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Geoff Winnington-Ball (RIP) 17-07-05 04:03

Re: Reason for garbled response

Originally posted by Keith Webb
Jon you were probably viewing it through tears of laughter (as I was)!
Gawd, I dunno why I put up with you blokes from the upside-down part of the world! You're incorrigible, the lot of you! Crikey... why me??!!

Piss on it, have a pint on me!


Bob Moseley (RIP) 17-07-05 04:08

Slouch Hats Etc.
Spin Ball - the hats come in sizes Big, Bigger and Biggest.

Keefy - Pie floaters are dear to my heart. THERE IS NO WAY THEY ARE GETTING THAT RECIPE.

Cliff - I agree, Captain Morgans is the one although Bundy Black is pretty good.

BTW LMAO is not what happened here. It was more a case of Almost PMPL

Oh! and Jon, I think us Antipodeans could donate our various tributes to the Canadian cause of Lets Buy Our Third Blitz For Canada Fund.

Salesman Bob

Max Hedges 19-07-05 06:04

the power of tim tams
Michael has found a new use for Tim Tams, he's been fishing and has apparently almost caught a girl with them. See if the rest of you can go fishing and achieve the same results. It'll be interesting to see if she follows him back home for more. So anyone who manages to buy a Tim Tam off Jon please use them wisely as they can be invaluable to those who are able to go fishing.


Mark Sierant 19-07-05 06:14


Max you beterr send over some "Bundy" air express sounds like he might need a little bit of help bringing in. PS tell him not to show her this Maple Leaf Up thread. :devil:

David_Hayward (RIP) 21-07-05 09:18

Tim Tams
A friend of mine runs SWEET CITY in Southampton, which is devoted to selling candy and sweets you cannot get anywhere else e.g. US Cinnamon Tic-Tacs, etc. Anyhow I mentioned he ought to sell Tim Tams because MLU keeps mentioning them..well seems we can get them here in Blighty so I am advising him to try them out!

Anything else he should stock as punters come in from miles around?

Vets Dottir 28-07-05 00:22

Tim Tams????????
1 Attachment(s)
Ah ... I remember SO well, the TASTEY-TIM-TAMS from TIM TAMS TONY oh ever so long ago ...all gone now ... :(wherefore art my TIM TAMS you THIEF SKAGFELD :mad: ???

MA :yappy:

Vets Dottir 28-07-05 00:24

Withdrawal ....
1 Attachment(s)
I am having SUCH a hard time with the Tim Tams withdrawal that I can't do simple chores, like make a bed, anymore :confused: :(

Vets Dottir 28-07-05 00:25

Master Skagfeld ...
Please SIR MASTER SKAGFELD ... pray, DO tell, that you did not eat or give away ALL of those tastey Tim Tams??? :(

David_Hayward (RIP) 28-07-05 00:40

Karmen, my pal and I are going to invest in some Tim Tams...what ARE they like just to whet the appetite please?


This is SWEET CITY heaven!

Geoff Winnington-Ball (RIP) 28-07-05 04:27

Re: Hmmmmm!

Originally posted by David_Hayward
Karmen, my pal and I are going to invest in some Tim Tams...what ARE they like just to whet the appetite please?
David, you're a nice chap an' all, so I'd like to spare you some pain... THE SUGAR FIX IS WORSE THAN AN ADDICTION TO BOOZE AND TOBACCO TOGETHER (see pictures above). Methinks I'll stick to the booze, thank you. Bad enough trying to live with the proof shown above... :eek: :D :p

:bang: :drunk: :teach:

(running out of suitably descriptive smilies now)

cliff 28-07-05 04:42

David. Geoff is right on one count they are a real good sugar fix and ....and :eek: oh dear I am starting to drool again! Hang on just gotta go to the fridge and get another ......TIM TAM! :D

PS> I am lucky to live in a place where the supply NEVER runs out! :D

cheers (mumble mumble mumble with mouth full of tim tam)
Cliff:salute: :yappy: :note: :smoker: :p

Jon Skagfeld 28-07-05 04:50


To put you out of your misery....

The Tim Tams are in the freezer.

That's the good news....

The bad news is that you are there and the Tim Tams are here...time waits for no man...

BTW, advise Sunray that he needs a size 58 slouch hat...mine fits perfectly. :devil:

I wear it every time I watch "Breaker Morant".

Geoff Winnington-Ball (RIP) 28-07-05 04:56


Originally posted by Jon Skagfeld
BTW, advise Sunray that he needs a size 58 slouch hat...mine fits perfectly. :devil:

I wear it every time I watch "Breaker Morant".
Naked, probably... :p :salute:


Vets Dottir 28-07-05 05:06


Originally posted by Jon Skagfeld

To put you out of your misery....

The Tim Tams are in the freezer.

That's the good news....

The bad news is that you are there and the Tim Tams are here...time waits for no man...

That's a GOOD thing then Master Skag-man-Feld, for I am a woman not a man, therefore ... what must I, a mere WO-man do to get you to please save me a cold one (Tim Tam, NOT beer) :love: :love: :love: Ma :yappy:

Max Hedges 28-07-05 05:27

tim tams

is that naughty man from Owen Sound holding your tim tams for ransom maybe or is it a bribe that he wants we haven't heard from him since he received the goodies from Michael and now Michael is home so who knows where he's gone, maybe he is hidding as he has eaten the tim tams and doesn't want to tell you. Maybe you should make a convoy and travel to Owen Sound, don't forget the frying pan, and hopefully retrieve the tim tams in one piece. By the way Michael bought us home some Crown Royal special Reserve so we are happy.


Col Tigwell 28-07-05 09:36

Purchased Tim Tams in Bunbury today, $1-40 per packet.

Wow even I can afford them.


Col Tigwell

David_Hayward (RIP) 28-07-05 11:20

..Mr Geoff, I have got a craving for CARAMELO now! I LOOOOOVE Caramel, Butterscotch and sugar derivatives. Not so mad on Rum though, nor booze generally though I can drink FAMOUS GROUSE Scotch and Canadian Rye, and Aussie beers.

When I was in my late teens/early twenties I worked near the Aussie State offices in The Strand in London which were all very near the High Commission. The offices were converted shops and included Aussie trade products for people to see and lust after...displays of Reschs, Tooths, XXXX, Fosters, Swan, all genuine Aussie imports not the gnat's pee they brew here, hooked me. I think I have seen Canadian beer sold here and of course we get Yankee beers which are also brewed here. .And now Hershey's, even in local stores! Their peanut chocolate bars for instance are something to behold..nothing like traditional British choccy bars

Now our major 24-hour supermarket in Salisbury stocks booze from around the world, plus Vegemite, but they have yet to cotton on to the undoubted delights of Tim Tams! Even though we have a lot of Yanks and other NATO service people on exchange around the Salisbury Plain area, this undoubted treat has so far eluded us

David_Hayward (RIP) 28-07-05 11:24

New Frying Pan!
Karmen, I bought a new frying pan the other day, the biggest one I could's great for frying several rashers of bacon in one go that then go into a toasted sandwich maker {Breville) with lashings of British Brown Sauce preferably HP. The result is very addictive, and so I salute you,

Or 'She Who Must Be Obeyed' as She has a large pan at hand! I thought of you when I saw this humungous pan and thought what I could do with it, just as my daughter asked when we out shopping what I wanted for lunch and we just had some packets of smoked bacon in the fridge. Fried Bacon twice a day is getting to my waistline!

I gather that we Brits crave for Brown Sauce when we go ex-pat...anyone else like it and can you get bottled Brown Sauce alongside Ketchup overseas?

Max Hedges 28-07-05 12:35

Chocky frog
1 Attachment(s)
Look what was found on my trip to Adelaide. They bread them big over there


Max Hedges 28-07-05 12:38

The old bugger
1 Attachment(s)
he got to it before I had a chance

He said that it was better that tim tams

David_Hayward (RIP) 28-07-05 13:49

Aren't you supposed to lick Toads? I suppose cos they're all chocolate and sugar you Aussies could go ape and get a fix on Cane Toads! Hah! The Harry Potter frogs we had here were mere tadpoles compared to that giant bugger!

Tony Smith 28-07-05 13:57

Heck! You couldn't hide that frog, even in a size 58 Slouch Hat!

Geoff Winnington-Ball (RIP) 28-07-05 14:30


Originally posted by Tony Smith
Heck! You couldn't hide that frog, even in a size 58 Slouch Hat!
Ok, you can piss off too! :mad:

BTW, wot the 'ell are you doing in Pommieland??!! :eek:

Tony Smith 28-07-05 14:45

Sorry, today's Thursday, so I must be in Germany!

Geoff Winnington-Ball (RIP) 28-07-05 15:37


Originally posted by Tony Smith
Sorry, today's Thursday, so I must be in Germany!

Anywhere near Brunswick ('Braunschweig')? If so, you HAVE to look up my good friend Andreas Mehlhorn. If you DO see him by chance, please pass along my best regards... he's one of "us". :)

His website:

Anyone here have his phone number handy?

Vets Dottir 28-07-05 18:18


Originally posted by cliff
Hang on just gotta go to the fridge and get another ......TIM TAM! :D

PS> I am lucky to live in a place where the supply NEVER runs out! :D

cheers (mumble mumble mumble with mouth full of tim tam)
Cliff:salute: :yappy: :note: :smoker: :p

You lucky buggar ... :(:mad:

Vets Dottir 28-07-05 18:32

Re: tim tams

Originally posted by Max Hedges

is that naughty man from Owen Sound holding your tim tams for ransom maybe or is it a bribe that he wants ...
I fear time will tell ... I must come up with an :idea: on what to use on him in return as bargaining power :D Hmmmmm ... any :idea:'s anyone?


we haven't heard from him since he received the goodies from Michael and now Michael is home so who knows where he's gone, maybe he is hidding as he has eaten the tim tams and doesn't want to tell you.
Are you suggesting that that man from Owen is snowen me? :eek:


Maybe you should make a convoy and travel to Owen Sound, don't forget the frying pan, and hopefully retrieve the tim tams in one piece.
Maybe I'll need a whole Battalion convoy ...


By the way Michael bought us home some Crown Royal special Reserve so we are happy.

Enjoy that CRSR :drunk: Kathy and Max ... and do tell Michael i don't hold him accountable for the wayward route of the Tim Tams (I hope he had a great time and got lots of pictures!)


Vets Dottir 28-07-05 18:51


Originally posted by herkman
Purchased Tim Tams in Bunbury today, $1-40 per packet.

Wow even I can afford them.


Col Tigwell

You GO guy!!! :D Who cares about the waistline when Tim Tams are so yummy (I don't ) and affordable ? Now if only they were locally obtainable for me, without having to fight for my rightfully due Tim Tams that are held as ransom a mere couple of hours away?

:salute: May Tim Tams always be at hand for you and your pocket always be full of coins to buy them!

Pray tell Master Herkman ... WHAT liquid do you wash your Tim Tams down with? I plan to use my Tijm Tams as a straw to drink my coffee through them ... someone (Michael) gave me that :idea: lately :D

MA YAPPY :yappy:

Vets Dottir 28-07-05 19:07

Re: New Frying Pan!

Originally posted by David_Hayward
Karmen, I bought a new frying pan the other day, the biggest one I could's great for frying several rashers of bacon in one go that then go into a toasted sandwich maker {Breville) with lashings of British Brown Sauce preferably HP. The result is very addictive, and so I salute you,
Or 'She Who Must Be Obeyed' as She has a large pan at hand! I thought of you when I saw this humungous pan and thought what I could do with it, just as my daughter asked when we out shopping what I wanted for lunch and we just had some packets of smoked bacon in the fridge. Fried Bacon twice a day is getting to my waistline!

I gather that we Brits crave for Brown Sauce when we go ex-pat...anyone else like it and can you get bottled Brown Sauce alongside Ketchup overseas?

Hey Dude-David, I like yore atty-tude! Thank you for thinking of me and I, too, enjoy fried bacon! I'm sure you and your frying-pan have begun a very long and fulfilling relationship and you will love her no end ... as it is SO true that the way to a mans heart (a womans too) is through his (her) TUMMY! Who cares when the belly begins to grow and its bacon or Tim Tams, not babies, growing? ... and the frying pan is a versatile thing indeed, playing many roles and fulfilling many needs, as a dangeroius and deadly weapon or an obedience training tool. I'd never part with mine! :D

YES ... HP sauce available in our stores :D

Vets Dottir 28-07-05 19:12

Re: Chocky frog

Originally posted by Max Hedges
Look what was found on my trip to Adelaide. They bread them big over there


WOW EM and MAX ... gonna need a REALLY big frying pan to melt that froggy down to make chocky-sauce to add to my coffee ...

"Here froggy froggy ... here froggy ... come to Ma Yappy now, there's a good froggy :devil: "

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