-   -   Year of the Tracked Vehicle (Corowa 08) (

Jan Thompson 05-03-08 08:24

It is shaping up to be a big event. The local area has been publicising the activities with articles in the local papers and radio interviews. Thanks must go to Major Graham Docksey, Ian Pullen and the Bandiana Army Museum for allowing their vehicles to be photographed.

I have had numerous phone calls from people wanting to know more about the event. Apparently all the motels are now booked out too.

alexmacca30 05-03-08 10:17

Little Time
As Jan says, it should be quite a big event. The Traffic Management is all under control. The arena at the airport I have not finalised the barricading for but should be able to organise that on the Monday. Small issues to annoy such as the radio's I ordered have arrived yesterday, one does not work after charging so it's been sent back to WA. Hopefully the replacement arrives before I leave!!!


Geoff Winnington-Ball (RIP) 05-03-08 12:07


Originally Posted by Ian Pullen (Post 94912)
Well ladies and gentlemen, Corowa has been approx 27-32 degrees Celsius for the past week and next week looks to be more of the same. The nights have been getting down to single digit temps though so some may want to pack a set of the flanellette PJs.
The nights are on the most side quite mild.
If we are lucky, we may even see a cloud, although it is doubtful of containing any rain.....


Damn, you said that deliberately, didn't you... :mad:

Toronto is in the middle of a giant BLIZZARD right now! :doh:

BTW, all the docs are uploaded to the server now at and the TMP Docs are upcoming NLT 1000 tomorrow Oz-time...


phoenix 05-03-08 23:17

I can't think about corowa yet, The Heritage has a 2 day display at steamfest this weekend, and another one the weekend after I get home!!

But I'm all ready and raring to go. I'll be happy as larry once I get out of melbourne!

Geoff Winnington-Ball (RIP) 06-03-08 00:22

Corowa Website Updated

The site has been updated with the addition of a frames structure to maintain the integrity of the top (identifying) border as well as the addition of a page dedicated to the Traffic Management Plan (TMP) for 2008.

Participants please download and print the latter pages for your information!

More to come.

That is all.

Lang 07-03-08 02:56

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Corowa or Bust!

Keith Webb 07-03-08 03:18


Originally Posted by Lang (Post 95005)
Corowa or Bust!

Magnificent, Lang! :thup2:

Geoff Winnington-Ball (RIP) 07-03-08 03:19


Originally Posted by Lang (Post 95005)
Corowa or Bust!

Lang, with your permission, that pic is going on the Corowa site!! Sir, you are magnificent... :thup:

Sydneymver 07-03-08 04:07

nearly didn't make it
Well my jeep is on the trailer, and lubed up, my mate has his Nissan patrol (tow vehicle) in for service today, and WHAM his gearbox has lost 5th and reverse, advised better not risk it.

Bg guilt trip put on my wife, and the permission was granted to take as my 2 1/2 year old son says ( Mummys car) our 8 month old Diesel Pajero.

She saved the day, now the question is on, who drives and who sits in the back watching Band Of Brothers on the ceiling mounted DVD player, we will have to toss a coin for that one.

Back on Track
Bruce McCann

(who owes his wife big time)

Howard 07-03-08 04:28

Corowa or Bust!
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Originally Posted by Lang (Post 95005)
Corowa or Bust!

Corowa. Or Bust??
I think I'd prefer the latter...
Attachment 20018
(Go on, click the picture. You know you want to!)

Lang 07-03-08 06:58

She would never make Corowa. The police would book her for an inadequately restrained load.

alexmacca30 07-03-08 14:30

Good to see everyone is getting excited, I can tell by some of the comments.

Bruce, you had better be there because your oil can is in my Landy and Glen's shovel has joined it. It's only taken 2 years!!!
Tell your better half that I feel that she is doing the right and honourable thing, although coming from me she most likely, maybe possibly, actually probably just plain wont believe it because it is coming from me.


For me only 2 more sleeps.

Alex Blair (RIP) 07-03-08 16:07


Originally Posted by Howard (Post 95012)
Corowa. Or Bust??
I think I'd prefer the latter...
Attachment 20018
(Go on, click the picture. You know you want to!)

Got any more...??
:drunk::remember :support

Lang 07-03-08 20:50


Originally Posted by Geoff Winnington-Ball (Post 95007)
Lang, with your permission, that pic is going on the Corowa site!! Sir, you are magnificent... :thup:


Do what you wish with the photo. I am sure there will be many more interesting ones over the next week.


Geoff Winnington-Ball (RIP) 07-03-08 21:12


Originally Posted by Lang (Post 95056)

Do what you wish with the photo. I am sure there will be many more interesting ones over the next week.


You're a gentleman, sir... and I'm counting on those yet-to-be-taken pics - the more embarrassing the better! Start with Salesman Bob.... :D

Richard Coutts-Smith 13-03-08 11:28

1st pics
2 Attachment(s)
Just a teaser below, I guess you will have to wait for Keith video for better ones...
2 Stuarts, 2 half tracks, 2 Ferrets, a Greyhound a mess of gun Carriers and assorted green stuff went down to the river to play. Quote of the day (from one of the hitchikers in the carrier that suffered from boiling, wet dissy, fuel vaporisation, then got towed home for the last km)..." A bad day in a Bren Gun Carrier, is better than a good day at work"
Can't disagree with that.

zemsi 13-03-08 21:29

... excellent pics :thup: Desperately waiting for more to come. Can anyone upload some videos on youtube?

Vets Dottir 2nd 16-03-08 10:43

I 2nd my good friend Zemsi's words!!! :) Waiting patiently .... well, a tad impatiently :D

Rusty 16-03-08 11:12

What Do You Get when you mix 55 years in a good paddock 10 ton a steel and a radial
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Well of course you get a sticky wet and somewhat stinky Keefy:ergh:

Vets Dottir 2nd 16-03-08 11:15

Oh but look at that grin!!! :D (nice legs in the background too :devil: )

Rusty 16-03-08 11:23

Heres a few more for the Tankies out there
4 Attachment(s)
Down the Barell of a Stuart

Scrivo18 16-03-08 13:22

What a week
Hi Everyone
I have just got home and unloaded the jeep, The Stuart and the Bren are still travelling. The short story WOW , the long story, very condensed, we had a major drama with the stuart after developing a leak in the oil reservoir tank. If you know anything about stuarts that requires that the engine be removed!!
So Friday with the help of some very wonderful people we lifted the engine enough to take the oil tank out through the lower inspection plate, have it repaired and then refited the reservoir. 11.00 PM Friday we test ran the vehicle, by 12.30 am Saturday the tools and many many empty water bottles had been cleaned up. It was about 40 degress most of the weekend, so in side and under a tank was thirsty work.
In what felt like a few minutes the alarm clock was going and we made the run into the assembly point at the front of the caravan park.
An incredible feeling driving the Stuart down the main street, in company with another Stuart.
We then had one more small drama, as the battery we had been using would not stuart the radial for the trip back, so a quick tow and we were back in the game, but a little late. What I did not realise was that the second group, made up of the bren carriers were following me through the street.
There were about 175 vehicles, of which I am sure a full list will be posted, truely an incredible weekend.
As I was busy and then very tired I did not get to have a good look at all the vehicles or the swap, but everyones comments have been positive.
After all the dramas and sleep loss the highlight was then getting a ride in the T34!!
To everyone that helped me with the Stuart repairs THANK YOU, it was a fantastic effort.
Also to everyone involved in the organisation and running of the event, it was fantastic and you should be proud and very satisfied with what was achieved.

Tim Scriven

hrpearce 16-03-08 21:20

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The boys and I had a great time for three days, a tad warm but the company was fantastic :thup2:. Thankyou all for letting the boys play with you. :cheers: I am looking forward to participating properly next year :D

Keith Webb 17-03-08 03:56


Originally Posted by Geoff Winnington-Ball (Post 95058)
You're a gentleman, sir... and I'm counting on those yet-to-be-taken pics - the more embarrassing the better! Start with Salesman Bob.... :D

Unfortunately Salesman Bob was nowhere to be found at Corowa - apparently he had some visitors at home this year.

Will post some pics later as I've just returned.

Keith Webb 17-03-08 05:01

A quickie
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Here's a pic taken Thursday when we had a run to a beautiful farm on the Murray not far from the airport. A very hot day indeed and many of the vehicles were feeling the heat on the return trip - we may have to subtitle the DVD "Year of the vapour lock".

In front is Tod Vaille's Stuart with Tim Scriven's Stuart behind. Tod's Stuart had a loading mishap and wound up falling off the trailer, doing a 360 rollover, winding up on it's side against a fence.

Tod tells the story in the next DVD of course!

alexmacca30 17-03-08 10:01

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What a few months!! The event is now over and I think all appeared to go pretty well for our first major tracked vehicle event. The parade went off really well and we were able to get quite a pace up on the way to the airport after leaving the main part of town.

The idea of having the arena worked very well. I think more crews would have probably played a bit more if the heat was not so intense.

My thanks to the AFV crews for their co-operation.


Keith Webb 17-03-08 11:34

So it's not just aircraft that produce a SEG
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This picture was taken by my writer friend Roger Clarke showing how a T34 can have the same effect... as can a hot Stuart as seen by Rusty's pic too.

Keith Webb 17-03-08 11:44


Originally Posted by Rusty (Post 95459)
Well of course you get a sticky wet and somewhat stinky Keefy:ergh:

It must've been at least 60 degrees in there and after some time there was a STRONG smell of fuel too! :eek:

Vets Dottir 2nd 17-03-08 12:17

And STILL grinning I see :D

Keith Webb 17-03-08 12:24

Cooling off
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It was seriously hot there but this is an excalibur moment from the murky waters of the Murray River - not sure who the hand belonged too but it sort of sums it up. I reckon he had the right idea. :thup2:

My biggest problem was time, batteries, stock and the heat and dust - there were MANY things I wanted to cover, one of the main ones being the Stuart action on the arena but after doing the segment on the T34 I was out of battery, stock and moisture.

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