-   Tributes (
-   -   Bob Moseley, RIP (

Hanno Spoelstra 17-07-13 07:15

I never met Bob in person, but as a very active member of this community he will be sorely missed.

Please pass on my condolences to his wife Ada, his family and his friends.

RIP, Salesman Bob! :salute:


Richard Coutts-Smith 17-07-13 07:41

Worst fears realised, terrible news.
It was Bob's networking that put me on to my Humber, and it was he and Ada that came to the rescue when the truck failed on the way home: storing it for me and then trucking it 800kms home.
Have always owed them big time, heartfelt condolences to Ada, farewell Bob.

Keith Webb 17-07-13 07:48

For those who were unable to meet Bob here is a clip from the DVD I made back in 2007 - Year of the Cycle and Staff Car at Corowa. It gives a good idea of what a personable fellow Bob was.

Also in this clip is the late, great founder of this forum, Geoff Winnington-Ball on his only visit to Australia talking about Bob...

r.morrison 17-07-13 08:16

Damn it......
Now.... you've really hit home Keith. Thank you.....Robert

Max Hedges 17-07-13 08:18

Our thoughts are with Ada and family, very tragic news

The Hedges family at Yass

aj.lec 17-07-13 08:27

Rest in peace :remember
Our sincere condolences to Ada, family and friends
The Wykes family

Private_collector 17-07-13 09:11

This was the news I had been fearing every time I logged on to check this thread.
I just dont know what to say. My thoughts & sympathies go out to Bobs family.

Is there some way we can contribute to a group floral arrangement on behalf of the MLU members?

Keith Webb 17-07-13 09:15


Originally Posted by Private_collector (Post 182777)
This was the news I had been fearing every time I logged on to check this thread.
I just dont know what to say. My thoughts & sympathies go out to Bobs family.

Is there some way we can contribute to a group floral arrangement on behalf of the MLU members?

Hi Tony

We'll need to wait until Ada has let us know what she would prefer to do.

There are different forms of tribute, for instance whether the funeral is to be private, and some people ask for a donation to charity rather than flowers.

We'll let you know as soon as we find out.

hrpearce 17-07-13 09:15


Originally Posted by Keith Webb (Post 182773)
For those who were unable to meet Bob here is a clip from the DVD I made back in 2007 - Year of the Cycle and Staff Car at Corowa. It gives a good idea of what a personable fellow Bob was.

Also in this clip is the late, great founder of this forum, Geoff Winnington-Ball on his only visit to Australia talking about Bob...

2007 that was my first visit to Corowa and I met Bob at the swap meet. Over the following years we shared many yarns and jokes.
Bob you will be missed rest in peace.
The Pearce family send condolences To Ada, family and friends.

Ryan 17-07-13 10:42

So sad to hear of Bob's passing.
Wishing the family love and support.
Hopefully your having a beer and are nicely relaxed in a deck chair where you may be now Bob.


BSM 17-07-13 11:33

Echo all sentiments outlined above and add my own accordingly. We conversed on matters MT regularly and also enjoyed a good laugh. Always quick to offer assistance if it was within his power to do so. Keith, the video interview with Bob is a nice respectful touch and certainly a meaningful contribution. Ada touched base about an hour ago and is understandably still in a bit of a spin as you could imagine. I believe there is a meet with the funeral people tomorrow and then the word will be circulated. Rod

colin jones 17-07-13 12:06

Well I'm speechless, goes to show that life is very short and we need to live it to the fullest. I only spoke to Bob a few weeks ago.
Condolences to Ada and family.
Colin and Simone.

lynx42 17-07-13 13:13

Ada and family, The President and Members of the Khaki Vehicle Enthusiasts Inc. send their condolences to you all on the passing of Bob. Bob was a relatively new member of KVE but was a great supporter of the Corowa Swim-In. Who would ever forget the Blitz Half-track.

Our sympathies and best wishes to you. We hope time heals and the happy memories remain.

Rick Cove
President KVE Inc.

Ian Pullen 17-07-13 13:15

I don't get onto MLU often & when I saw the earlier post & I have to admit I was stunned. It's only when these events occur that we realise the frailty of life & I, like many have been keeping an eye on this thread for regular updates.
Our hobby is only enhanced with gentlemen of his character & enthusiasm.
I suggest that a gathering is arranged for a toast at Corowa next year, maybe even a regular thing to remember any who pass between meets

Bob Carriere 17-07-13 21:46

Awful news.....
Everyday I checked in for developments in Bob's condition...... my worst fear has occurred.

My deepest condolences to his wife Ada and all his family.

Every time I see sparks fly from a grinder I will remember him .........

Bob C.

Nathan Clark 18-07-13 11:25

Our condolences from out in the West. Will be a greatly missed member of the community..... can only wish I had the chance to meet Bob in person.


warren brown 19-07-13 01:17

I've been away for a few weeks and only just returned to discover this terrible news. I never met Bob - in fact I've met only a handful of people on the MLU website - but I'd formed an opinion of what an engaging and humorous guy he must have been through his posts. Terrible, terrible news - hearts go out to his family...

Keith Webb 19-07-13 01:32

Funeral arrangements
The date of the funeral is yet to be determined as there is the matter of the coroner being involved, but it will be at Mt. Barker in the Adelaide hills.

Ada has said according to Bob's wishes it will be simple and short and she is not planning to advertise it in the paper, however friends are welcome to attend.

For those who would like to send a card to Ada Hugh has given me her address which I will share via a PM rather than publicly post it here.

ron 19-07-13 05:38

Sad News
Well I have just found this very sad news, I had no idea this had happened,,our thoughts go out to Ada, you have to walk a mile in someone elses shoes to know the pain. I have been there and done that and its terrable,
Sad sad news, Ron

Keith Webb 19-07-13 08:38

Ada's computer
Just heard their computer stopped working a couple of days before Bob's accident so if anyone has emailed to Bob's address Ada won't be able to look at it for the time being.

Jan Thompson 19-07-13 13:04

Funeral details:

10am Wednesday 24th July at 10am
Kleemann Funerals
1 Morphett St
Mount Barker, SA

Ada would like an idea of who will be attending the funeral for catering purposes after the funeral. Please phone Hugh Davis on 0418 815665

Hans Mulder 19-07-13 20:11

Such sad news.

Phil Waterman 19-07-13 22:26

For any one speaking to the family
Please pass along the condolences of everyone who as known Bob through MLU, this is a strange hobby where we have friends we have never met, may never have even spoken to but we know them and have shared something with them. Friends who we feel their passing.

With warmest regards Phil

Mark W. Tonner 20-07-13 00:50

Bob's passing
Sorry to hear of Bob's passing, sad news indeed. I had been following his progress via this thread. Our condolences to Bob's family.

Lionelgee 21-07-13 03:21

Vale Salesman Bob
Hello All,

I have become somewhat of an infrequent visitor of MLU of late. However, the first messages I check have been about Bob's progress since his tragic accident. I was very saddened to hear of Bob's passing. My sympathies go out to Bob's family.

While I never met Bob in person he was always kind enough to reply to my posts and PM's. A sad loss to his family and to the Australian and International vehicle restoration community. RIP Bob :remember

Kind Regards

Rod Diery 21-07-13 11:24

Vale Bob
I am so very sorry to hear of Bob's passing. I have some great memories of phone and email conversations with Bob. He also gave me memorable tour of some awesome Adelaide military vehicle collections when I called in on my way home from Corowa in 2008.

RIP mate.


maple_leaf_eh 22-07-13 01:24

MLU member Hans offered Nomex overalls (size dependant) to fellow members. Bob's incident was enough to prompt me to be smarter and better geared around power tools. His experience changed the way I work.

Alex van de Wetering 23-07-13 12:22

I just saw the "RIP" behind Bob's name; shocking. The last I read was that he was on his way to recovery.... Another one of those familiar forum contributors lost. My condolences to family and friends.


Keith Webb 23-07-13 13:06

I have just heard via Hugh Davis that she would like any donations to be split between the Royal Flying Doctor Service and the Adelaide Hospital Burns Unit... I'm not sure of the mechanics of this, perhaps someone with experience can help with information.
Bob's funeral is tomorrow at Mt Barker.

greg.p 23-07-13 13:39

Like Alex, I logged on last week and read of Bob's terrible accident, but thought he would be okay.

I logged on tonight to respond to a MLU colleague who lives over the ditch (NZ) and was shocked to read of Bob's passing.

I extend my sincere condolences to Ada and family.



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