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-   -   Rest In Peace, Geoff Winnington-Ball (

Bill Mulholland 08-12-10 01:54

A race well run, Rest In Peace Geoff. My sincere condolences to your family.

Bill Mulholland
Burton , New Brunswick

Wpns 421 08-12-10 02:07

On behalf of Carolle and myself please accept our condolences. Job well done Sunray. :salute: :salute: :salute: :salute: Gilles

mike mckinley 08-12-10 02:28

You will be sadly missed, our condolences to your family, and may you rest in peace...

mike mckinley
new brunswick

servicepub (RIP) 08-12-10 03:22

Posted on behalf of Carmen Sinclair (aka Yappy)
Posted on behalf of Carmen Sinclair (aka Yappy)


Hi MLU Family,

I still am part of MLU family and it's been hard not being a member to share in some of this in the forum so am writing to you all at once, at least to those whose email addresses I have in here. Many email addresses are elsewhere o I will miss out sending to some. Sorry for that.

Its really a blow and sad news to have heard when Geoff was hospitalized and then I only accessed my email yesterday afternoon to receive emails from people telling me our Geoff has passed away, and keeping me posted throughout. I didn't have a computer at home until yesterday afternoon so learned a day later what happened.

My heart and condolences go out to all of you as I know you're all in shock, going through a lot, and mourning the loss of Geoff right now, as am I. Big time and on many levels.

I'm also processing and mourning the loss of my sister who suddenly and unexpected passed away Thursday afternoon too. She was 63 and no one expected this in the least.

So its a time to remember, grieve, mourn, and celebrate the lives and legacies left of my sister Lynn, and of Geoff.

I always loved and cared about, and for Geoff. Not being able to share that openly because of other stuff in the way doesn't ever mean that I don't care and don't grieve as well as celebrate all the positives and legacies. All the good and the bad, none denies the others existance and never did. But you all should know that.

Anyways, in the end, I am very glad that Geoff is free and at peace now and everything not good is released, I'm grateful he's at peace and thats all I ever wanted for him, for his sake, and I feel very much for his family, MLU family and friends, and the women through his life, namely Grace, Julia, me and Sally and my condolences go out to every one of you. Geoff left a lot of good and wonderful in his wake and all that will carry on and will be celebrated, by me and everyone else, I'm sure.

This is a lot to process. For a lot of us, I know.

Love Carman aka Karmen aka Ma yappy

Mike Timoshyk 08-12-10 03:34

Crossing the River
Fair winds and following seas as you cross the river Geoff...

Mike Timoshyk

Wayne Henderson 08-12-10 03:43

MLF World
Sad news to hear of Geoff's passing. He's built a great website that has bought many people together from around the world. RIP.
Wayne Henderson

jeff davis 08-12-10 04:19

Rest in peace
Sad News Great Website and a help to all the Canadian vehicle restorers.Hard to find sites that are not dedicated to the USA winning the War,a great legacy to be proud of,

Brian Gough 08-12-10 04:22


WINNINGTON-BALL, Geoffrey Arthur -

Peacefully in the presence and comfort of his family on Sunday, December 5, 2010.

He is survived by his children, Shawn and Ashley, his sister Marguerite Stanciu of Indianapolis, his step-mother Eileen of Uxbridge and his dear friend Tim Scott.

Geoffrey spent much of his life working to preserve the memory of Canadian soldiers who fought overseas in WWII and will be remembered for his efforts and dedication.

A reception will be held in Scarborough on Saturday, December 11th.

In lieu of flowers, donations to the Sunnybrook Veterans Centre Grant A Wish Program would be appreciated.

JD Baillie 08-12-10 04:54

I will miss his occasional emails,

I will miss knowing he is there, behind the web site,

I will miss not having met him.

I will put the poppy back on my lapel for a bit.

...At the going down of the sun and in the morning....


Hanno Spoelstra 08-12-10 18:02

1 Attachment(s)
On the front page of Nigel Hay's

Geoff Winnington-Ball Passes Away
Canadian military vehicle history enthusiast and founder of Maple Leaf Up, Geoff died in hospital in Canada on Sunday. A true believer in all of Canada's military heritage, he made an enormous contribuition to our hobby. Rest in Peace Geoff.
Visit Maple Leaf Up to See Geoff's Legacy

Dirk Leegwater (RIP) 08-12-10 20:15

Deepest condolences to family and friends.
May you rest in peace Geoff.


peter simundson 08-12-10 21:14

On behalf of ....
....all members of the Ontario Military Vehicle Association my sincere
condolences to the family and close friends. When I first read this I was in shock for a minute and then reread the details and was surprised, as I know all of us were, that after the previous post he had passed so quickly.
I was advised the same day my best friend has cancer so it was an eye opener on the shortness of life.
I will advise the Regiment of his demise. I regret not knowing him better.
Rest in peace Geoff.

Peter Simundson

Sally Ann 08-12-10 23:07

Thank you Peter and Brian for posting the obituaries :salute:

Geoff's online obituary and guest book can be accessed here for those that wish to leave a message.

As is mentioned on it the Memorial Service for him will be held at:

McDougall and Brown, 2900 Kingston Road, Scarborough,
on Saturday, December 11, 2010, from 3-5 p.m.

In lieu of flowers, donations to the Sunnybrook Veterans Centre Grant A Wish Program would be appreciated. :remember

James Baxter 08-12-10 23:41

Deepest sympathy, and condolences to the family. A privilege to have met Geoff, and enormously impressed by what he achieved in the field of MV preservation, and in particular the MLU website. He brought like minded people together all of whom are the better for it. A very sad loss.

James Baxter

Mike Kelly 09-12-10 00:05

I met Geoff at Corowa .. was most impressed he put up with the long flight and came all the way from Canada to visit us .. I believe he wasn't in the best of health at the time. Despite his health situation, he made the effort and I think he really had a great time .

We will meet again in CMP land


Mk1rceme 09-12-10 05:23

Rest in peace Geoff:remember

Mike Baker 09-12-10 07:10

Farewell Captain - and as we say in the Navy, Bravo Zulu. :salute:

James Gosling 09-12-10 09:54

My sincere condolences to your family, rest in peace Geoff.:remember

maverick 09-12-10 22:29

RIP Geoff and sincere condolences to his family.

r.morrison 10-12-10 06:28

Hub of the Wheel!
Deeply saddened, shocked and as David Hayward said, emotional. I was not much of a forum kinda' guy, but next to Ebay, MLU was my next daily activity.

I had a great telephone conversation earlier this year, for about an hour, with Geoff and talked about MLU and broadening the horizons of the input.

I've enjoyed all the input fellow members had contributed, being wit, wisdom, expertise, connections....just reaching out to a fellow members.

It takes a certain dedication, love of life, self sacrifice or in layman's terms.... "GLUE" to keep it all together....and Geoff was that glue!

To Geoff's immediate family, my heartfelt condolences. And to you all... Hanno, Phil, Salesman Bob,Lynne, David, all of the contributing members. I'm deeply sorry. Robert Morrison (Vancouver B.C.) :salute:

Doug Lavoie 10-12-10 20:18

Some people leave deeper foot prints than others, yours will take a longer to fill in. RIP you have done a great job.

mcooper 10-12-10 23:44

my condolences to the family. RIP Geoff

Keith Orpin 11-12-10 00:52

RIP Geoff.....I'll always remember the one and only time I met you, at Hornedean a few years ago
Sincere condolences to your family

Marc van Aalderen 11-12-10 12:25

Lost for words...
Geoff, we never met and now never will. MLU Forum is a legacy to be proud off. May you rest in peace.:remember
Condolences to your family and loved ones.

Goodbye Soldier,

Frank L. 11-12-10 20:54


Thanks couldn't begin to say how much you helped me when I needed it most. You took the time to reach out to me and it worked and I'm better for it.

Rest easy old friend.


RichardT10829 12-12-10 03:08

I cant believe this....... May you rest in peace, and may you be greeted by those many whom you strived to preserve the memories of.

Rod Diery 12-12-10 10:48

Thank you and Goodbye
Back in the later years of last century, I decided to create a website dedicated to the wonderful Canadian Military Pattern trucks.

It was a struggle as there was little about them online and I did not have a lot of access to paper publications about them here in rural Western Australia.

So I put out a call for help on the the old Mil-Veh @ skylee forum hoping that among all those Jeep enthusiasts on there, there might be at least one person who not only knew what a CMP was but would be able to help me out.

There was such a person. The very first reply I got was from a Geoff Winnington - Ball.
He was a kindred spirit with a great interest and appreciation of the CMP. And he was only to happy to share his knowledge and enthusiasm with a neophyte from down under.

Geoff sent me untold amounts of information both electronically and via the snail mail. He would proof read everything I posted online and would email me constantly with corrections and suggestions. All with good humour and intelligent analysis.

And through Geoff I have met many liked minded enthusiasts, both online and in person and have made life long friends from that group.

Geoff, I never met you and I am poorer for that. But I do remember a long, informative and very funny telephone conversation many years ago and I will always cherish the help and guidance that you gave me

I have always felt you were a mate in the true Aussie sense of the word and so I say, Thank you and Goodbye. May you rest in peace.


Danny Bosma 13-12-10 11:31

Few are able to inspire so many.
May you rest in peace.
Condolences to your family and loved ones.


Nigel Watson 13-12-10 19:28

1 Attachment(s)
Have just learnt of Geoff's passing and want to say I was truly honoured to have been his friend. I will not forget his time over here with us especially when the search for his ancestors in St.Andrews turned up the very place where a photograph he had of them, had been taken. We took another one with Geoff in the same place.

See you later old friend,

Nigel and Pam Watson
Dundee, Scotland

Haridimos 14-12-10 00:12

My deepest sympathy, and condolences to the family..

Rest in peace, Geoff :remember


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