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hrpearce 02-05-08 13:37

New view
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The view from our back door is changing, I call it a 12x6m shed :D Vicki calls it her new BBQ - entertainment area :giveup. Whatever it's called I get to build it :bang:

Vets Dottir 2nd 02-05-08 21:21

Wow, what a great nature view!!! Lucky you folks :) (the new view is cool too :p )

hrpearce 14-05-08 11:45

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I do a little each day and now have an idea what it will look like. Six posts up and four to go. :cool:

Vets Dottir 2nd 14-05-08 20:26


Originally Posted by hrpearce (Post 98450)
I do a little each day and now have an idea what it will look like. Six posts up and fou to go. :cool:

Ahhhh ... progress then :D

hrpearce 03-06-08 10:38

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I'm racing ahead at a snails pace :cheers:

Howard 03-06-08 14:25

Just think how much further ahead you would be if you weren't conspiring with bloody mexicans on border raids!

Keith Webb 03-06-08 14:47


Originally Posted by Howard (Post 99448)
Just think how much further ahead you would be if you weren't conspiring with bloody mexicans on border raids!

I heard that! :mad:

hrpearce 03-06-08 21:32

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Talk about give a dog a bone :doh:. Don't worry Howard I'm shore that once the security fence is up and the armed guard hired Keith will let you visit to drool over the F60L. I'd be finished by now if I didn't keep going to work chasing the allmighty dollar :)

Col Tigwell 04-06-08 00:15

Should get Ron to come by and help.

No one seems to go as fast as he.



hrpearce 04-06-08 13:14

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Wow a whole day to myself and finally something to look at. Half the frame is now up next is to dig out rise in ground then onto the scond half. I'm not shore if my scafolding support meets workeCover standards. :D :cheers: :drunk:

hrpearce 13-06-08 03:52

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Roof iron on first half and todays rain shows that the guttering works. Work will slow down again as the tractors are needed elseware. :cheers:

Keith Webb 13-06-08 04:10

Roof on
Robert, nice of you to build a special shed for the cab 12!;)

As for security, we'll need at least a double electrified fence with lots of razor wire, also a minefield would be good... perhaps some field artillery pointing at the main gate would be helpful too.

I'll rustle up some forward air controllers in Bird Dogs to maintain a standing watch and we can always call in an airstrike if anyone from a certain former centre of the cab 12 universe should come sneaking in.

We all now know Yaven Ck is the new centre for the cab 12 universe based on quality not quantity. (AWM excepted) :D

hrpearce 13-06-08 12:58

But a cheaper defence would be to chuck a couple of half starved king browns in the cab, a nest of paper wasps under the bonet and park it over a nest of red jumpers :D :devil:

Keith Webb 13-06-08 13:12

Natural defence

Originally Posted by hrpearce (Post 99836)
But a cheaper defence would be to chuck a couple of half starved king browns in the cab, a nest of paper wasps under the bonet and park it over a nest of red jumpers :D :devil:

Good thinking Robert

At least the snakes would keep the Canucks at bay. They turn into jelly uttering soulds more appropriate to 5 year old girls when our wilder wildlife is near.

Perhaps we should think of breeding some redbacks, white tails and even wolf spiders in the cab.

Alex Blair (RIP) 13-06-08 14:04


Originally Posted by hrpearce (Post 99836)
But a cheaper defence would be to chuck a couple of half starved king browns in the cab, a nest of paper wasps under the bonet and park it over a nest of red jumpers :D :devil:

Can them critters you mention survive napalm....??

:drunk: :no4: :support:remember

cliff 13-06-08 21:51


Originally Posted by Alex Blair (Post 99841)
Can them critters you mention survive napalm....??

:drunk: :no4: :support:remember

Probably as they survive bush fires but the truck may not!!!!!!! :D

hrpearce 20-06-08 01:23

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It's been too wet to work at Bettys so the shed is coming along nicely. :D Keith I agree the shed would be great for CMP's but Vicki saw your post and threatened us both with rabbit traps applied to bring tears to the eyes :eek: At the moment we would need 4WD to get into the shed. I have regressed and am playing in mud again :cool: :cheers:

Keith Webb 20-06-08 03:48

I like this pic best - for some reason there's something particularly appealing about this view. :D

hrpearce 20-06-08 04:31

Yes with the two fine specimins in the background the photo qualifies for another thread :D :cheers:

Bob Carriere 20-06-08 04:35

I had heard you guys were having a drought.....
....looks very wet to me.....

Must be nice to build and not have to worry about installing 6 inches of insulation and worrying about snow load on the roof......

....but the view is very nice......

As any of you used the spray cans of brake cleaners..... in Canada it is sold to cleanup/degrease in brake jobs..... content is a (safe) derivative of the old carbon tetrachloride...... you spray a wasp or any other flying insect.... and they instantly go into overdrive...flying flat out straight for about 8 feet..... then drop dead with a thud to the ground .... it is so much fun the boys at the barn are now looking for opportunities to perfect there aim.... and remember the spray is suppose to be safe....

wonder what it would do to them mean spiders!!!! maybe will spray Jiff and see if he speeds up...


hrpearce 20-06-08 05:29

Yes Bob we are still in drought I have good feed because I am under stocked but the creeks are at record lows here and the mud was made with only 6mm of rain. The shed has a light snow rating and it's fun learning to build it as the instructions that were sent with the kit were fore a different type of shed.

hrpearce 21-06-08 10:30

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Last two posts cemented in this morning so shed should be finished by Monday arvo :thup:

lynx42 22-06-08 09:38

It's going to be nice Robert. Looks like a few sheets of iron on the house wouldn't go amiss either. How old is your house? I hope it's ancient, as I wouldn't like the CMP's etc to rust like that.
Regards Rick

hrpearce 22-06-08 12:44

Old house
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Yes Rick the house is old, it was my Grandfathers house and the rooms vary in age from 75 to 112 years, it's been added to twice and originally was 3 rooms, kitchen, bathroom & bedroom. Second hand iron was used on most of the roof and I used up a couple of tubes of sealer in the old nail holes when the paint flaked off. Vicki and I have done some internal renovations and it is fairly comfortable to live in. The best part is there is no morgage it's all mine :D Back to the shed with no tractor home Vicki got to use the comealong while I guided and bolted the last truss in place :thup2:

Max Hedges 23-06-08 03:22

are you cold to
Robert maybe you should be thinking of putting a heater in your shed as it's nearly midday here and it's only 7.5 c
then when Keith is working on the 12cab he will be able to work all day

Keith Webb 23-06-08 04:18


Originally Posted by Max Hedges (Post 100236)
Robert maybe you should be thinking of putting a heater in your shed as it's nearly midday here and it's only 7.5 c
then when Keith is working on the 12cab he will be able to work all day

Bloody good idea - how about something in the slab so you don't freeze while lying on your back under the truck with bits of dirt and old oil dripping into your eyes. :)

hrpearce 23-06-08 11:06

Dream on boys the slab isn't in this years budget let alone heating. I didn't get fnished today as I had to take Vicki's Mother in Law to town shopping. At least I think power and lights can be afforded next month. So feel free to visit anytime but bring a jumper.

lynx42 23-06-08 11:34

We also have an old house. Ours was built in the 1880's but I'm not sure which year. Tony Luke from Adelaide came over in 1999 and we refurbished it over the next 9 months. We rent it out to holiday makers as we live right next door on the same block. "Grandma's House" as it is known, is very popular. It is the original ferrymans house for the ferry to Raymond Island from Paynesville 120 years ago. R.Island is 100 metres away. The Ferry now is about 3km to the south. We had to re-roof about 1/2 of the house and all the rear skilion. Thats why I am interested.
Regards Rick

Lang 23-06-08 13:28

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Must be the shed building season. Here are a couple of shots of my new 12X12 taken on Saturday and Sunday. You can just see my Normandy Chev waiting for a home in the background.

I knew I had two daughters for some reason - so their husbands could climb on the scaffold while I stood on the ground and issued orders. Like every other shed manufacturer they send you an aircraft hangar and supply plans for a two metre square lawnmower shed and say "adapt to size". You waste so much time wondering what the hell all these spare bits are.

Those Adelong wet and cold shots make me glad I live in Brisbane. It was freezing on Sunday - only maxed out at 23 degrees!


hrpearce 25-06-08 11:37

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Lang that is an impressive shed, the hiab looks like it is more useful than a tractor and forks also. Keith and Max if it gets too cold outide we can always go inside by the fire drink tea or port ( if you prefer beer bring your own ) and compare photo albums. :coffee

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