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Vets Dottir 28-07-05 19:16

Re: The old bugger

Originally posted by Max Hedges
he got to it before I had a chance

He said that it was better that tim tams

Hmmmm ... seeing Max chow-down the froggy makes me appreciate how difficult it must have been for him to part with those Tim Tams that came over with Michael ... that makes me feel verra special indeed. I'm proud of you Master Max ... and honoured too! Now all I need to do is collect those dammed Tim Tams from that man in Snowen Sound :rolleyes:


Vets Dottir 28-07-05 19:18

Re: !

Originally posted by David_Hayward
Aren't you supposed to lick Toads? I suppose cos they're all chocolate and sugar you Aussies could go ape and get a fix on Cane Toads! Hah! The Harry Potter frogs we had here were mere tadpoles compared to that giant bugger!
He's obviously a biter. I can understand that. :D

Vets Dottir 28-07-05 19:31

Hmmm ... a GREAT bargaining power has come my way for me to haggle my Tim Tams home to me where they rightfully belong, methinks.


Amongst the photos developed to CD recently, I discovered many photos of that joyful day thst you and assorted friends carried and escorted your pride and joy C15A home to your humble Snowen Sound home ... you have NOT seen ANY of these photos yet! ... Now, SUH ... ya gonna work WITH me for a fair resolution to this Tim Tams issssss-u now, or what?

:devil: Ma Yappy

Geoff Winnington-Ball (RIP) 28-07-05 20:22

Re: Re: !

Originally posted by Vets Dottir
He's obviously a biter. I can understand that. :D
Looking as raggedy as Max does, I'm surprised the froggy didn't bite him first...

David_Hayward (RIP) 28-07-05 22:07

Toasted bacon butties
Karmen, got back from our new house and I was starving! Had to get some more bacon from the local shop and then Danielle got frying and then toasting with the Breville. The HP sauce goes like liquid lava but the bacon is heaven! My wife Juliette is a vegetarian although her dad shot anything that moved and ate it, or fished anything that swam and ate it (her dad was the former ETS RAF pilot was was stationed in Canada 1942-onwards).She was sick of seeing plucked peasants, sorry Pheasants, and went OTT and least she won't get Mad Cow Disease! Still, there's a lot of nice veggie food out there and I never bat an eyelid when I tuck into my slice of porker.

Apart from a frying pan a wok is also recommended as being useful for loads of things including frying of course. My dad used the bonnet of his Bedford QL in the Egyptian desert to fry his eggs!!

Excuse me but I am tucking into a Cinnamon Swirl pastry now .. I love pastries and pies and all types of sausage but you have to watch that waste! 15 stone (14lbs = 1 stone) is too much even when you're 6-feet tall.

David_Hayward (RIP) 28-07-05 22:16


I'm surprised the froggy didn't bite him first...
taste like Chicken not the French, frogs' legs! Same with Alligator and Snake, both of which I have eaten, and of course snails!

Geoff Winnington-Ball (RIP) 28-07-05 22:53

Re: Froggies..

Originally posted by David_Hayward
taste like Chicken not the French, frogs' legs! Same with Alligator and Snake, both of which I have eaten, and of course snails!
Don't "frogs' legs" belong by definition to a Frenchman? :confused:

Anyway, nuff o' that inspired silliness... 'alligator & snake'? Ewwwww... escargot in garlic butter on the other hand (we can be reasonably sure they've not been preprocessed by the aforementioned Frenchman)... :D

[Obligatory disclaimer: apologies from a politically-incorrect Rostbif if any offense is taken by anyone, for any reason, anywhere in a galaxy far, far away... oh, sod it!]

David_Hayward (RIP) 28-07-05 23:16

We are about 10 miles from the coast and then 75 miles from the coast to Cherbourg, about the same distance to London. I happen to be a Francophile and love France and French food and wine. As a Rostbif though by birth I have to say that it is thanks to the Frogs that we have baguettes, filter coffee, snails/escargots, wine in a box, British Camembert and Brie cheeses, and the desire to spend hundreds of Pounds in trips to France to bring in cheap booze and fags. However, loads of so-called French frog's legs are British-sourced and we also export snails as well! If anyone wonders what a snail tastes like, it's rather like a whelk, the marine shellfish, but less tasty!

However I can honestly say that whilst I have eaten a variety of foods in my life, nothing compares with a French delicacy: brains with white sausage in a white wine sauce! Knowing that you are eating calf's brains is enough to make you vomit even before tucking in..

Keith Webb 28-07-05 23:26


Originally posted by David_Hayward
However I can honestly say that whilst I have eaten a variety of foods in my life, nothing compares with a French delicacy: brains with white sausage in a white wine sauce! Knowing that you are eating calf's brains is enough to make you vomit even before tucking in..

Processed calf brains.

Source, or should that be sauce

Max Hedges 28-07-05 23:49

At least I kept that froggy down

Keith Webb 29-07-05 00:07

How Yappy perceives those who withold Tim Tams
1 Attachment(s)

Max Hedges 29-07-05 00:23

Re: Re: tim tams

Originally posted by Vets Dottir
Maybe I'll need a whole Battalion convoy ...
Ya just gota be sneaky, have someone go and vist with his favourite everage, and the under the cover of darkness in your camoflague gear sneak in and have a sticky beak. When you find them don't open the packet as it will make a lot of noise and blow your cover.

Jeff old boy should be able to organise the diversion for you.


Vets Dottir 29-07-05 00:27

Ah ... but it's good to have friends who care and wanna help :smoker: Thanks guys:cheers:

Vets Dottir 29-07-05 00:28

Re: How Yappy perceives those who withold Tim Tams

Originally posted by Keith Webb
HEY ... Keefy ... what in thunderin' tarnation have you DONE to my BELOVED CANAAN??????? Shame on you ..... I shall look for an ass-head for you instead and then you can put Canaan's head back on his doggy-body schnell!!! ... ;)

Vets Dottir 29-07-05 00:41

1 Attachment(s)
Here you go Keefy old boy ...


Keith Webb 29-07-05 00:47

Way ahead of you
1 Attachment(s)
Funny the things you find on the net. Pointless doing a search for "ass" if you're looking for one of the donkey variety.

Vets Dottir 29-07-05 00:52

Ah ... much better, thank you verra much!


Col Tigwell 29-07-05 00:58

Karmen! Good morning dear lady.

I could be prepared to share some of our Tim Tams.

Which flavour do you prefer.

You can email your address at


Col Tigwell

Vets Dottir 29-07-05 01:22


Originally posted by herkman
Karmen! Good morning dear lady.

I could be prepared to share some of our Tim Tams.

Which flavour do you prefer.

You can email your address at


Col Tigwell

Well, I DO declare, my most Dear Master Herk-Man ... any friend of Tim Tams willing to share them is certainly a friend of mine :love: :devil:

I :salute: you and your Tim Tams too ;) (I say this as I gobble down a fried bacon with mayonaise sandwich after have had my appetite whetted for such a taste, by Master David Haywood hisself ... my cholesterol levels don't thank him, but my taste buds and tummy do :D

Gee, I'm getting a good thing goin' on here ... a Tim-Tam-Mainline from Aussie-Land ... why don't I just MOVE there? (ah ... IF ONLY I COULD ... I'd be there quicker than a 'Roo could poo after investing Vegemite)

Master Herkman ... look to your email for one from me post-haste ;)

Mmmmmmmmmm-yum .... salty salty bacon fat ... love the taste!

Tim Tams ... love 'em all probably ... I've had the Kahlua from Tim Tam Tony ... as well as a taste of Master Sunray's "Regular" flavor ... I loved the "regular" flavor ... straight-no-chaser ;) I don't know what flavor Dearests' Max and Kathy sent me ... some creature is holding them ransom ....

Ma :yappy: Yappy Karmen

Jon Skagfeld 29-07-05 01:39

Re: Way ahead of you

Originally posted by Keith Webb
Funny the things you find on the net. Pointless doing a search for "ass" if you're looking for one of the donkey variety.
Good grief!

It's a dog's breakfast, and a mule's meal.

Ain't Photoshop (or the Bucket), wonderful, Keefy?!;) :D

Keith Webb 29-07-05 01:50

Re: Re: Way ahead of you

Originally posted by Jon Skagfeld
Good grief!

It's a dog's breakfast, and a mule's meal.

Ain't Photoshop (or the Bucket), wonderful, Keefy?!;) :D

Hi Jon

Did you get the message that Yappy needs her Tim Tams????

Sorry about the photoshopping, but I knew you could take it!;) :cheers:

David_Hayward (RIP) 29-07-05 11:11

Sorry, Mayo is all right for some people like my wife but not for me thanks! In Frog-land a deliacy is Coley/Coalfish with Mayonnaise...we used to give that poor cousin of Cod to the cat! I love fish of all sorts, and the best fishy meal I had was in a small restaurant in Southsea, Portsmouth, a Chinky restaurant where we had Squid in Black bean Sauce and Lobster in Ginger Sauce...ecquisite! I love Octopus, Squid, Cuttlefish, about Crab in Tim Tam Sauce? Would it give you the Chunders though?

Has anyone ever eaten Dandelion? In the vineyards where I worked in Marne region of Frog-land, it was normal to pull up a choice Dandelion weed, take it home, wash it and then toss it in a home-made vinaigrette dressing and then eat as per lettuce! Marvellous! Only they don't call it the 'Pis-en-lit' for's a dieuretic and a couple of litres of cheap 'Jolly Farmer'* supermarket cooking wine, lovely French cider, and beer at luchtime makes you want to 'pis' enough as it is! Only if you were like the locals, it was a question of finding the nearest tree and doing a doggy against it to relieve! In full view of passers-by!

* When I first went to France in 1971 'Jolly Farmer' from the Co-op was 1 Franc or 1/13th of a was cheaper than water!

David_Hayward (RIP) 29-07-05 15:10

Just popped out to the local garage and bought a Hershey's Chocolate and Cookies..yum! They also have two varieties of soft peanut centred choccy. Distributed here by AIB International of Leatherhead, Surrey. Now I want some TIM TAMS!

Geoff Winnington-Ball (RIP) 29-07-05 15:34

Re: Yuk!

Originally posted by David_Hayward
When I first went to France in 1971 'Jolly Farmer' from the Co-op was 1 Franc or 1/13th of a was cheaper than water!
Better than water too! :D

I remember cycling into Beauvais, still terribly jet-lagged after a night on an overloaded 707 (crammed with returning French students, all half-pissed when they boarded), one August evening in 1975. Unpacked my bike, reinflated the tyres, pitched my tent and walked up the street to buy bread, butter, eggs and wine. Vin Tigre was the latter, for the equivalent of 38 Canadian cents per litre bottle (to my delight, my high-school Parisian French worked). I seem to remember boiling eggs on my cooker, sopping up the muck with French bread and drinking half that bottle of wine. Never slept better after that. :)

David_Hayward (RIP) 29-07-05 15:49

Yeah! Froggie Bread!
Absolutely....use the baguettes to soak up every drop of sauce, or whatever was in the, Nesquick..

Vets Dottir 29-07-05 18:10

Re: Yuk!

Originally posted by David_Hayward
I love fish of all sorts, and the best fishy meal I had was in

You say you love fish of all sorts ... feast on this Back-Home-Delicacy-Big-Enough-To-Feed-An-Army ... although it looks as though a person woulkd get their arms broken trying to reel these pussies in :D


If you love to fish, Lockport, Manitoba provides the opportunity to catch the legendary Channel Catfish These monster fish average 15 to 20 lbs and 28 ” and you have a good chance at landing a Master Angler 34” plus trophy Cat Everything is included but the Fishing license.
http://C:\Documents and Settings\\catfish.jpg

http://C:\Graphics\karmen\BIG Catfish2.jpg


:cheers: from FISHY MA :yappy:

Vets Dottir 29-07-05 18:25

hold on folks ... I can't find the photos I just saved :rolleyes: ... I thought they would be in the last post but something messed up ... as soon as I find the fishy-fishy in this darned computer I'll post 'em ...

Vets Dottir 29-07-05 18:32

1 Attachment(s)
1) This catfish goes with the LOCKPORT blurb ;)

Vets Dottir 29-07-05 18:36

1 Attachment(s)
2) This Catfish is to feed a Battalion ... is your new huge skillet big enough to fry THIS Cat? Or will you need to WOK YOUR CAT?

see recipes

David_Hayward (RIP) 29-07-05 20:13

Killer Cats
I gather that the big Catfish are horrible to eat....I must say that when we caught a 16 lb Pollock (a member of the Cod family), it was so huge that it was better to chop it up into steaks and then place same in foil with butter and then bake, or add mashed potatoes and then make fishcakes. Until a few years ago Pollock was a fish you gave the pussy cat to eat, but things change!

Mind you Karmen, with a BIG fish like the one in the pic it would make a wonderful diced fish dish for the wok...

but what would you with THIS..292 kg tiddler?

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