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-   -   This is an odd ad! (

maple_leaf_eh 09-08-16 01:17

This is an odd ad!

2x 25pdr guns at someone's cottage house in Quebec. $5000 starts the bid.

(I own other stuff, not these ones.)

The why from Facebook. Apparently the owner is being forced to sell.


"It is a shame... the owners don't want to sell them, the mayor is threatening them to remove their scrap metal on their property because two neighbors are complaining about the presence of both canons. This is totally illegal from the municipality authorities. The law is not stating canon, it is saying that junk is not allow on the land of a property and they consider both canons like junk.

The owners seem to be victim of intimidation from both. the neighbors and the mayor... wow a nice city! I just gave them some advices but I can't fight for them. Knowing that make the canons less interesting but I'm sure that the buyer will take them and will try to sell them at a higher price.

This story makes no sense to me and prove that a lot of people are very stupid. This may lead to any other stupid actions from the leaders to decide what can be put on a yard and what not."

rob love 09-08-16 04:22

Thanks Terry. A deal has been struck and they should be mine. Looks like I am making a cross country trip next week.

I have wanted a 25 pdr for as long as I can remember. Now I may have two. :)

Private_collector 09-08-16 09:27

Good God! How could anybody view these as some sort of eyesore!?!?

Excellent score Rob. :thup2:

Why are these things NEVER down the road from me.....even if the road was 1000km long.

rnixartillery 09-08-16 09:33

Amazing situation ,good luck with the purchase !


Rob Fast 09-08-16 11:18

Well done Rob!
I hope this all works out. Oh, and keep your eye open for the limbers that might in the neighbours backyard being used to store paint cans. I need one. Cheers Rob Fast

rob love 09-08-16 12:35

Oh I wil Rob.

There would appear to be more 25pdrs in that neck of the woods. Here is another of the poster's ads from the same region; note the lawn ornament:

Wayne Hingley 09-08-16 15:04

Very nice Rob. Im sure the 25 pounders will enjoy their new home in Friendly Manitoba. That's a heck of a road trip (2500km each way)!

rob love 09-08-16 15:23

Thanks Wayne

A guy has to do what a guy has to do. I may end up asking for someone in the Ottawa area to stash one of them for a bit (calling Bob and the gang)......I can pick the first one up, stash it in Ottawa, head back for the second and run it home, then retrieve the first one at my leisure.

Peter Duggan 09-08-16 15:37

Only in Canada

Congratulations !! While I have no interest in owning an artillery piece, I was quite disturbed by this story and had approached my Minister of Finance to try and save them. Here's hoping that they were manufactured in Sorel, QC, true Canadian veterans.
I'm confident that the Hammond gang will provide the storage space, if not, please consider Cherry Valley as an option.


Clive Prothero-Brooks 09-08-16 15:47

There is a photo of the data plate and it is a SIL.

maple_leaf_eh 09-08-16 16:40

To all the collectors out there, this thread and MLU as a community are looking out for each other. Glad to help!

maple_leaf_eh 09-08-16 16:44


Originally Posted by rob love (Post 227465)
Thanks Wayne

A guy has to do what a guy has to do. I may end up asking for someone in the Ottawa area to stash one of them for a bit (calling Bob and the gang)......I can pick the first one up, stash it in Ottawa, head back for the second and run it home, then retrieve the first one at my leisure.

I know there is space in the Ragweed Ranch after last weekend. Two parking spaces of mine were freed up with "stuff" headed to Jason Ginn's.

I can vouch for the Hammond Barn's security measures and reliability. The challenge will be to stage the piece(s) on top of something that won't settle into the sand and grow trees through the gaps.

Let me know if and when you are passing through, and will see if there is anything I can contribute to the recovery.

Harry Moon 10-08-16 02:21

I think the picture of the 25 pounder in the other listing for the house is the 2nd one.

RHClarke 10-08-16 16:12

Hammond Guns Position
I am sure that Bob would be thrilled to store the guns. Be aware that they will be investigated thoroughly. ..

Frank v R 10-08-16 17:01

Rob , looks like you were a couple of weeks off the mark for them to get ride with the Gun Tractor,

rob love 10-08-16 20:21

Frank, my timing is never quite right, but the trailer seemed full anyway.

One of the big considerations in this project is that there is relatively fresh sod in their yard and they do not want it torn up. The guns themselves do not roll I am told. So by going in with my light trailer and pickup and doing it in two trips I hope to minimize any damage.

I had the cash deposit dropped off this morning and a contract with the seller has been signed. It is my intention to head out Saturday night or Sunday morning and be there for Tuesday morning at the latest.

It was also my understanding that they had many many calls re this ad, and there were several other interested parties. The gentleman said that first cash spoke, so I guess that would be me. Sorry to the others that were competing.

Hey, since I am crossing two provincial borders, does this make me a poacher? Are there even rules in Quebec and Ontario like we have here in Manitoba??

rob love 10-08-16 20:36

4 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by Harry Moon (Post 227482)
I think the picture of the 25 pounder in the other listing for the house is the 2nd one.

You are right. I got photos today of the two of them, and the one in the photo of the house is the second one at the house by the lake. They must have moved them there after 2011 and the neighbors did not like them.

The barrel and breech on the second one are laying back on the gun. Not sure if the recoil mech has collapsed, or the barrel is loose from the sled. Hopefully I can winch it back forward as the present breech location is going to make winching it onto the trailer a bugger.

David Dunlop 11-08-16 03:25

Is there any military history in this family you are aware of, Rob? One 25 PDR would be normal per se, but 2 seems quite unusual unless one has a vested interest. Be interesting to chat with them when you are down there. Maybe they will have other leads for you to follow up on.

Have a safe trip! And take lots of pictures!


horsa 11-08-16 04:39

Congratulations! What an amazing find at an unbeatable price!

chris vickery 11-08-16 13:41

Rob, I have space in the North Bay area if need be or at least a possible rest stop on your way through. :thup2:

Bob Carriere 11-08-16 14:40

Space is waiting for delivery......
The Barn has room.

....and I have a 20 ft trailer with a 10K winch.... 3 ton come-a-along....straps..... chains ...extra if you need help and want to move both guns in one trip we can help.

Wonder if my wife would like it on the front lawn???????


PS and a camera for pictures

Frank v R 11-08-16 20:36

you can't be a poacher if you are saving them!!!

RHClarke 11-08-16 21:34


Originally Posted by Frank v R (Post 227573)
you can't be a poacher if you are saving them!!!

Quebec is fair game in my mind. Your trip will even the score for last years Honest John raid. See you next week!

rob love 18-08-16 04:12

Saturday night I repacked wheel bearings on the trailer and redid the front left of the truck, leaving the front right alone since the front left was in great shape. I think I repacked them last Easter. Turns out I have a little seepage on the right front so now my truck is pulling right on every stop. It is survivable though.

I left Saturday night and with a few catnaps, woke up near the Ontario border. I got a good days driving on Sunday and slept in the truck in Kapuskasing. Next morning back on the road and was at the town in Quebec by 4:30 PM Monday, however due to a poorly marked detour did not actually get to the house until 6:30. Cash and pleasantries exchanged, I got to work and replaced the two tires on the gun with the collapsed recoil mech. I then tried to come-a-long the barrel back up but to no avail. Had to call it quits around 10 as the mosquitoes were going to fly away with me.

The owners put me up for the night, and I was back outside by 05:45 Tuesday working on the wheels of the second gun. Headed to town around 0800 to buy 8 sheets of 3/4 plywood to minimize the damage to the lawn.

Big bonus was the firing platforms were buried in the ground underneath the guns. One was chained and locked to the gun, so I managed to break the chain with a hammer, and dug the ring loose.

About that time the cavalry showed up. Bob, Rob and Ross all came out to help, driving many hours from their respective locations to join the recovery. Bob also brought along a set of tires on rims to replace the cement filled tires that were on the other gun. Good news was that all the hubs were turning.

We got the platform dragged out and up the hill. Then laid out the winch cable and snatch block, and with Ross maintaining a safety chain, Rob and myself moving the sheets of plywood ever forward, and Bob at the winch switch, we soon had the first gun up it's hill and on the flat of the lawn.

Second gun was a little tough due to the collapsed recoil, but soon enough we had it on my trailer, and then positioned Bob's trailer to pick up the first gun.

Ross was busy on the broom cleaning up debris from the driveway, and in no time we had both guns along with their platforms chained and strapped ready to go. The Gods smiled on us and held off the torrential rain until we were ready to leave.

I followed Bob back to the barn so I could meet lucifer and see the sights. By 9:30 PM I was back on the road so I could miss the Ottawa traffic, and made it to the Irving station in Pembroke, where I knew I was going to have a great breakfast. I was the first one in the restaurant when they opened at 6AM, and after a hearty clubhouse sandwhich and potatoes, made my way to Long Lake, where I have finally booked my first hotel room of the trip.

Rob and Ross took lots of photos so hopefully they will not be shy and share some here for us. I think I took one photo only at the very beginning, and got so busy I never took another.

I may start another thread covering the recovery more completely, along with the guns present condition and their restorations. As can be expected, they are not without issues, but end of the day they are two Canadian 25pdrs that you rarely find on the market here in Canada.

I want to thank Bob, Rob and Ross for coming out. Without them I am pretty sure I would have still been hand winching through the storm and into this morning. Best case is I could have called a tow truck to come and winch....worst case is I could have had my chain hoist let go and the one gun would have headed for the lake.

I owe these guys a lot, and hopefully can make repayment over the years.

RHClarke 18-08-16 04:21

Quid Pro Quo

Originally Posted by rob love (Post 227805)
...Rob and Ross took lots of photos so hopefully they will not be shy and share some here for us. I think I took one photo only at the very beginning, and got so busy I never took another.

I want to thank Bob, Rob and Ross for coming out. ...I owe these guys a lot, and hopefully can make repayment over the years.

Rob, I will post some photos and clips later on. From my point of view, I was glad to help someone who was of immeasurable assistance in last years Honest John border raid. BZ on the acquisition.

derk derin 18-08-16 05:51

I am glad you had help with those recoveries. You are always first around here to help everyone else with projects and glad it came your way when you needed it! A big thanks to the Ontario guys for their efforts in helping Rob out!
Have a good trip back Rob and don't stop at any surplus stores!

rnixartillery 18-08-16 10:07

It sounds like a job well done ..........................well done !
Looking forward to some pictures.


rob love 18-08-16 12:48

1 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by RHClarke (Post 227806)
Rob, I will post some photos and clips later on. From my point of view, I was glad to help someone who was of immeasurable assistance in last years Honest John border raid. BZ on the acquisition.

I have to say that the scrapyard has not looked the same since that launcher left. There is now a big open space where there were once treasure. But nobody here was ever going to use it. Derk Derin though about it 20 years ago, but chickened out.

Have a good trip back Rob and don't stop at any surplus stores!
I almost stopped at an antique store along the highway, and immediately regretted it after I passed. Went right by Ontario gun in Kenogmi as well. Am I losing it?


Looking forward to some pictures.
Me too. However be warned that when working I cannot suck the gut in full time and still manage to breathe, so some of the photos will be a testament to why you do not drink 8 cokes a day. However since it is about the guns, it will be OK.

Rob videotaped as well. Not really the kind of you tube that goes viral, but it should be enjoyable to those who like this kind of stuff.

Just getting ready to leave the hotel now, have a 12.5 hour drive ahead of me yet. Most of that is through the Cambrian shield, which is rocky and hilly. Then I will hit the flattest land on earth (Manitoba) and can breathe a little again. In Manitoba, you can set the cruise control, tie the seatbelt to the steering wheel in the straight ahead position, and have a 4 hour nap while traveling at 110 kmh.

The load feels good on the truck and trailer. The truck is a lot smother riding on the way home than it was to the guns.

rob love 18-08-16 12:58


Originally Posted by rnixartillery (Post 227820)
It sounds like a job well done

No job is successful if someone gets injured. At one point an unnamed team mate was going to move a very large and awkward wooden plywood block. I told him we never lift that block, but rather to toss it on the hand dolly, which I positioned near the block. He tossed the block onto the lip of the dolly, which then swung forward and clocked him in the head. I felt very very bad about that one.

I also got in trouble with the wife over this whole event. Not because I bought two more artillery pieces, not because I left for almost a week during house renovations, but because we went to St. Huberts restaurant after the job. I thought the restaurant was excellent because I was exhausted and cold, and it was the first hot meal I had in 3 days, but apparently it is a real treat for the Quebecois, and she resented my having it.

Peter Duggan 18-08-16 15:11

Well done

What a heartwarming story. This is what the collector community is all about. Someone with foresight, aided by others willing to invest sweat equity, and more.

I look forward to the pictures and tales that this rescue effort will generate.

Well done, Peter

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