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Max Hedges 07-05-10 00:57

Educating Canadians
A group of Aussies are taking come Canadians and Swiss Chris on an outback adventure in 3 weeks, going in style with the blitz and other old vehicles. We are going to try and get to Birdsville but due to the flood conditions there we're not sure if we will make it yet, it would be good to make it to the desert after all the rain to see all the wild flowers.

The accommodation will be tents and backs of vehicles, cooking will be in camp ovens and billy tea, conveniences will be behind a bush, showering in a bucket, laundry will be bucket tied to the back of a truck. Entertainment will be keeping the old vehicles going and the looks on the Canadians faces when they realise that smell is really them as Aussies don't smell :D:ergh:.

If camp is setup in reasonable time we will be permitted a happy hour.

Our first stop will be Dubbo, 4 hours by car from our place, blitz hours, who knows how long.

On the way home we hope to travel along the Murray River.

Some of the highlights will be showing the Canadians the wildlife, swimming in hot natural pools, driving up big red, wild flowers, everyones stories and the good company.

Max the great aussies tour guide (guaranteed to be an adventure)

Howard 07-05-10 01:27

Oh Great!
Fantastic. MORE Canadians that have seen more of this country than I have! :doh:
PS Have fun!

Lynn Eades 07-05-10 04:11

Thats just how it is!
I'll be part of a small family group trip from Darwin to Perth, via the Canning stock route, before spring. :D :kangaroo :D :kangaroo :D Have you done that bit yet?

Howard 07-05-10 04:17

Nope... That one is on the list, too.
Trip is planned to kick off January 2020.

Lynn Eades 07-05-10 06:32

Now I'm wondering how old you are? 2020 is a long way out. Some of us here, won't have 2020, by 2020.
Heres a thought; Things are just things, but we treasure experiences all the way to the last post. :salute:

zemsi 07-05-10 09:21

don't forget the chef
5 Attachment(s)
... Max, you forgot to mention the most important person for keeping up the good morality, when anything else turns out to be a "flop" like Canadians loosing their Budgie Smugglers, flat tyres, running out of fuel, get stuck in the sand, get beached between two overflooded areas :smoker:

Kathy, the Chef!! :note: :note:

Here are some pics from the dress rehearsal last year, just to give you an impression what to expect from this experienced travel party on their +3'500 km trip in old MV's. Everything will be documented for the next generation :D


lynx42 07-05-10 09:51

Hey Max,
Who are the Canadians? Anyone we know from MLU?
Looks like a great trip, wish I was going too.
Hi Swis Chris, you didn't mention this trip last time we met in Kradolf (Switzerland).
Anyway have a ball you guys and keep us posted.

Scrivo18 07-05-10 12:51

trip - Kerang
Hi Max

if your going to be near by, let me know... will try to hook up somewhere, or drop in to work for a visit


Max Hedges 07-05-10 13:14

Don't worry Howard Ganmain might have a representative coming along on the trip.

Kathy will not be the only cook on the trip Swiss Chris will be having his turn, with a bit of luck we might have a vietnam veteran for a chef.

There will definitely be no budgie smugglers out in public, far too much information for some.

Rick as far as we know none of the six canadians are on MLU, just some friends of ours.

Tim we plan to visit your place for rides, we will ring when we get close, or you can meet us in the Sunset National Park. This will be on our way home about the middle of June.

GT is here tonight and has been shorn, will be putting him to work this week, if we don't get side tracked.


Tony Smith 07-05-10 14:49


Originally Posted by zemsi (Post 130147)
... Max, you forgot to mention the most important person for keeping up the good morality, ....Kathy, the Chef!!

Got to keep up the morality, otherwise it will be night after night of drinking and bawdy jokes around the campfire. :nono:

As for the Budgie Smugglers, with the cold winter nights in the Outback, it might be a case of "all Smuggle and no Budgie".

Max Hedges 08-05-10 00:46

Looks like the water is getting away in some of the rivers where we're going so we should be able to make it to birdsville. The only problem we know of at the moment is coopers creek at innamincka.Hopefully the floods haven't washed any crocodiles down from the north, they'll put the budgie smugglers away then if one is sighted.


Keith Webb 08-05-10 13:36

Budgie smugglers :yappy: :yappy:


Originally Posted by Max Hedges (Post 130177)
Looks like the water is getting away in some of the rivers where we're going so we should be able to make it to birdsville. The only problem we know of at the moment is coopers creek at innamincka.Hopefully the floods haven't washed any crocodiles down from the north, they'll but the budgie smugglers away then if one is sighted.


Ganmain Tony 08-05-10 14:57

It just occurred to me....
Do the poor old Canucks & Kiwis have any idea what is being discussed on this thread??

Ken Hughes 08-05-10 21:55

Yes we do Tony[well i do any way]

Max Hedges 09-05-10 02:01

2 Attachment(s)
These pictures are of the blitz being serviced and the accommodation in the back for the trip.


Euan McDonald 09-05-10 06:50

What/Who could possible side track GT?

GT is here tonight and has been shorn, will be putting him to work this week, if we don't get side tracked.


Say hi to my mum and dad as you cross big red. They head off in the morning for a run up the oodnadatta track, a flight over lake Ayre then into Alice before crossing the Simpson. I did offer them the CGT but mum felt the Nissan Patrol was more her thing.

Rusty 09-05-10 15:43

These pictures are of the blitz being serviced and the accommodation in the back for the trip.

Max I am amazed, first a service before a trip, I always thought that during the initial restoration that you imbued the girlfriend with enough good Karma to last the next 50 years and that servicing would only disturb the spirits contained within.
Now come to think about it I do remember drive shaft nuts and bolts bouncing out the back on a trip and Brenda saying to me that on the back road from Nowra to Tarago every nut and bolt that could come loose had, and the girlfriend still made it home.
The accommodation looks a bit smick it must be for an international visitor?
And I have heard on the grapevine that Swiss Chris is not taking his F15 on this adventure because he did not want the dust blowin in the windows. Now Chris after travelling around the world to get here the least you can do is take the truck for a spin to unsettle the redbacks.

I wish I was going, but work, kids holidays to cover off and a lack of annual leave means I am stuck in the office looking forward to the tales, I am sure Chris will upload if he finds a phone signal. :cheers:

Lynn Eades 09-05-10 23:13

Mark Tony Euan
Mark. How often is "smick" used in that context, over there? Over here you might (rarely)hear someone say "I wouldnt have a smick" meaning "I wouldn't have a clue" or "I wouldn't have any idea", But "smick" meaning "flash" or "tidy" is new to me.
Tony and Euan. Yes we follow the lingo, and dont all the threads get hijacked?

lynx42 10-05-10 01:11

Hi Max,
When do you leave? Do you have some form of itinery in case our (we and other MLUers) paths cross. When does Chris arrive? We might visit Yass, if the time frame suits.
Regards Rick

Ganmain Tony 10-05-10 10:35


Originally Posted by Lynn Eades (Post 130235)
Mark. How often is "smick" used in that context, over there? Over here you might (rarely)hear someone say "I wouldnt have a smick" meaning "I wouldn't have a clue" or "I wouldn't have any idea", But "smick" meaning "flash" or "tidy" is new to me.
Tony and Euan. Yes we follow the lingo, and dont all the threads get hijacked?


Smick over ere in the West Island is used in the flash context always.

''By Geez you should have seen Johnno's Blitz.....It looks smick.''

Try this one "Dont come the raw prawn with me, cobber.....cause if you do, I'll blimmin well take and bounce a gibber off ya crust!"

Enter Howard - He loves this stuff!!!

Choice eh Bro??

Lynn Eades 10-05-10 11:47

Now you've dunnit! I guess my "crust" is my head, but no idea what a gibber is,or where the raw Morton bay bug comes in.:wacko:

Keith Webb 10-05-10 12:05

And from an expert in this
Some will recall "The Adventures of Barry McKenzie" (1974).
This quote has a sort of military connection.
The scene: Barry is in a British jail.


Barry McKenzie: Look, let me out of here. I mean, there'd be no Mother England if it wasn't for Australia. Our fighting men came over here when you Poms were ready to throw in the towel. Musso and them slimy yellow nips would've flattened this dump if it hadn't been for me uncles and their superlative fighting spirit. I mean the game was nearly up for youse poms, no risk. And if it hadn't been for Australia, Musso and them slant-eyed pricks would've strung every white kiddie up by the pills and gone chocka-block with all the nurses and bus conductresses. Oh look, let me outta here you ungrateful Pommy bastard!

Keith Webb 10-05-10 12:17

Some more
Sorry... can't help myself.


Hugo Cretin: How would you like your steak, sir?
Barry McKenzie: Just knock off its horns, wipe its arse and bung it on a plate.


Barry McKenzie: I hope your balls turn to bicycle wheels and backpedal up your arse!


Barry McKenzie: Now listen mate, I need to splash the boots. You know, strain the potatoes. Water the horses. You know, go where the big knobs hang out. Shake hands with the wife's best friend? Drain the dragon? Siphon the python? Ring the rattlesnake? You know, unbutton the mutton? Like, point Percy at the porcelain?
Blanche: I think he wants to go to the loo.
Here's a link to the trailer for the film with the above quote:

Rusty 10-05-10 14:54

How to eat on the road
On a road trip there two basic retail outlets that provide food and I will address them separately
The Takeaway or Greasy
Always address the shop owner as Con or George it does not matter because if its not his first name it is guaranteed to be his second, you always get a better serve if you are familiar with the owner
THIS IS THE Best place for breakfast after a big session the night before, in the morning order
• A bacon an egg roll with cheese and onion, you will get a choice of Tomato or BBQ sauce. Don’t panic ones red and the others brown in colour they taste the same as they 30% salt 30% sugar and the rest is colour. Always get the cheese as it sticks it together and saves paunch splash.
• You could order a potato scallop as an entree to the roll
Lunch and Dinner
• Best items to pick are a Steak sanga with the lot or a burger with the lot again you will have a choice of sauce. Please note Australian burgers always have beetroot on them you will not find a pickle if you need them bring them with you.
• Serve of chips can be added to the burger with a beer this is all you will need for dinner. You will get 3 choices no salt, sea salt or chicken salt most Snags order chicken salt as they feel its the healthy alternative.
The Bakery
This is the best place to grab a feed if you are a sweet tooth Max Hedges will always head to the Bakery but it is not the only choice see above.
To order always call the attendant Sarah cause she does all the pastries over here
Best Choice mains for a quick meal is a dogs eye with sause, you will only be offered the red stuff at bakeries. This is a round savoury pastry with a lid it is filled with stewed offal in a brown gravy.
You will find the dogs eye in many flavours basically made from the same stuff with a different gravy.
Best Choice Sweets I reckon you can’t go past a Snot Block for a big sugar rush they come in two icing types. Passionfruit which is a snotty yellow colour or French Vanilla which is a white icing with brown strips.
For a chew theres a rock cake, to make a mess a Cream Bum or for sophistication buy a Lamo these can also double as poormans birthday cake.

Bon Appetite

Howard 10-05-10 15:41


Originally Posted by Lynn Eades (Post 130144)
Now I'm wondering how old you are? 2020 is a long way out. Some of us here, won't have 2020, by 2020.
Heres a thought; Things are just things, but we treasure experiences all the way to the last post. :salute:

Well Lynn, I'm 41, I plan to take my first retirement in 9 years when the Kids leave high school, and travel for a year or so.
If I am still alive by 55 (and I don't expect to be...) I will have to go back to work & save for my second retirement. That's the rough plan at this stage. I'll keep you posted & let you know when I do eventually cark it.

Geoff Winnington-Ball (RIP) 10-05-10 16:34


Originally Posted by Howard (Post 130278)
Well Lynn, I'm 41, I plan to take my first retirement in 9 years when the Kids leave high school, and travel for a year or so.
If I am still alive by 55 (and I don't expect to be...) I will have to go back to work & save for my second retirement. That's the rough plan at this stage. I'll keep you posted & let you know when I do eventually cark it.

Good lord, Howard... if I'm still alive at 57 - yeah it surprises me too! - you should have no problems (unless Jo has nefarious thoughts of course)... :sheep:


Lynn Eades 11-05-10 00:23

Howard /Geoff
Howard at 41 yer still shittin yella. 55 is no goal (I'm getting very close to fif..fift...fif......F...FIFTY seven shhhhhh.)Get a bigger goal mate! It'll give you more time to get nuthin done!

Geoff, What country do Nefaries come from?

aj.lec 11-05-10 22:56

Let me know if you need a stop over point Max:cheers:

Max Hedges 12-05-10 23:43

We'll catch up

Originally Posted by aj.lec (Post 130371)
Let me know if you need a stop over point Max:cheers:

Andrew at the moment, we are planning to camp at Oxley Downs. Just south of Dubbo. You could either catch up with us for the night or I could pop in for a cuppa on Sunday morning the 30th of May.

Rick we could meet you along the Murray River? Could be around the 19th June not sure yet.

aj.lec 13-05-10 09:39


Originally Posted by Max Hedges (Post 130444)
Andrew at the moment, we are planning to camp at Oxley Downs. Just south of Dubbo.

Do you know the owners Max ?
If you do get them to show you "The Springs" the original homestead oxley downs was based on ,just up the road :thup2:
very interesting .Pictues in the first postings of "A piece of Aussie history" thread
The History of the Property

The first Europeans known to have seen this land were the explorers, John Oxley and Allan Cunningham who on the 15th of August 1817 camped at Mary’s Valley, now known as Paddys Creek. This campsite is approximately 2.5 km north west of "Oxley Downs".

John Oxley wrote in his journal - "The tops of the hills were generally stony (granite of different degrees and qualities), but the broom-grass grew strongly and abundantly in the interstices. We never descended a valley without finding it well watered, and although the soil and character of the country rendered it fit for all agricultural purposes……”.

In 1837 Arthur and Isabella Baird came to Australia with their young son Thomas and after a short time in Bathurst, moved further west to near Dubbo. While in Bathurst their daughter, Kennedy, was born and after reaching the Dubbo area, their youngest son David was born. In 1846 they secured 200 acres of land as freehold and started to build their holdings around this. Eventually they secured over 26,000 acres of land and by 1857 the main homestead, which survives today, was built.

"The Springs" Homestead

It was first considered to use the "The Springs" homestead for filming but was realized that it would be cheaper to rebuild the set than to alter existing buildings and then have to restore them after filming.

“Oxley Downs” was built in 14 weeks from July 2004 to 11th October when filming started on the television series Outback House. The participants were 21st century people selected to live in the style of 1861 for a period of 3 months. These participants had to run an 1861 station during the period of lambing, sheep washing and shearing. In 1861 the Robinson Land Act came into effect where the squatters were to pay £1 per acre to secure a maximum of 320 acres. This also allowed selectors the opportunity to claim land, especially around waterholes and productive land.

Descendants of Arthur and Isabella Baird, the Tourle family, continue to farm much of this original 26,000 acres and “Oxley Downs” has now become part of its history. Kennedy, Tom and Sam Tourle are the sixth generation and with their parents Scott and Liz, continue to farm this original holding.

The Tourle family is proud to have been involved in this production, with the use of the land, the supply of the Pemcaw blood sheep and the involvement with the builders, the production team and the participants.

The participants have built a strong bond with “Oxley Downs” and each other. We hope that you also have the same appreciation for “Oxley Downs” and 1861.

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