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SteveJ 13-08-15 05:58

Except to those trying to preserve military history.

Very sad :giveup

Jerry.Steber 09-09-15 22:36

M38a1 cdn2
I recently purchased an M38A1 CDN2. The CFR is 67-07770. Would you please be so kind and provide me what you can from the Canadian Forces database. I am located in Pennsylvania.

Thank you for your time.

Jerry Steber

Chief Warrant Officer 4
US Army

rob love 09-09-15 23:16

CFR No 07770
CFR Year 1967
Serial No 7105-97241
Actual ECC 121201
Authorized ECC 121201
NSN ERN 30103
Holding Unit 0107
DA Unit 0107
Date Acquired 01-Jan-67
Cost 0Alloc Code MA
Comm Suite Current VMO DP356294 - 28-Aug-86
HN Date 17-Dec-86
Pending? No
Disposed? Yes
Disposal Date 17-Nov-86
Vehicle was in Petawawa area on disposal. It may have been there all it's life but the new viewer doesn't say.

Frank v R 10-09-15 01:11

I know this vehicle, you have a great amount of work ahead of you , good luck on your new project,

maple_leaf_eh 10-09-15 04:24


Originally Posted by Jerry.Steber (Post 213904)

Thank you for your time.

Jerry Steber

Chief Warrant Officer 4
US Army

Which branch of the service?

jaysond 14-10-15 15:09

I recently purchased an 85 Bombardier Iltis. The CFR is 86386.

I'd love to learn more about its history if someone could look it up for me in the EDR viewer.

Thank's so much in advance!

maple_leaf_eh 14-10-15 16:27

EDR Light response

Originally Posted by jaysond (Post 215272)
I recently purchased an 85 Bombardier Iltis. The CFR is 86386.

I'd love to learn more about its history if someone could look it up for me in the EDR viewer.

Thank's so much in advance!

CFR Information
CFR No 86386
CFR Year 1985
Serial No BI01-01-85-86386
Authorized ECC 121501
NSN 2320-21-895-3768
ERN 30111
Holding Unit 0105*
DA Unit 0105
Date Acquired 22-Oct-85
Cost 26363
Alloc Code MB**
Comm Suite
Current VMO DLE22920 - 24-Oct-05***
HN Date 12-Dec-06
Pending? No
Disposed? Yes
Disposal Date 24-Nov-05

*UIC ID 0105
Canadian Forces Base/Area Support Unit Gagetown
*** Yours was part of a big Vehicle Movement Order (VMO) ...
121501 84-86100 NONE/AUCUN
121501 84-86273 NONE/AUCUN
121501 85-86385 NONE/AUCUN
121501 85-86386 NONE/AUCUN
121501 85-86387 NONE/AUCUN
121501 85-86458 NONE/AUCUN
121501 85-86607 NONE/AUCUN
121501 85-86722 NONE/AUCUN
121501 85-86744 NONE/AUCUN
121501 85-86748 NONE/AUCUN
121501 85-86939 NONE/AUCUN
121501 85-87087 NONE/AUCUN
121501 85-87122 NONE/AUCUN
121501 85-87350 NONE/AUCUN
121501 85-87835 NONE/AUCUN
121501 86-30761 NONE/AUCUN
121501 86-88313 NONE/AUCUN
121501 86-88694 NONE/AUCUN
121501 86-88695 NONE/AUCUN
121501 86-88710 NONE/AUCUN
121501 86-88753 NONE/AUCUN
121501 86-88757 NONE/AUCUN
121503 86-88785 NONE/AUCUN
121503 86-88786 NONE/AUCUN
121503 86-88838 NONE/AUCUN
121519 86-87998 NONE/AUCUN
121519 86-88134 NONE/AUCUN

Dave deBlois 29-11-15 22:06

Recently took possession on not sure of year Iltis believe 85 or six


rob love 30-11-15 00:04


Originally Posted by Dave deBlois (Post 216964)
Recently took possession on not sure of year Iltis believe 85 or six


It would appear to be a 1984 model.

Dave deBlois 30-11-15 11:27

Thanks Rob

Would it still be possible to get a history of this?


maple_leaf_eh 01-12-15 16:05

Deputy Minister and Chief of the Defence Staff message 1 Dec 15
In compliance with subj order referring to unauthorized disclosure of information, I will not answer any further requests for EDR information. Not that old files on surplussed trucks are likely to compromise national security but the EDR falls within the bounds of security orders.

However, I strongly encourage all members of MLU to pay $5 and submit an Access to Information request to DND indicating that they wish to receive electronic copies of all files held on the EDR and any other appropriate sources for (insert CFR or serial number and model identification). The system is designed to respond within 30 days and the returns are likely to be more explicit than any details myself or others in the service might be able to find on coffee breaks or at lunchtime.

Luc Perreault 17-12-15 20:16

Can you have any numbers for M113 APC? Thank's

rob love 17-12-15 21:13

If it was Cdn M113A1, A2 or A3 (TLAV), the basic data will be there. But as Terry said, there was a recent DND wide reminder about passing on seemingly innocent info from the Defense Information System to the public. So unfortunately each person will now have to put in a freedom to access of information request to DND for this information. Good news is they only cost $5 and the basic data is still there (for now).

SilvioI 27-12-15 04:47

I see records are available of for regular M113s, are M113 1/2 Lynx Recce records available?

SilvioI 27-12-15 04:50

Also, what is the CFR number? Is this the same as the serial number?

maple_leaf_eh 27-12-15 04:59

1 Attachment(s)
CFR is Canadian Forces Registration. A five-figure number used on the licence plate and most commonly used as the shorthand identification of one vehicle from another. Often spoken with the two-figure year of acquisition in front.

So my M38A1CDN3 is too much name for the ordinary user. It would have been 70-08876 or just eight seven six in service. The numbers have rolled over 99999 and the low numbers are being reissued on new stuff.

To answer your questions, yes the data was still available last month before the orders were passed. Should still be there, but make the Access to Information Request pronto.

SilvioI 27-12-15 05:02

Thanks, I know what you are talking about. I will get the info tomorrow. What orders?

maple_leaf_eh 27-12-15 06:47


Originally Posted by SilvioI (Post 218324)
Thanks, I know what you are talking about. I will get the info tomorrow. What orders?

Deputy Minister and Chief of the Defence Staff message 1 Dec 15

It was released within the department and I could not locate the full text on-line. Perhaps it was never intended for worldwide consumption but directed to serving military and civilian personnel only.

rob love 27-12-15 06:47


Originally Posted by SilvioI (Post 218324)
What orders?

There was a directive from very high up that information contained on the defense information network (DIN) was not to be released to the public without gong through proper channels. As such, I don't think anybody either in uniform or in civilian clothing with access to the DIN will want to breech that order. As such, I am pretty sure that as it stands, Hanno or a moderator could lock this whole thread.

SilvioI 27-12-15 06:51

So should I just not bother to post the vehicle info?

SilvioI 27-12-15 19:37

For what it is worth, here it is

FMC 1967 Lynx Recon Vehicle

Mfg serial number CRZ-0031

CRF number 35830

Ed Storey 27-12-15 20:10

Are you sure it is not CR-2-0021?

SilvioI 27-12-15 20:25

The dataplate said CRZ-0031

Ed Storey 27-12-15 20:36

Data Plate
How about sending along a photo?

SilvioI 27-12-15 20:42


Originally Posted by Ed Storey (Post 218349)
How about sending along a photo?

I do not have a photo right now because it was dark inside the carrier and I did not have a flashlight. I had just enough light to read the dataplate by eye and I wrote it down.

I can show you a pic of the CFR number however as it is painted on externally.

rob love 27-12-15 20:56

It was recorded by the CF as CR2. Don't ask me how I know.

SilvioI 27-12-15 20:59

Ok. I probably miss read it. I will go back and take a photo of it tomorrow.

Ed Storey 27-12-15 21:31

Data Plate
Yes, double-checking might be best. If you can get a photograph to confirm helps.

Didn't I already ask if it was CR-2-whatever in an earlier post...

Rob, I think you should be on the list for a free book as you established what the vehicle was actually called.

SilvioI 27-12-15 21:37

I knew what the vehicle was called. I put M113 1/2 Lynx as this distinguishes it from the Ford Lynx wheeled recon vehicle. This term is also used to ID it on other websites and photo galleries. Also adding M113 generally gets more attention.

Ed Storey 27-12-15 21:46

Book Tilte
Then why not write on the M113? Using a fictitious vehicle name gives zero credibility to your proposed book. You are also starting out on the wrong foot if you are going to use photo galleries and websites as your source of information.

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