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Dave Page 24-02-10 18:19

universal pouch set
I took a peek at the Perth Regiment (re-enacted) and saw the image mentioned, however that is not exactly how the set is meant to be worn. The problem is in the design, the rear pouch slides on the girth strap (for want of a better term) which allows it to creep toward the left and tend to slide off the shoulder when the haversack is not carried. I have a manual -somewhere- that shows how it should be worn.

edstorey 25-02-10 04:58

Primary Source Reference
3 Attachment(s)
Here is what the 1937 Pattern Web Equipment manual has to say. At no time is the term 'Bren Bra' used.

Mike Timoshyk 25-02-10 05:20

Nut and Bolt Nazis
Life is far too short......I have kept my thoughts to myself after several different threads....but you know...this whole thing about collecting and restoring and history in my mind is supposed to be fun....I have no time for the rude, the obnoxious and the high and mighty ..... by the way....I don't know about most....but I do know that although an AOR is called a tanker it really isn't is it?

Mike in Windsor

edstorey 25-02-10 05:47

Judging from your previous post, perhaps you should continue to keep your comments to yourself.

Jordan Baker 25-02-10 07:41

Mike, I'll have fun with you too. Just think how much fun we can have with making up more names for common equipment. Maybe I'll start calling my Bren Gun Mk1 a "Bren sniper machine gun" cause Ive heard somewhere (possibly the net, (thats internet, for those those that get hung up on such formalities) that they were really acurate and could could possibly or perhaps or even just maybe have been used to snipe with. Wow think how cool we will be when we show up at an event in uniform with our Bren sniper machine gun and Bren sniper machine gun bras.

Im not sure I can fully trust that latest set of pictures since they weren't written by a certain person. Oh wait, im also an author(Metal Craft Mag)(don't remember what pages or month cause I don't tell people with every chance I have but I do think you can still BUY SOME FROM ME IF YOU ARE INTERESTED) so let me climb up on my soap box. Actualy I'll use my Bren Gun Carrier (oh yah forgot, we are calling things by thier real name now, Universal Carrier Mk1*, just a sec forgot im now calling it "Bren sniper machine gun carrier) Now everyone will know what im talking about cause I said so (repeat part about being an author), still have some MetalCraft Mags to sell with my article in it by the way.

WOW I sure said alot with out being rude or high and mighty, obnoxious im still pondering that one. Mike, If I could High Five you over the internet I'd be doing it right now.

Ed, G.F.Y, in regards to your ability to continualy post pictures and quote line for line in verbatim from the manuals., Its oh so hopeful to eveyone out there. I don't really no what I'd do with out you. Oh wait a sec, I know, spend more time on other forums that I used to go to but for some reason that I can't quite put my finger on no longer do. If you're wondering about the G.F.Y. no I didn't mean that one, I ment the other one... :confused but heck everyone can decide on their own since its a democracy

For everyone else out there, I'll continue to do my best at helping to answer your questions on anything carrier/CMP or whatever else and quite happily too. Let me do the googling or looking up in my books. So ask away I seem to have time since Im no longer writing books. But I did write one article for a magazine in case anyone cares.

Before I finish I do want to appologize for adding yet another post that has nothing to do with Utility Pouches, aka Bren Gun Bra's or the one I really like, Bren sniper machine gun Bren bra (I made that last one up by my loansome)

Happy hunting

PFC Baker, published author (in case your wondering about the PFC, it is my rank that I have earned (Private F (normal 4 letter word + ing) Civilian))

kajn65 02-03-10 09:23

Re: Utility (Bren) Pouches
Hi Dave, Ed and Others,

You made a valid point, Dave.

That is how the Sewn Canvas Version of the "Bren Gun Bra" (or,"Bra" as it was mostly referred to by the Vets using it) came about later on in the War. This new Sewn Canvas Version can only be worn with the pouches on the wearer's chest; and is referenced in the book, "The Canadian Soldier, D-Day to VE-Day 1944-1945". See Page 26?

As I said earlier, and have this backed up by the Vets (Bren Gunners-Infantry and Airborne) using this equipment and by War Museum Curators, ... the Uitlity Puches, when both worn on the wearer's chest, were called (although nicked-named such) the Bren Gun Bra. This nick-name and this manner worn of these pouches were not published in the manual that Ed is referencing. These were developed by the Instructors and/or Personnel using the Utility Pouches from Battalion to Battalion, Regiment to Regiment; and Unit to Unit. Most often than not, the proper terminology or usage of this equipment was not even taught to the common soldier. Again, this has been back up by the same method as described earlier.

So when the Utility Pouch is worn in the desribed manner above, the "Bren Gun Bra" and the "Utility Pouch" are the same thing. Again, according to the Vets ... "That's a no brainer."

Ed, would you be able to tell me where one could obtain a copy of the manual you mentioned earlier; and what they normally run for? I would love to have a copy.



Lang 07-03-10 03:02

I suppose I should keep my mouth shut but can't resist.

The 37 pattern webbing was probably the most uncomfortable, ill-fitting carrying system of any army of the 20th century. Those who have worn it will say without a shadow of a doubt, it could not be carried for any length of time done up like the pictures in the manual.

The buckles were terrible - difficult to adjust, they slipped and anything requiring very tight straps meant you had to work on a loop out of half the buckle. The canvas was too thick and inflexible and had numerous seams which cut into your back and shoulders.

Look at any picture and you will see fellows with them high, low, pouches close at front or almost on their hips all trying to achieve the impossible goal of comfort.

I am quite sure if you trolled through photos of any British Commonwealth soldiers of the 30's-60's period you will see pouches (the Australian Army called them nothing but "basic pouches" or maybe "bren magazine basic pouches") being worn in every conceivable position, front, back, strapped to packs or hung off belts like cowboy six-shooters, some people with only one others with four.

I don't know about the Canadian Army but I spent a bit of time in the Australian Army and NOBODY called equipment by it's "correct" name. In fact the correct stocktake or Q-Store names are a source of endless juvenile jokes in the military ie Cover, Rubber or equiv, 6 inch, protection, penis, soldier for the use of.

Some of these posts remind me of the "experts" who come up during airshows and tell you the 1942 Stearman did not get a brown throttle knob until 3 serial numbers after your aircraft. They know a real lot about aeroplanes but they know Nothing about flying.

Soldiers are people, they don't talk like in the movies with sergeants and officers ordering people around in authoritative tones using military abbreviations and jargon as their main form of speech. As someone noted most soldiers from privates to generals (excluding Ordnance Corps and Q-Store people) would have no idea what the official book name is for half the equipment they use.

Let's lighten up.


Alex Blair (RIP) 07-03-10 15:50

Original manuals..
Just my two cents worth but Lang is right..serving members call equipment by many names..most unprintable here..
When I first started my manuals business I could never find "Sherman" in any of the original Sherman US tank manuals...or "deuce and a half"....or "Comet"..or "Leopard"....or "Patton"...or "Stuart""..and on and on...
They are not there..
Either is "Grant"....and when you say "Sherman" better add a model number or else you won't get a proper answer..
Anyway that is my two cents..
And "Blitz" would have to be upside down...drinking beer ..eating Vegemite..and singing "Waltzing Matilda"..and too close to the Barbie and suffering from alcohol poisoning and heat stroke to come up with "Blitz" for a such a t'ing of beauty as a "CMP"...or there I go again...they ain't called that in the manuals either..
:kangaroo :cheers: :drunk::remember :support

edstorey 07-03-10 17:46

Naming Conventions
I thought this post had finally run its course. What is even more surprising is that after the couple of weeks that this post has been on this forum that we now get some last minute input on how officially recognized 1940s names for Allied armoured vehicles somehow relates to made-up names by 1990s re-enactors for web-equipment.

Sure, the US 1940s maintenance manuals for the various US vehicles do not make reference to 'Sherman', 'Stuart' or 'Lee'; but have a look at the Second World War British vehicle manuals and they do make reference to those names. Just in case anyone is unfamiliar with these various names, the names such as 'Sherman', 'Lee', 'Grant' and 'Staghound' originated from British sources to denote the various armoured vehicles and these names are used in Second World War military documents when reporting vehicle strengths. At no time have I ever read of a unit during the Second World War reporting that it is holding 30 sets of 'Bren-bras'.

As for the age old excuse by those who like to dispute terminology, or anything military for that matter, but have no primary source material to back-up their arguments is, 'I was told by a Veteran'. That is all well and good but that excuse really does not add much to any discussion. Veterans are great people and we as a society owe them more than we can ever repay. I have a huge respect for Veterans, but and this is important, their recallections are just that, memories. What a Veteran remembers from 60 or 70 years ago has been clouded and altered over time. Veterean statements are only just one piece of the puzzle and should be regarded as that. Unfortunately, it is a well-used, all encompasing excuse employed as a smoke screen when no other proof can be provided.

The underlying topic of this discussion is that there are real, official names for much of this kit and equipment, whether it is for vehicles or for clothing. There is no reason to go and invent new names; so please, do not mistake the fanciful terms made up by re-enactors as any official or unofficial terminology, especially when for most, all they can bring to the table to defend their point is 'I was told by a Veteran'.

Geoff Winnington-Ball (RIP) 08-03-10 17:24

That'll be quite enough, thank you. I will tolerate NO personal attacks on MLU, regardless of whether you're right or wrong. In this case, there's probably an element of truth in what you ALL say - and certainly in Ed's correct identification. The rest is hear-say and is most likely based upon some truth or another, but is totally irrelevant to this conversation.

Jordan, I don't care whether you hate Ed Storey's guts (for whatever reason), but you will NOT bring this onto MLU. Sort this out on your own time. Understood?


Jordan Baker 08-03-10 22:18

No problemo Geoff, How could I hate a mans guts with all the knowledge :teach: he has stored inside of him for stuff that I love.

As for my previous (now unmentionable) posts they were "just a tad" tounge in cheek. :p All in good humour my good friend. :cheers: I thought thats how they would be taken to "relieve" some of the strain and stress that was going on from those dreaded past few weeks.

For the record (if it matters) I too like to use the proper names for things. In the grand scheme of things (life) this stuff is pretty insignificant and this brings me back to my bit up above about being humourous.

But I will try my bestest to tone it down a wee bit if thats ok. :sheep: (dont' realy get the skipping sheep but its there)

edstorey 08-03-10 23:16

No Problem
No worries from this end Jordan, I missed the post and I can understand how the heat of the moment may have prevailed.

Knowledge, who said anything about knowledge about this stuff, perhaps it is all BS...

Anyway, I guess as long as we all keep it in perspective that we are discussing old army junk things will be okay.



servicepub (RIP) 09-03-10 01:29

I love it when everyone kisses and makes up. :drunk:

Alex Blair (RIP) 09-03-10 01:53

Officer training..??

Originally Posted by servicepub (Post 127459)
I love it when everyone kisses and makes up. :drunk:

I wouldn't know about ass kissing..I never made it to officer candidate school..
Still in the ranks..very rank..and damned proud of it..
Enjoy your holiday and I'll try to be nice to the young ladies at Gracies on the 5 PM..
We will miss your silly grin..

(Rob,PM me for personal instruction ,again,on "The big hand...."")

servicepub (RIP) 09-03-10 02:09

Even before commissioning I wasn't into officer bashing just for the sake of doing it. I have run across good and bad officers and good and bad rankers. (Still have to meet a 'good' airman though :cheers:)

SteveF 10-03-10 00:32


Originally Posted by servicepub (Post 127463)
(Still have to meet a 'good' airman though :cheers:)

Gee, thanks..... so my 13 years as an infanteer doesn't count for anything? The dislike of the airforce is shared by many of us ex-army types who are currently wearing blue but it still stings a bit to hear it from those we respect..... No wonder I hate wearing my uniform in public....

servicepub (RIP) 10-03-10 00:45

Sorry Steve, that was a jab at Alex. A very good family friend was OC of the Skyhawks parachute team and had more jumps than anyone I knew. On top oif that he had been on the receiving end of unfriendly fire. He wears blue.
I also have a nephew and brother-in-law who wear blue and I respect them and ALL members of the CF, regardless of branch. Please wear your uniform with pride.

SteveF 10-03-10 03:17


Originally Posted by servicepub (Post 127521)
Sorry Steve, that was a jab at Alex. A very good family friend was OC of the Skyhawks parachute team and had more jumps than anyone I knew. On top oif that he had been on the receiving end of unfriendly fire. He wears blue.
I also have a nephew and brother-in-law who wear blue and I respect them and ALL members of the CF, regardless of branch. Please wear your uniform with pride.

No need to apologize, I understand your intent. Guess I shared too much with that last uniform comment (which is true), otherwise I was joking as well.

I have to learn to use the graphics to get my intended tone across as it sounds okay in my head when I type it, but then if I read it again and say it out loud it sounds pretty bitter... sorry, I'll try harder. I can't afford to have everyone upset at me for stuff that I don't intend. Too many misunderstandings lately....

Barry Churcher 11-03-10 02:25


Originally Posted by servicepub (Post 127459)
I love it when everyone kisses and makes up. :drunk:

Clive, say it isn't so and didn't happen and never will. Please, please, because when you say that I get these visions of Alex. Can you imagine anyone kissing that puss?:ergh::blink:

servicepub (RIP) 11-03-10 02:30


Originally Posted by Barry Churcher (Post 127565)
Clive, say it isn't so and didn't happen and never will. Please, please, because when you say that I get these visions of Alex. Can you imagine anyone kissing that puss?:ergh::blink:

I hadn't thought of that and now will have to go and get an elective frontal lobotomy to permanently excise that image from my mind. :bang:

Hanno Spoelstra 05-04-10 21:51

1 Attachment(s)
Despite all the bickering that was going on, I for one am glad that I now finally know:

1) what these are :confused

2) why they would not fit my standard belt back in the days when I was playing soldier! :no4:

I guess I now have to find the matching yokes and pouches after buying this mismatched pair more than 30 years ago. . . .


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