stuck with me... :D

PS: Karmen's daughter is a darling, and my only regret is that I couldn't afford to reunite them more than once in the last 13 months.


Jeez Jif...."Phew...!!!"....I'm glad you finally jumped in and piped up!!!
I thought that sweet little Ma murdered you....!!!
And she was escaping...!!!
I had the pleasure of meeting Ma at CC4 and escorted her on a mercy mission to the metropolis of Chatsworth,for a quart of high octane and some coffee..her fuel of choice...
I'll miss her at CC5 ,if she dosen't make it but my services as Chief Rum Runner are still available to you should you attend again this year..Looking forward to CC5...
Where is Ma's final destination..?
By the way Jeff has thrown a few mods in the shop for us at CC5..

Vets Dottir 30-01-06 20:33


Originally posted by Alex Blair
Jeez Jif...."Phew...!!!"....I'm glad you finally jumped in and piped up!!!
I thought that sweet little Ma murdered you....!!!
And she was escaping...!!!

The bugger is unkillable :rolleyes: :D

Hey Alex, It was totally my pleasure meeting you and yapping on the mercy mission run :)

I'm really sorry I'll be missing out on the CC5 and other events because I so totally enjoyed meeting everyone and seeing everyones pride-and-joy-toys-on-wheels ... sitting and riding in them was even better ... yes ... I have tons of good memories of good people and good times. Who knows, maybe I'll hit the lotto or other windfall good fortune and be able to attend some future events!

Final destination, after stopping in Calgary for a day or so, is to do the Greyhound, BC bound ... see your PM's ;)

DaveCox 30-01-06 23:22

Hey Karmen, hope it all works out for you ok, see you around online soon ok :smoker: :D

Vets Dottir 30-01-06 23:59


Originally posted by DaveCox
Hey Karmen, hope it all works out for you ok, see you around online soon ok :smoker: :D
Thanks Dave and Chrissie ... :)

FYI TO EVERYONE ... if you send email to me through MLU forum I WILL receive that directly at my yahoo email address ... I'll definately be checking my email as often as possible ... once a day or so I would hope ... though don't know how often I'd be able to visit MLU and post etc via library or cyber cafes ... time is generally very limted... but again ... I always check and read my yahoo emails and will get back to anything important pretty quick. I'm hoping to be settled in my own place and up and running by the beginning of March. I'll keep yah all posted ;)

PS: The computer problem sounds to be resolved ... a different computer coming for very few dollars ... someone had an old but good one gathering dust ;) Hurrah!



Gunner 31-01-06 16:53

Wagons Ho!
Karmen (Ma :yappy: ):

I've somehow managed to avoid your :fry: and for that I'm thankful! :D

I have enjoyed your :dh: , they've given me many :) . Thanks.

Good luck out West and I hope the milder weather treats you better than our eastern snows.

:cheers: Mike

Vets Dottir 31-01-06 17:03

Re: Wagons Ho!

Originally posted by Gunner
Karmen (Ma :yappy: ):

I've somehow managed to avoid your :fry: and for that I'm thankful! :D

:cheers: Mike

It's NEVER too late to start with the :fry: ya know ... there may be hope for you yet ... :devil: :D

Thank you for your good wishes, Mike ... I'm sure the milder temps will help some. I really regret not being able to explore this end of the country more ... I've loved the drives out of Toronto ... some gorgeous scenes, especially with the sun shining and everything all Spring/Summer/Autumn greens and colours. The countrysides ... awesome!

Ottawa for VE days and parade, and gathering at that pub afterwards, was one of a few highlight of my life and time here ... many, MANY great things to remember ...

Stay well or else :fry:


Ma Yappy

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