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-   -   MLU-ers Story ... Once upon a time ,,, (

Max Hedges 07-08-05 23:51

1 Attachment(s)
.... to that place with a big whole in the ground in a land far-far-away, where the sunbeaten-grey-heared keeper of old rusty trucks hides. Low and behold when the tim-tam-fairy arrived, she found the big whole. Where there was not only one packet, not two, there were six packets! But...

Keith Webb 08-08-05 00:08


Originally posted by Max Hedges
.... to that place with a big whole in the ground in a land far-far-away, where the sunbeaten-grey-heared keeper of old rusty trucks hides. Low and behold when the tim-tam-fairy arrived, she found the big whole. Where there was not only one packet, not two, there were six packets! But...
...the trouble was they were monolithic in size, each one over 500 meters long. The wrapping itself was just over 1 meter thick. The grey haired keeper was known to be a cannibal, and defended the giant packs with a flock of savage attack sheep which she could hear malevolently bleating somewhere behind the first pack. Clearly she had to do something, but how?

Jon Skagfeld 08-08-05 04:26

...with stealthy moves and gimlet eyed observation, aided by a troop of koala killers and a jalopy full of joeys, she proceeded apace.

The resident ostrich manager said to her "Tut, tut, you cawn't do thet".

Which brings us back to Pharaohnic times where Akhenaten, Nefertiti and Tutankhamnun were lunching on the banks of the Nile when a reed boat floated into the bulrushes, near where they were dining.

I wonder what that is, said Nefer, could it be...

Ponysoldier 08-08-05 04:28

Good Greif!

Keith Webb 08-08-05 05:06

What th...???

Originally posted by Jon Skagfeld
...with stealthy moves and gimlet eyed observation, aided by a troop of koala killers and a jalopy full of joeys, she proceeded apace.

The resident ostrich manager said to her "Tut, tut, you cawn't do thet".

Which brings us back to Pharaohnic times where Akhenaten, Nefertiti and Tutankhamnun were lunching on the banks of the Nile when a reed boat floated into the bulrushes, near where they were dining.

I wonder what that is, said Nefer, could it be...

"Tongue sandwiches? Uggghhh!" "Toto, I don't think we are in Winterpeg any more."
With a wild jolt, Yappy was wide awake, the fog of her vegemite induced ramblings receding into the dim recesses of her mind. "I have to think clearly about this" she thought as she grabbed about for a strong coffee. Clearly there was a connection between the giant Tim Tam packs and the P51 which had almost mown her down the previous day. Somehow the prototype CMP was involved too. She decided to visit her old pal Jon. He'd been in the forces, and perhaps with his experience he could make some sense of this...

Vets Dottir 08-08-05 05:54

but first ...
...but FIRST I must write down the outline for my bestselling novel this continuing saga has inspired me to write ... and I shall call it, ":devil: MLU-ers Through The Looking Glass" :eek: and it shall be a best-seller, making mega-bucks that will finance my strategistically-correct and ultimately successful :fry: against those who would part me from my ...

Vets Dottir 08-08-05 05:57


Originally posted by Ponysoldier
Good Greif!

( :D Greetings from the Loon-ey-bin ... :D )

cliff 08-08-05 07:21

Re: but first ...

Originally posted by Vets Dottir
...but FIRST I must write down the outline for my bestselling novel this continuing saga has inspired me to write ... and I shall call it, ":devil: MLU-ers Through The Looking Glass" :eek: and it shall be a best-seller, making mega-bucks that will finance my strategistically-correct and ultimately successful :fry: against those who would part me from my ...
......rightful place as taster in the Tim Tam buscuit factory. And so tired from the running and all the brain waving ideas she had had to date Ma Yappy lay down in a place to have a nap and a few hours later a shadow quietly slid over her and Yappy woke with a start to find.......

DaveCox 08-08-05 08:15

Re: Re: but first ...

Originally posted by cliff
......rightful place as taster in the Tim Tam buscuit factory. And so tired from the running and all the brain waving ideas she had had to date Ma Yappy lay down in a place to have a nap and a few hours later a shadow quietly slid over her and Yappy woke with a start to find.......
A large stainless steel and SCC2- coloured plastic pyramid floating above her in the sky, a strange sound issuing from panels in it's underside. Then she realised that what she was hearing was ...........

Tony Smith 08-08-05 09:04

Re: Re: Re: but first ...

Originally posted by DaveCox
A large stainless steel and SCC2- coloured plastic pyramid floating above her in the sky, a strange sound issuing from panels in it's underside. Then she realised that what she was hearing was ...........
... Bagpipes! The top-secret RCAF flying saucer project had swiftly transported her to the Edinburgh Military Tattoo. Yappy soon forgot about the handsome man at the lead of the convoy as she was confronted with the image before her - thousands of bearded, kilted men marching smartly to a lone piper upon the crag. My golly-gosh thought Yappy, they are an uncivilized hairy lot ...

Max Hedges 08-08-05 10:15

.. this is my finest hour. Are all these bearded men wearing kilts for me? So I.................

Bob Moseley (RIP) 08-08-05 13:39


But I thought .... thousands of bearded, kilted men marching smartly to a lone piper upon the crag??? "My golly-gosh they're all a lot of uncivilized hairy-beasts" thought Yappy, as she trembled in outrage, "this is just too, too .........."
But she could utter no more as she was overcome with an urge to :fry: them all ...

cliff 08-08-05 14:21


Originally posted by Bob Moseley
But she could utter no more as she was overcome with an urge to :fry: them all ...

BUT .... they conceivably COULD hide a lot of tim tams so the customs dudes won't place duty on them. Now she thinks how to make a harness to hold all those lovely packets of Tim Tams and as her mind works itself into top gear she.........

Jon Skagfeld 09-08-05 04:42

...has an idea...I'll call on a Tim Tam Tommy-Get-Your-Bren-Gun and borrow his Bren, for along with my :fry: I shall survive, and I shall thrive, and I shall have my Tim Tams she said, smiling with delight!

But then, hark, what light shines ahead ...

Vets Dottir 09-08-05 06:19


Originally posted by Jon Skagfeld
...has an idea...I'll call on a Tim Tam Tommy-Get-Your-Bren-Gun and borrow his Bren, for along with my :fry: I shall survive, and I shall thrive, and I shall have my Tim Tams she said, smiling with delight!

But then, hark, what light shines ahead ...

Ah, I see, it is the opening heavens releasing all the powers of PIXIE-WITCH in Ma :yappy:, and she knocks out the bad guys with her :fry: then Brens them in the heads! ... and she jumps in the whole with the Tim Tams and the bagpipes and pipes songs of Victory (and the LAST POST (S) for the fallen pipers and vipers (for they did fight hard), gathers her Tim tams, jumps in the lead CMP and leads the convoy back to Canada ... her favorite piper (RUPERT) piping her home to her humble bunker in Winterpeg near the buffalo heard ... and the moral of this story is ... play nice or Ma Yappy will :fry:the crap out of all you lot then and Bren you-all in the heads ....

Now ... :teach: BEHAVE and keep this story clean or I'll :dh: you all!

:yappy: ;)

Ponysoldier 09-08-05 06:36

I dinna do nothin! :D

Vets Dottir 09-08-05 06:42


Originally posted by Ponysoldier
I dinna do nothin! :D

:cheers: :D

cliff 09-08-05 08:44


Originally posted by Ponysoldier
I dinna do nothin! :D

Guilty by association mate. :yappy:

hmm Ma Yappy is wrong she could not have jumped in the CMP with the Tim Tams as the Queensland born man above had already wisped them off to Queensland where they belonged and besides the cab was just not big enough to hold both Ma and the Tim Tams at the same time and the back was full of red rubble from the carting away of 'THE ROCK'.

So I think Ma is telling a porky and what really happened was.......

(hmmm the story was getting too good to stop now :D )

Max Hedges 09-08-05 08:56

.... that the Tim Tams were on a barge, going down the young Rhine River. Trying to sneek past the Swiss Chocolate factories, but Ma was spotted by my brother who alerted the authorities and she was wisked away....

DaveCox 09-08-05 09:02


Originally posted by Max Hedges
.... that the Tim Tams were on a barge, going down the young Rhine River. Trying to sneek past the Swiss Chocolate factories, but Ma was spotted by my brother who alerted the authorities and she was wisked away....
By the authorities, but escaped by :smoker: , eating vegemite and drinking XXXX in a confined space; the resulting explosion propelling her to......................

(like Cliff said - too good to stop now !!!!):dh:

Vets Dottir 09-08-05 09:17


Originally posted by DaveCox
By the authorities, but escaped by :smoker: , eating vegemite and drinking XXXX in a confined space; the resulting explosion propelling her to......................

(like Cliff said - too good to stop now !!!!):dh:

(whad-did-I-tell-yahs ... MLU-ers Through The Looking-Glass :rolleyes: )

moving right along:

... : the resulting explosion propelled me even deeper into the midst of the Pug-Uglies ... (and some missed the fact that I used my Pixie-Witch powers to bring back the Tim Tams to my vicinity from Queensland... ) and their freight of Tim Tams, in fact, right next to the driver, the one kilted Piper left (Canadian RWR RUPERT gone Scottish) after my rounds of :fry: and Bren shots, who navigated the CMP round the bent-minds of the Oz- :sheep: -manian and other MLU :devil: 's back onto the straight and narrow pathway to my Canadian bunker warmed by buffalo pies and buffalo rugs and R&R and .....

Keith Webb 09-08-05 09:58


Originally posted by Vets Dottir
(whad-did-I-tell-yahs ... MLU-ers Through The Looking-Glass :rolleyes: )

moving right along:

... : the resulting explosion propelled me even deeper into the midst of the Pug-Uglies ... (and some missed the fact that I used my Pixie-Witch powers to bring back the Tim Tams to my vicinity from Queensland... ) and their freight of Tim Tams, in fact, right next to the driver, the one kilted Piper left (Canadian RWR RUPERT gone Scottish) after my rounds of :fry: and Bren shots, who navigated the CMP round the bent-minds of the Oz- :sheep: -manian and other MLU :devil: 's back onto the straight and narrow pathway to my Canadian bunker warmed by buffalo pies and buffalo rugs and R&R and .....

...suddenly there was a great flash of light and in a cloud of pink smoke a fairy named Jifferina dressed in pink satin was standing there holding a rather oversized wand.

Smiling a pert little smile the fairy raised his wand and Pouff! Yappy turned into a :sheep: BAAAA! she thought... then suddenly she screamed: BAAAAAAAAAAHHHH!!! as a desert coloured carrier bore down upon her. There was a grey haired bloke driving and a wicked oz-manian filming her...

Max Hedges 09-08-05 10:32

her being kissed by her knight in shining armour, he kept kissing and kissing but alas her knight was unable to revive the Baaaaaah Baaaaaaaah to her former glory. The desert coloured carrier with the grey haired driver and the ozmania filmer faded away into the horizon heading for a fresh supply of more tim tams to bring.......................

cliff 09-08-05 13:36


Originally posted by Max Hedges
her being kissed by her knight in shining armour, he kept kissing and kissing but alas her knight was unable to revive the Baaaaaah Baaaaaaaah to her former glory. The desert coloured carrier with the grey haired driver and the ozmania filmer faded away into the horizon heading for a fresh supply of more tim tams to bring.......................
...Ma yappy back drooling once she figured out how to escape from the knight in shining armour as she could not use her trusty pan to :fry: the knight as he was wearing it. Not to :dh: what could she do?...Ah ha (in :sheep: laungage) she said I can.......

Max Hedges 09-08-05 14:47

1 Attachment(s)
... I can chew on this Tim Tam while Chris skirts my flece, Emma classes it and when I'm out in the yard, Max puts me in the race and drenches me for fluke. Then I'm ready to ...

Garry Shipton (RIP) 09-08-05 15:46

The fairy Jifferina waved his beer bottle shaped ward and said,"Oh :fry: pixie,I will grant you one wish and all the Tim Tams and vegemite you want,but you must get me one thing!!I in turn wish for an Auzzie head fitting slouch hat,cause nobody got me one and I'm sad".So, feeling bad the pixie said....

Vets Dottir 09-08-05 17:24


Originally posted by Garry Shipton
The fairy Jifferina waved his beer bottle shaped ward and said,"Oh :fry: pixie,I will grant you one wish and all the Tim Tams and vegemite you want,but you must get me one thing!!I in turn wish for an Auzzie head fitting slouch hat,cause nobody got me one and I'm sad".So, feeling bad the pixie said....
"Hmmmm ... let me consider that a moment Jiffer-oo-ina ... thats a difficult deployment as the only Slouch-Hat I know close enough for me to get at is being possessively worn by a cunning grizzled oldtimer Cap'n in Snowen Sound ... he DOES enjoy Tim Tams ... perhaps I can ...

Ponysoldier 09-08-05 21:36

Now this is really get out of hand :D

Vets Dottir 10-08-05 03:48


Originally posted by Ponysoldier
Now this is really get out of hand :D
Yes ... I agree :D But nothing that a little selective editing here and there can't alter somewhat ;) :D

Ponysoldier 10-08-05 04:46


Originally posted by Vets Dottir
Yes ... I agree :D But nothing that a little selective editing here and there can't alter somewhat ;) :D
What and lose all this creative thinking!! :D

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