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colin jones 20-06-08 12:10

Just a minor upgrade
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A few pics of my latest project

colin jones 20-06-08 12:23

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WHAT THE HELL IS IT?? :confused:blink:

colin jones 20-06-08 12:28

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All making sence:wacko:

colin jones 20-06-08 12:32

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All coming together and a lot of work. :teach:

colin jones 20-06-08 12:37

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I must admit it is a bit more than an upgrade:blink:

colin jones 20-06-08 12:40

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Still plenty to do

colin jones 20-06-08 12:51

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Getting closer

Keith Webb 20-06-08 12:58

So the Australian Pattern Mortar Carrier lives again, eh!

Very impressive, Colin :thup2:

colin jones 20-06-08 13:05

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Lots more work then off to the sandblasters

colin jones 20-06-08 13:09

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Thats it to date but thats taken 4 weeks. "I'll keep'm'comin"
Colin. :salute:

colin jones 20-06-08 13:15

By the way, I have oppted for a ford 351 windsor as it fits the engine bay perfectly and a auto trans for ease of driving. All fabrication is as a 2 pounder except for the engine mounts. It should go like the clappers.
Once all covers are in place, the engine and drive train will not be visable.

Plushy 20-06-08 13:22

Stone the Crows Colin ! if that takes 4 weeks then i am curious to see what you could build in a hurry ! :wacko:

colin jones 20-06-08 14:33

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just a few other pics which may be of interest.

colin jones 20-06-08 15:04

As you can see it started life as a LP2, then I fully stripped it cut it in halves at the centre bulk head. removed the old one and replaced it with a replica 2 pounder bulkhead. It also had to be extended by 235mm as the mortar and 2 pounders were that much longer than a normal carrier. Made and fabricated the rest of the parts by :cheers: :coffee copying the 2 pounder hulls I have in the workshop.
The mortar base revolves on 5 bearings and I got the design from the parts manual. I'm sure its pretty close. Now that its got some green paint on it, its starting to look the part. I hope to have the tracks on this weekend.
I will post pics if I do. Anyway I hope you all enjoyed the pics as much as I enjoyed creating them.
until next time on "CARRIERS ARE US"
see u then.

colin jones 20-06-08 15:14

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I forgot to mention. For those who don't know what a mortar carrier looks like
here's a picture for you.

Barry Churcher 20-06-08 16:25

Thanks for the excellent photos Colin. I particularly like the modest little wheeled engine hoist in the first photo. Handy. :thup: I am sure you will have your critics for engine choice. Les Fisher here in Canada had the same engine and tranny in a carrier. What a rush. It went like stink but we were always afraid it would loose a track at speed. It would make it across a swampy area without sinking in at all, unlike a stock carrier that bottomed out after about 2 lengths. Looking forward to the next installments.

ron 21-06-08 12:59

morter carrier
Hi Colin,
In a word Fantastic, keep the pics coming,
Regards, Ron

colin jones 22-06-08 02:13

Thanks everyone for your comments, I might have to slow down a bit. The wife's gettin a bit toe'y about the amount of time I spend in the shed, I tried to get on her good side by explaining that " wives come and go but a mortar carrier is forever". Then she said Oh, now I understand. Off you go into the shed and spend all the time you need to finish off your carrier. And while I'm waiting I'll get your lunch ready :confused :fry: :fry:

must be able to cook, clean, do washing, look after small children.
Must have,
good car and boat
( please send picture of boat )
possible trade inn.

ron 22-06-08 09:21

Make a will
Hi Colin,
Wow you are in for it now if she sees the last little bit on your last post, Mmmm might be your last post, just a thought better make out your will now and dont forget your mates in Qld, we will look after your scrap iron, I will even enlarge the shed to look after your junk,
Regards ,

Lynn Eades 22-06-08 10:36

Your obviously a Magician, and it would be handy if you lived next door, But be careful mate, or you may have to cut your new toy in half (length ways, or cross ways, I don't know).... Be Nice! ...(and you haven't the time for a boat anyhow)

colin jones 23-06-08 02:10

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You could always move next to me lynn, its up 4 sale.
Don't worry ron. my wife was sitting next to me when I wrote that. She does and has to have a good sence of humour to be married to me. My next project after this is a full duck restoration and that will not be a poultry job.
I have'nt done one of those before so it will be a real challenge. probably in a month or two. I will post pics as I go.

colin jones 16-07-08 09:22

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Update on the mortar carrier. One track on and the other track on tomorrow if I get time. Engine time this weekend.

ron 16-07-08 12:42

Mortor carrier
Hi Colin ,
Looking good mate, keep up the good work,
Regards, Ron

colin jones 17-07-08 09:10

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got the other track on today, and by the way I had to extend each track as the 2 pounder/ mortar carriers have 182/183 links. Also made my rear pioneer
plate and brackets.

colin jones 22-07-08 10:19

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Hi all, a bit closer on the mortar carrier. I've fabricated the heat shields for the driver/engine bay. The originals were filled with asbestos, so I filled mine with compressed fibre cement sheeting which should do the job very well. The engine is ready to be installed for the last time. As you can see I did a trial fitting again to mark the floor for the engine oil change plate. That is now made and ready. All linkage is installed and adjusted. I just need to make my tailshaft connections for the final drive.
I'll keep you posted


ron 22-07-08 10:42

Motor carrier
Hi Colin,
Its looking good mate, its been a lot of work but you are getting there, you know when I moved to Qld 30 years ago I found a couple of the two pounder transfer cases in a pile of carrier parts and a lot of bins mainly the larger size ones and a half dozen or so track winches hell if only I had a crystal ball in those days keep up the good work mate.
Regards. Ron

phoenix 23-07-08 04:57

Wow, i'm impressed. Nice to see the mortar carrier brought back to life ;)

colin jones 23-07-08 07:56

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Just a shot of the pioneer rack installed and the radiator that is going in. The radiator is out of an auto header. It is 750mm x 600mm in size and that leaves me no more room at all. Its a perfect fit and big.

colin jones 24-07-08 09:01

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Before the engine went in I decided to do a transmission service with new filter and found the flex plate was considerably worn. This is a very good time to replace old for new, (as per pics). I am also puting a remote oil filter to the engine as it will make changing the oil filter a breeze (as per pic).
I'm sure I would have done a lot of cursing if the engine and trans went in and I found out later about the flex plate being worn. It is one drawback about an auto trans. You can't tow start it.
Anyway its all new and I will never have trouble engaging the starter motor.

Justin Pollard 24-07-08 12:58

Hello Colin,
The mortar carrier is looking brilliant,are you planning on taking it to Corowa next year?.


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